Chapter 9-2 Book 4

Chapter 9-2

Living A Secret Life

Part 3

We were on our way back to camp when. Mr. Kenly noticed we had left our clothes back by the rock and quickly retrieved them. The fact he did not put his shorts back on said he was just as comfortable being naked as I was, which did not surprise me. By that time, my mother had caught up with us. The fact I was naked registered this time as she looked down and my very hard penis pointed our way. Dad reached down and flexed it, watching it spring back so fast it could have been a slingshot.

Mom watched and missed a step and blushed bright red, well as red as I could see through the lantern, she grumbled. "First my son is having oral sex with a man and now his adoptive Dad is playing with his penis."

Dad turned around so we could face her and said. "And why not? He is my son and I like his penis that way. Do not tell me, you never had your husband's penis in your hands and gave it a go, after bearing four children Mrs. Shepherd?"

Mom giggled and said. "Of course, I have, but to be honest it's been years."

I whispered loud enough, only Mr. Kenly, and Dad could hear me and said. "Must have been the flavor," Mom heard me, but she did not say no. My mother grabbed my robe from Mr. Kenly right off his shoulders. Telling me the excuse, "It's getting cold," which it wasn't, handing it to me to put it on. I declined the offer. I was not embarrassed about having a hard-on that could hold a car up all by itself.

Mom said. "I am your mother. I just think it's better we cover that up until it goes down."

I said. "Fine! But I am not hiding it, Mom. The only way it's going to go down is if I stimulate myself right here or Dad or Mom take care of it or my brothers." I took the robe and put it on, but left it open. I knew I was being rude, but I did not care. Dad did not care, my adoptive Mom did not care, and my brothers did not care.

My mother asked a stupid question. "What do you mean by, they will take care of it?"

I turned sharply and got into her face. "How do you think, Mom?" Mom's eyes got huge, and she looked at my big, stretched limousine. I knew she figured it out, well most of it anyway. My talk with my mother was not going how I had planned it. True, she just found me with another man's penis in my mouth and watched us kiss big time. Plus, learned I have been having sex and I am bisexual. Still, she was having a hard time believing it was true. I wondered how she was going to take it with me by kissing my adoptive Mom. I giggled inside, knowing she might have a meltdown.

Plus, the fact I have a boyfriend and have been having sex was just the tip of the iceberg. The fact they were mostly were nudist girls my age. However, she is still unaware that I have had sex with my adoptive Mom as well as my two adoptive sisters, and two other mothers hadn't been told … yet … Maybe it will get so bad she will leave me here and I can go back to having lots of sex instead of putting a sock on the door. Like Dad said grab the bull by the horns.

My adoptive Mom never saw it coming as I raced up to her and pulled her close and kissed her hard. When we released, she said. "Let me guess, you are really horny again?" I grinned and made my penis spring back like a rocket. She said. "Oh, my son, now that's a problem I think I can handle," I whispered in her ear. Mom said it really loud, well loud enough for everyone in our proximity. "You want me to take you on the table, right now in front of your mother?"

I nodded and said. "Please." Stretching the word "Please" out just a bit, letting my penis spring back a couple of times like I was playing an electric guitar. "But, son, we are about to have dinner." I pouted and opened her robe and grabbed a breast. Man, I was horny.

My mother had a meltdown right there. "What are you doing to my son now?'

Mom Rothwell said. "Giving him what he wants, what do you think he's been doing for the last two and a half weeks, Linda? He likes breasts and enjoys stimulating every girl he has been with, plus lots and lots of sex. I tell you, those poor girls or missing my son. They howled all day and all night?"

My mother said. "I thought you were kidding. He's only sixteen."

Mr. Kenly stepped in and spoke. "I was fifteen when I had my first girl and never stopped ever since?"

Mom Rothwell leaned down and stroked me while I moaned, letting my eyeballs roll up inside my head. My mother stood there looking at me as she stroked me in front of them. When she turned to look at where my adoptive brothers were sitting, they licked their lips. My mother was almost over the edge. Aaron's head was like a pinball machine. I could tell he was sporting his own.

Mom Rothwell told me. "After dinner, providing your mother either goes for a nice long walk, or she stays and helps you cure your problem."

I pouted. "Fine! But I want a full body massage."

Mom Rothwell kissed me and said. "I think we can do that; I do not think this table would support us, though." I took a seat next to Dad, having my mother sit on the other side of the table. I was glad we had brought the three long ones that folded up. Man, I was horny as I kept letting it spring back and forth.

My mother glared at me, then at Mom and Dad. I knew what she was thinking. I had just turned into a sex addict. Not just a run-of-the-mill nudist, but a sex addict. My mother licked her dry lips and had to ask another stupid question. "So let me get this straight. You were with a girl, only first base, right?" I grinned and shook my head. She cringed asked. "Second base?" I grinned even more. She swallowed hard and cringed again. "third base?" I grinned even wider. She had a big drink and whispered. "Fourth bases?"

Dad settled it. "Linda, he's been with the entire team and scored a double hitter."

Mom asked another dumb question. "Just one girl, right?" Dad picked up my photo album. And brought it over to her, giving her enough light to see. He pointed. "He's been with this one and this one and this one," turning the pages "and this one, oh yes, his favorite … his three mermaids. Those three he did every night, almost until the crack of dawn."

My mother gasped, looking at me, and said. "All those girls in one night, one at a time I hope?"

I shook my head and said. "Nope, all three at the same time." Mr. Kenly looked at me and the girls. I noticed he was hard again. I said. "Sometimes we do it again in the morning as they bathe me."

Mom had another meltdown. "You and they did what?"

I said. "You heard me, Mom. Let's just say I was very, very naughty, and very horny."

Mom spits her drink out when I say it. My mother asked another dumb question. "And you did not stop him?"

Dad said. "Nope, not even when they dressed him up so they could rip his clothes off."

I said. "Correction Dad, so "we" could rip each other's clothes off."

My mother said. "We are going to have a very long talk son, trust me when I say very long. If I could right now, I would spank that extremely cute butt of yours."

My adoptive Mom intervened and said. "And he'd probably like it, considering he likes the rough stuff." Dad and Mr. Kenly laughed, but my mother did not find it a bit funny. Mom Rothwell gave me two large hamburgers and a whole plate of French fries and two hot dogs. She reached down over my shoulders and stroked me and asked me. "Have you been sneaking those horny pills?"

I gave her a silly grin and stuck my finger in my mouth said. "Maybe." 

She said. "Then you better eat up, because you will need all your strength."

Dad opened his robe and gave a quick flip to his hard penis, I and my Rothwell brothers watched spring back, he said. "You mean those little white pills?"

Mom said. "Yes, dear, those little white pills."

Dad gave it another bounce and said. "Eric and I thought those were breath mints, well that's what it said on the tin-can, dear?" My mother turned to look at Dad's penis and so did Mrs. Kenly,"

Aaron said. "Mom, he doesn't have any hair either. I have hair, but they do not. Why Mom? Why do they not have hair there anymore?"

Dad sat down next to me with his robe open and said. "Because, son, we shaved it all off, so when we are with someone, they do not get in our hair in their mouth and get sick."

Aaron gasped as he dropped his jaw. "You put this in your mouth?" Pointing to his hard package under his trunks.

Dad nodded said. "Yes, son, the whole thing."

Aaron said. "Yew, gross," I laughed when I remembered my first time. My mother glared at me, saying she did not want me or anyone to tell him it was ok.

She repeated her words. "Looooong talk son, you understand me long talk."

Mom Rothwell said. "Good, now that's settled. I can leave Eric here to tend to his brothers while I go shopping. I am sure my husband will be more than willing to answer any of your questions. Regarding my son or should I say son's sex life? Now eat your dinner, it's getting cold. And I promised my son Eric that I would give him a full body massage so I could cure his very "hard" problem. In fact, it might be best if he moved into our tent, so we won't disturb you, but then again, I am a screamer when I have sex. Oh yes, Linda, I mean lots of sex." She took her finger with one hand and made a circle with the other and thrust it back and forth.

My mother's eyes widened even more. When she realized that I had seen my Mom and Dad make passionate love, I did not know how I was going to break it to my mother that not only had I seen them have sex, but I was also the one doing it. Mr. Kenly knew, and he did not look all that pleased. He raised his hand, counting each of my girls. 1, I gave him a thumbs up. 2. I gave him another thumbs up to go higher 3, 4, 5, and 10. I still raised my thumbs up and glanced down at my book.

Dad saw what he was doing and saved me and said. "Let me tell you a story about my son, Eric T. Rothwell. He was a shy boy until he came across three exceptionally beautiful mermaids on his first morning when we arrived at our beautiful lake. He was shy like I said, but he heard the call so distinctly and so enchanted that he couldn't resist their call. As he was running, he stopped and listened. After I had warned him that if he heard the call that he should run. But it overpowered him as he saw three beautiful naked mermaids."

Dad turned the page and shined the light on them. "He forgot himself and the warning when they approached him it was too late for him as he drew closer. Now, what boy in their right mind would turn down a beautiful girl, not just one, but three? When I say he forgot himself, I mean he forgot that he too was naked."

Dad grinned and put his arm around me. "He was so entrapped by their beauty that he did not realize he was aroused by them. When he did, he backed away and ran from them. I warned him once he heard them singing and calling his name, it was too late. He did not believe me, but like all mermaids, once they hooked their fingers in a boy like my son Eric, they weren't about to let him escape. In fact, that same morning, they paid him a call, asking for him by name. He tried to cover himself with a towel because he was shy and because when he saw them, he was easily aroused. That's when they reached out and pulled him into their arms and kissed him.

"Now my son Eric was shy and had never really been kissed like this before. They passed him around one at a time. When they were done, they took his towel away and let it fall to the floor. So, they could see all of him and they wanted him badly. Poor Eric, he couldn't escape his fate. He was enchanted by them. When they left, he was so out of sorts because not only did they see him naked they saw his arousal and liked it so much that they invited him to their place that same night. Now, like all my boys, they know how to handle a girl because his mother and I had taught each of them the art of love. Eric did not like it at first because he felt that his mother would punish him. His friends would think he was a bad kid. Yet he couldn't resist their charms."

Dad shined the light back on their pictures. "One by one, as they played with his emotions, they took him into the water and made passionate love to him. They favored my son Eric and wanted him more than life itself. He pleasured them all night long as they howled screaming with desire all night into the morning. Trust me when I say they screamed his name as it echoed across the lake. Telling other mermaids how he pleasured them.

"By the next day when he awoke, they were waiting for him. Eric was trapped by then and accepted his fate. He was still shy, but not with them as they bathed him with sweet soap and groomed him as they made love in our tub. It was nearly three hours before he and they came out of their lovemaking nest. His name and theirs echoed the walls of our cabin."

Dad squeezed my shoulders and took several bites and a long drink before finishing his plate. "Linda, do you know what my son did that very day? He listened to the things he was taught, and because of that, he knew trouble was in the air. They had planned to take him and his brothers boating to show him their home. Yet he knew the winds and the sky as he watched them darken. He declined the invitation as hard as it was. He knew if he and his brothers went on those waters that day. They could have died. That's right died. You see folks, within the hour a storm as you know can happen when the conditions are right. A powerful microburst struck down so hard that it isolated our small town.

"Eric was smart. He took his brothers and battened down inside a safe place protecting them. The winds howled, and the lightning crashed all around us, as me and his mother were out shopping and caught out in the storm and worried for our boys. But Eric was dependable, he was brave, and responsible, and we knew we could trust him to keep his brother's safe.

"The storm ended and made one heck of a mess. Eric did not care; he was worried about his friends as he grabbed me so hard and told me we needed to save them. That's right, Linda, the stranger's he just met. He would not rest as he forced me to drive our boat looking for his friends. I had just turned when he jumped overboard into the stormy lake where the waves were so big and dangerous that they killed a person and drowned them. Yet my son did not care for his safety, he did not put on a life vest, and he was naked as the day he was born. I yelled at him to come back, but he would not come back. I watched him struggle as he swam against the stormy waters.

"He dived, and I thought I had lost him. He was down there for so long without air. When he surfaced, he had a young boy in his arms and swam towards me. The boy he had saved had drowned, but Eric would not let the waters have him. He breathed life into the boy, a boy he never met. He gave him his breath and brought him back to life. Yet when I turned, Eric had dived back into the water. He saved the boy's sister; he saved one of his mermaids this one. Her name is Fiona Rockwater." Dad pointed to the girl in the middle.

"He did not quit. He was nearly about to drop from exhaustion, but he pushed himself and saved six people that day. That's right, Linda, six strangers. I couldn't have been prouder." Dad hugged me and kissed me on the head. "Now the funny thing about my son is he hates being the hero and hates taking credit. Telling them he did not do it alone, which was true. Others were helping.

"He did not know it at the time, but he met his first best friend named Dillon, as they continued to save people together. It was Eric who saved both his brother and his sister and brought them back to life. They became fast friends." Dad turned the page showing Dillon dressed up in his Calvary uniform. Later, they became lovers, brothers, and his first boyfriend.

"Now Eric was in trouble because not only that he saved six people and his mermaid, but the town also made him a town hero and the girls went wild. And wrote him love letters and invited him to everything a boy his age would like; I swear he had twenty-five to fifty girls standing in line to have their way with him and so much mail that you would think he was a rock star or celebrity. Yet he was not satisfied. He did not want the spotlight or the credit.

"But no matter how hard he tried he just couldn't escape it. The next day, he and Jared were invited to a dance. Now Eric's an excellent dancer, but he had one problem." Dad grinned. "We lived in a nudist town. That's right Linda. Every girl in that book he danced with was naked and so was he, as he made sweet love to each one on the dance floor. He had lost his shyness that night.

"But the problem of being a town hero is every girl wanted him. They would fight over him, like cats and dogs just to be with him for a single minute. Why not? He's a good-looking kid and a heart-stopper. He broke several hearts. Believe me when I say that. Yet Eric has a nose for trouble, and as you know, he is a trained killer.

"Eric and Jared went outside for some fresh air after making sweet love to countless girls. But he found trouble as he heard a girl screaming for help around the corner of the dance hall. He did not think about himself or the fact he was naked. Instead, he took on four boys twice the size of him. Trying to rape a girl. He quickly rescued her, severely beating the four boys so badly that he left his mark on them. That I am sure that anyone mentions his name to them. They will have nightmares for the rest of their life and feel the pain for a very long time.

"Now my son Eric was in so deep that not one girl in the town would leave him alone. He was their hero, twice over. It was so bad when he went to church. We had to protect him, or they would tear him from limb to limb. Yet mermaids are funny when they want a boy and not just any boy, they wanted him. So, every girl that got near him stayed away because they let them know he was theirs first.

"We seldom saw Eric after that. The only way we knew he was alive was by their screams, as he made love to them in the morning and into the night. One by one they pursued him and did all kinds of things that only boys could only dream of. One sister at a time would steal him away for hours and bring him back, and then at night all three would take him to their cabin and have their way with him.

"By the time he made it through all the girls with six more to go, he made another mistake. In some ways, it was our fault, but Eric's girlfriends were camped out along our beach. He couldn't go outside, or they would rip him apart. His mermaids would sneak him out as they took him to places where they could be alone. Like I said we knew he was alive as we heard their screams. Yet he needed to satisfy all the girls. After all, he was just one horny boy. He bought them each a rose and serenaded them as they moaned his name. He bought at least one hundred red roses and signed his name and kissed them each and broke their hearts. Giving them each a picture of him to hang on their wall and one for him to remember them by.

"Now his friend Dillon wanted to pay Eric back for saving his brother and sister. They became inseparable, and God himself would have to split them apart. They worked as a team as they made passionate love with all the remaining girls.

They are brothers by circumstances and most likely will be forever; they gave a sacred vow and before all and the Gods themselves. They pledged their very lives to each other. They wear a ring on their fingers to remind them of vows and oaths they have taken. So, Linda, do not judge mine and your son. Because he likes both, but I promise you he is not gay and he's not doing anything wrong. He has standards. He knows what is right and which is wrong.

"Personally, I like breasts as much as he does, and knows how to stimulate girls and his very close friends. He knows the rules, he respects the rules, and has given me and his mother a promise that he would never force anyone. He will never do the things Shawn and Arthur and others like them do. He is a good, clean boy; he knows when to say no. No matter how badly a girl wants him, he won't do it. Unless we ok it first, so he likes a good penis. I like a good penis. His brothers, sisters, and his mother all like a good penis, but we both like girls more, but there is nothing wrong with having both.

"There is nothing wrong with kissing. Hell, I love kissing my boys, daughters, and wife. I want you to think about how many boys you have kissed, and how many times you stimulated them by hand or orally. Think about your husband, and how many times you have done this, and think about what it was like when you were with your girlfriends.

"Be honest have you kissed them? Have you stimulated them to have they done the same to you? If you haven't, well, you are missing out. My wife likes to stimulate other women and men, and I have no objection. Because I am allowed to have the same courtesy, it doesn't mean I do not love her. In fact, we love each other more. We just like sex in lots of variety with both male and female and trust me it's all consensual or we would never do it … it's called being Bisexual a lot different from being gay. Where you can have a taste of both. Not one, but as many as you like.

"You will find that you never once got sick because you kept yourself clean and took what every measure that was necessary to remain so. My wife and I have instructed our sons and our daughters to do proper grooming and have regular checkups to ensure that we all are still healthy. Put your feelings aside and be with your sons and I mean actually be with them as a mother and be their best friend. Do not alienate them because you heard oh this is bad, this is immoral, let God into your heart, and see how he feels about it. Not your husband, or the world or religion. God will judge you and us, and what's in our hearts."