Chapter 3 Book 4

Chapter 3

The Ritual of Shame

Dad had set the alarm for six a.m. To give us all the time to bathe before we got on the road again. It was my job to bathe and groom my brothers. Besides, Mom and Dad wanted some alone time together, which was more than fine with me as I ran the tub for all of us. It used to be Jody's and Kerry's job or Shane's job. Now it was my job to do it. Frankly, my brothers preferred me to do it, and so did Mom and Dad. One of the benefits of being a brother is that I did not have to sit on the sides of the tub. Instead, I would climb in with them. Mom had taken several pictures of me taking a bath with my brothers, telling me that those were her favorite ones.

I did it for two reasons, one because it was easier and the second because I could. The major benefit was that I loved them more than anything and would never in a million years hurt them.

I am not Shawn, and I felt sorry for him because he was missing out on a chance to be with his brothers and show them how much he loved them, but instead, he abused them, and the privilege was taken away. Even though we were not blood-related, they were still my brothers, and to them; I was their big brother, not Shawn. People do not understand that blood means nothing. All that matters is the love we share with one another.

Anyone can have a child, but it takes more than blood, genes, and sperm to become part of a family. My father and my sisters do not understand that. In truth, I have had several brothers and sisters and parents, and none of them had the same genes as me. I only hope when I die that God sees it that way because I do not want to be a part of my biological family.

It does not matter if my mother changed as I got older, or the fact Aaron is my biological brother and l love him and her. But it would be just plain cruel if I had to be with them forever. To me, it would be living in hell, one of the reasons I hate and despise the LDS church is when they throw it in my face, telling me families are forever crap.

After I bathed them and me, I laid each of them on the bed, taking a basin of water and some shaving lotion, plus a razor so I could groom each of them. It did not matter that Jared was the only one that had some pubic hair. Mom and Dad wanted me to do all of them, so as they got older, it would be just something we do. Mostly I think it is because my brothers like it when I do it because I have time to stimulate all of them orally.

Even though I did not need to, I enjoyed doing it, and they would not have it any other way. By the time I had finished with Jason, we heard Mom scream Dad's name, telling him to go harder. I never realized how thin paper the walls are as the headboard in Mom and Dad's room kept banging it as if Dad and she were going to go through our wall and the bed squeaking. We all laughed at hearing them.

Jared told me how hard it was to sleep last night as Dad and I stimulated Mom because of that. I did not correct him, knowing he knew I was doing more than that. He just kept it between us. It was obvious that I would still have some time, so I got on the bed and made myself comfortable, telling my brothers not to be gentle, and giving them a chance to take turns stimulating me as I did them.

Dad opened the door when they had just finished sharing me between them. Most parents would freak out seeing four naked boys and them stimulating their older brother. But not my foster parents. Dad simply said we were leaving in a few minutes and wanted to make sure we brushed our teeth. I pulled out three straws cut to certain lengths to decide who was going to ride with me and Dad first.

Apparently, it was Jared's lucky day to go first. I kissed each of my brothers, telling them each I loved them, and the things Dad and I were going to do to them when it was their turn. Giving them each a little tickle between their legs, letting each of them get a little hard. After all, I had just stimulated them all and it would be at least an hour before any of us would be completely hard again. Dad closed the door and left us to obey his and Mom's orders.

When we came out, Mom had us give her our robes so she could put them in with the things that needed to be washed. She gave us each a clean pair of shorts and a shirt. Telling us that when we stop for breakfast, we will stop so we can dress before going into town. Fill up and have a nice hot breakfast, but for now, we were fine just the way we were. Having us turn around so she could check that I gave them each a nice bath smelling our hair. She kissed each of us, giving us our pills and vitamins, and climbed into Shane's truck naked with Jason and my little brother Johnathon.

Mom and Dad did not care if anyone saw us like the housekeeper coming out of one of the rooms above us. I knew what she was thinking, but simply did not care. By the time the cops arrived, we would have been long gone. Dad gave her a clear view, watching her blush as he gave her a wave, telling her to enjoy the view. I heard her mumble nudist and quickly directed her attention elsewhere.

I had given Sparky a nice walk before I bathed my brothers and had already put him inside his cage. I filled up his dog's food dish with fresh water and leftover ice cubes. Jared and I climbed into the truck as Dad took his spot behind the wheel and headed out to go pick up our horses from Dad's friend. Dad did not bother putting on a robe as he got out of the truck and knocked on the door. I soon understood why. Found out they too were nudists. It should have surprised me, but it did not. Dad told me and Jared to gather the horses and load them inside the trailer.

Normally I would have blushed bright red because they were strangers to me, but after spending two weeks in a nudist community it just was not a big deal anymore. The fact they had two beautiful daughters did not faze me or Jared. Like me, he did not get hard because we saw two naked girls with nice-looking breasts. We went on with our job, giving them a wave and introducing ourselves as they came closer.

Jared and I both shook their hands and kissed them on the cheek, which was a standard greeting. I smiled as they licked their lips as they saw my well-toned body. It still did not faze Jared and me when they gave our butts a loving pat and a pinch. Considering Mom and most of the girls we meet, they just could not resist. They giggled at how cute we were, as I climbed into the truck, having Jared direct me so I could hook up the trailer.

Dad motioned me and Jared over when I pulled up to the house. Dad introduced me and Jared said. "These are my sons, Eric and Jared." We each gave them a standard greeting with the same handshake and kiss on the cheek.

Dad asked if we were ready to go. I said we were and spoke. "It was nice to meet you, folks," and climbed into the truck with Jared.

Once again, the girls giggled at how cute we were. I knew they wanted more, but we were on a deadline and the clock was ticking. Mom and Dad gave them each a hug, telling them they would call them when we got home.

Once we were back on the open road, Jared made himself comfortable, between my legs, letting Dad fasten me in so I could sleep and not roll off the seat with Jared. Jared kissed me as he had his way with me. I whispered in his ear; he smiled and gave me a nod as we slipped down further so we could put our feet in Dad's lap.

Dad tickled our feet and slid the seat back a little bit, so that when he climaxed, Jared would have plenty of room to lick him clean. I closed my eyes, put my hat over my eyes, and grinned every time Dad climaxed. Jared worked between us as I drifted off into a soft sleep. Unlike last time, Mom did not give me a pill to help me sleep. Mostly because we had a good night's sleep and wanted me to be awake for breakfast. So, I only napped without dreaming.

When we arrived closer to town Dad woke me, telling me and Jared to dress so we would not give the poor natives a heart attack. When we did so, we continued and filled up the truck, hearing the gas station attendant tell Dad that there was a Denny's a couple of miles up. Dad thanked the guy, gave him a tip, and climbed in. Like me, Dad was just as uncomfortable wearing clothes after being naked for so long that our clothes felt out of place. We saved our shirts for last as we pulled into the parking lot. Mom, too was having a hard time always fiddling with them.

After we took a seat in a large booth, Mom whispered over that we all looked better naked. Personally, I had to agree, clothing just seemed so unnecessary, and felt we were hiding something from each other. It was like we had been living a lie all these years now that we were covered up.

Like me, everyone ate quickly, mostly because we were hungry. The other reason was, we knew the second we were back on the road we could ditch these masks and be normal again. I never felt that way at home. Now it seemed like it was inconvenient and wondered how in the hell we were going to adjust when we got home and had to go to school or church.

If I did not know better, Dad would break the speed limit just so we could be normal again. I never saw our family peel off our clothes so fast and breathe a sigh of relief when Mom put them back in with the things that needed to be washed. Giving us each a clean robe just in case we needed to be decent in a hurry. I felt sorry for Mom as Dad handed back her bikini top. Watching her place her robe over her shoulders, while the rest of us boys went without as we folded them across the seat, to keep them off the floor. Jared gave my baby brother a knuckle bump because it was his turn to be with me and Dad.

Dad passed me the keys and told me not to stop until I reached half a tank, placing his feet in my lap. Telling me it was time for a little payback. I grinned and tickled his feet and followed the road as directed. I soon realized why Mom had to be decent on top of watching several cars and trucks pass us. I hated the fact that we were getting closer to civilization, which said clearly our vacation as a family was over. Like Jared, Dad turned Jonathan around to fetch whenever Dad got me to fully climax with the pill that Mom gave us, it happened almost every hour.

I woke Dad in his soft sleep with my baby brother resting on his chest after he had more than enough of me and Dad. Telling him I had reached half a tank. Dad lifted off his ball cap and took the map out telling me to turn when I saw a dirt road. I nodded and did what he said. The mood changed as I saw a house maybe ten or fifteen miles from the main road.

Right away I noticed Jody's and Kerry's car parked up front. Dad had me pull up alongside the field where there were a few horses in it and had me back up close to the gate. I watched Mom take off her robe and rip the bikini top off her, wanting to stomp on it. Instead, she tossed it inside Shane's truck, and quickly replaced her robe, and told my brothers to do the same.

Our sisters were the first to greet us, all wearing similar robes and barefoot. They gasped when they saw how tan we were compared to them. Well, what they could see was not hidden behind the robes. I did not realize how dark we were until I saw them and everyone else that was inside the house.

Dad greeted the occupants of the house with a firm handshake and hug. Dad quickly introduced us as they shook my hand and brought me into a close hug. Dad said. "This is Mr. and Mrs. Frank and Wilma Gill. They are close friends of ours. In fact, I served with him during the war," I did not ask which war because everyone that says that now means the Vietnam War. Apparently, they were nudists, but like us, they all wore robes and were barefoot as well, when meeting us. I had a feeling they only wore the robes because of me.

Dad asked about Shawn and Arthur, having them state that they had followed Mom and Dad's instructions to the letter, asking them. "Are you sure you still want to do this?"

Dad looked at Mom and us and spoke. "No, but they left us no choice. Let us go inside and I will bring you up-to-date considering I have more information. It is either this or kill them. I know they would be already dead if we had followed the laws of the community. One of the main reasons why we left is hoping to change what happened. I may not like the idea, but it is either this or the alternative." The first thought that came to mind, and it was that prison might be a better alternative. I did not believe in killing teenagers, but Shawn was only fourteen almost fifteen, and Arthur was sixteen like me.

Dad knew I knew what he was talking about. How can I not … spending all that time with Dillon? And Dad had already mentioned the shaming ritual, just not all of it. Kerry and Jody helped me with the horses and showed me where I could put Sparky for the moment. I knew they were avoiding going around the back as they had me put Sparky tied to a tree in the front with plenty of shade.

Sparky could not wait to stretch his legs as he ran around in circles, sniffing everything and lifting his leg to mark his territory. I glimpsed a large swimming pool. But everything else was hidden from my view. I knew what and who I was looking for, but dreading the fact at the same time.

The first thing I noticed was how nervous my sisters were around me. Jody asked me if it was all right if they kissed me. I knew what they meant, and it was not a simple kiss on the cheek or the lips, they wanted a full-out kiss. I said. "Of course you can. You are my sisters." I sounded stupid when I said it, so I made the first move and pulled Jody closer and kissed her like I do Mom and all my girls and my brothers and Dad.

Jody gasped for a brief moment, not expecting me to give her such a deep kiss. She grabbed hold of me and pulled me closer and kissed me again even deeper. Leaving me just a little breathless. Kerry wasted no time and pulled me even closer and kissed me even deeper. She only jumped when her husband touched her on the shoulder. Like everyone else, he was wearing a robe except he was completely open, telling her that Mom and Dad were waiting for us inside.

I shook his hand only to have me embrace him in a very tight hug. Telling me I had grown since the last time he saw me. I wanted to say more than you know, but said. "Yes, and you are shorter since I saw you last," making my sisters laugh. I knew better than to keep Mom and Dad waiting as I watched Kerry's husband John go to Shane's truck and pick up that horrid black box and large yellow envelope from inside Shane's truck.

Jody and Kerry led me inside the house. Dad yelled to me to run out and grab my photo albums so I could show everyone my mermaids. I quickly obey with a spring in my step, dying to show my sisters, my mermaids. I rushed up the stairs to find everyone sitting in the living room all still wearing their robes.

Mom patted a seat next to her and Dad had me sit in the middle as Dad recapped my adventures and my heroics. Having my two foster sisters gasp hearing about me saving people from drowning and the girl from being raped, I saw the hurt just for a moment in Jody's eyes hearing how I saved her. I felt bad because I was not there to save her from being raped.

She only asked me one question if it was all true having Dad telling her and them every word, he said. "He had a line of girls waiting for his affection, that they had to guard the door to keep him safe or they would have torn him to pieces fighting over him." Dad and Mom were grinning ear to ear as Mom hugged my shoulders.

I tried to tell them. "I only did those things because it was the right thing to do and was not as a big deal as Dad is making it sound," Mom said I was just being modest. I hated being the hero, but they refused to listen to me.

Dad stated I had at least fifty girlfriends buying for my love, writing me love letters, passing around my photo album and Dad taking some of the letters and passing them around. Jody and Kerry blushed when they read some of the provocative things they wanted to do to me. Dad said there was more and placed them all in a box for now. I knew they were and where they were, hoping they would not make me go get them. I pointed out my three mermaids and my boyfriend Dillon showing them the ring we each now wear to remind us of the vows we had taken.

Mom and Dad explained the ceremony in the meadow as Dad showed the pictures, he had taken from it as they passed it around the room. At first, I thought my sisters were going to freak out, but instead all I saw and felt was the love they had for me. I then showed them the six chosen girls. Jody and Kerry said how cute I looked dressed up in my uniform and sailor suit. I blushed remembering how they ripped my clothes off, including my Sunday suit.

I knew my sisters wanted the details, but that would be kept for now, as they turned the pages finding more girls, and more girls, and a few boys. Dad, stating I had set a new record when it came to how many girls, I actually dated that I had spent more time with them than I did with our family. Which was more than true, he just did not say how tired I was afterward.

Dad brought up the main part of our business. The mood in the room changed as an icy wind had just been through here. Dad got up and placed a video into the VCR. He told us what was on the tape, and personally, I wanted my brothers to leave the room, hell I wanted to leave the room. On the tape was Shawn, Arthur, and Danny doing unspeakable things to each other.

I watched as my brothers cringed in horror. I quickly got off the couch and took them in my arms, as the tape played itself out. Seeing it and hearing it were two different things. Dad explained there are other tapes, showing more of the same. Dad turned it off and sat back down and recapped what he had learned from me and my three foster brothers watching my sisters and everyone's faces turn ghostly white.

Mom had tears in her eyes as she rushed over to help me with my brothers, letting them cry in our arms. Jody quickly left the room and threw up in the bathroom. Kerry went after her not wanting to hear anymore as the abuse got more detailed.

Dad stopped when his voice cracked and sobbed in his hands for letting it go on for so long. I could see everyone had tears streaming down their faces. Dad quickly said. "There is more, but I can't bring myself to tell you." Mrs. Gill got up and hugged Dad while her husband brought Dad a glass of water.

Dad drank it dry as he sat there trying to control himself. Dad had John open the black box, even though everyone knew what was in it. John did not even want to touch what was inside it, but he did, laying the robes of shame on the floor and two girls' wigs. Nobody said anything as they stared at them, not daring to turn their eyes. Dad picked each of them up and put them back in the box and put the lid back on.