
Father ?

It was getting dark already and I've not seen anywhere to lay my head,every house I went to rejected me, their expression and body language was enough to tell me that I wasn't welcomed in their home,no one trust strangers nowadays so I wouldn't blame them,even shop owners wouldn't let me stay at their shop,they chased me away saying I was theif who wanted to steal from them,I cried my heart out,I didn't believe it was going to be this hard but I endured all because of my father.I was walking along the busy street with every eyes following evey step I make, what can I say I looked like a mad person who just escaped from a psychiatric hospital, people thought I was crazy but I'm not,it was love that was pushing me into alk this, risking my life to find my father who I don't know if he's even alive, feeling bad for my making my mom worried sick for days,not minding how she'll feel and it would break her,Gillian would be lonely now because he would never want me to leave his side but here I am in Port Harcourt, looking for a father I don't know and the knowledge about him being a criminal is what I still can't comprehend but I'll get to the bottom of it all.I saw an uncompleted at a distance and ran into with so much happiness that I've seen where to lay my head,I went in and sat on the ground that was full of broken cement blocks,it wasn't smooth but I managed and after some minutes later I slept off.The sound of a cocked gun woke me up and I jumped immediately when I saw black pistol pointed at me,I was half dead because I was surrounded by masked men with different ammunition with them then I knew that my time has come and it was going to be here,with people I don't know,I begged them for my life because I didn't know I entered their lair when a particular voice stopped them and they lowered the guns;a tall man dressed in black from head to toe walked towards wearing a mask too,he stooped down to me, held my hand and lifted me up,he took off his mask and you wouldn't believe who I saw;it was the same man,the police officer showed me at the station,the wanted criminal Mr.Okorie,he looked at and smiled broadly revelling a missing tooth but I dumb founded when he mentioned my name "Jasmine my little princess,I can't believe it's you"he hugged me immediately and I didn't see it coming,he smelled of cigarettes and liquor ,he pulled me away gently examing me"It's me your father, don't you remember?"he asked me and how the hell was I supposed to remember when he never showed up in my life.I stood for minutes looking at the man who called himself my dad,I was speechless the whole time he asked me about mom and Gillain,I couldn't believe I was seeing my father after all these years,the thought about it made me cry and hugged him not minding I was hugging a criminal but all that matters in the world was at last I saw my father not dead but alive and I couldn't beliymy eyes,it was a dream come true,he kept on asking about my mom,where they are and what she was doing,he asked how I got there but my response shocked him when I told him I was here I Port Harcourt because of him,he hugged me again and I asked "Daddy why are you doing this"pointing to the gun in his hand,he sighed looking at me ,he didn't know where to start from but he waved it aside and led me out of the building,hid fingers intertwined in mine.He was filled with so much joy when he saw me,he couldn't even contain it all he did was to just to laugh to suppress it but I have so many questions for my father which he must answer.