Chapter 11 Book 4

Chapter 11

(Name of club)

After breakfast, Mom Rothwell left to go shopping, taking Mrs. Kenly with her. Dad sent the boys to take Sparky for a nice long walk, leaving Jared in charge as they took the Kenly sisters with them to go skinny dipping. Mr. Kenly took a seat across from me. I cringed, knowing here we go, here comes that long chat my mother wanted to have. Mr. Kenly broke the ice stating. "That was some storm last night."

I grinned, thinking about how Mom Rothwell and I had sex in the rain. My mother was sitting on the other side of me and asking me as she whispered in my ear, if she could stroke me, which surprised me, but I nodded she could and took her hand and placed it on my penis, which said I had given my permission, she gave me a few nice strokes, but soon stopped. I knew she was still uncomfortable about doing it, but at least she was trying to make me feel she was accepting the fact I was comfortable about her possibly becoming intimate with her as I am with my adoptive Mom and family. 

Then she laughed said. "Oh God, it was a night to remember, hell his father never made love to me like that. Not like my son did last night with you, not even before we were married. If I had to guess, it was four straight hours." Mom kissed me and not just on the cheek or the lips. It wasn't a full-blown kiss. Hell, I haven't ever seen my mother kiss my father that way. Heck, I can't even remember them kissing.

I cringed, asking a dumb question. But I knew the rules of dumb questions are the ones never asked, I said. "So Mom you're not mad at me?"

Mom shook her head and said. "Disappointed maybe, for not telling me, but no, I am concerned about what is going to happen when we get home, because it will be just me and you and your brother for the biggest part of the day."

Mr. Kenly grinned. "Oh, I do not think you have anything to worry about. I know a few girls and a few boys as well. I would love the opportunity to be with your son Linda. If we could come up with a compromise that we can all agree on." He pulled out a notebook and pen. "We will call it the special list." Dad stretches his legs under the table and lets his robe open all the way as our feet touch playing footsie. Dad had lent Mr. Kenly one to be one of us.

My mother looked great in hers as I smiled. "A special list for only a select few, like a private club. I like it. Number one; no girl or boy under the age of sixteen, well except my brothers of course," 

Mr. Kenly wrote it down, and Dad said. "Only if both parents and us approve it, meaning Mom and I and their parents."

I added. "Ok then let's make it so I make the final decision. If I say no, then it is final regardless of whether you and Mom approve it and them. I am not raping any kids that are not my brothers and sisters, correction I am not raping anyone period, but I will stay open-minded providing they talk it over with me first and all parties agree, I am not going to jail on a rape charge." Dad nodded that it was acceptable.

Dad said. "No getting a girl pregnant under any circumstances." 

My mother agreed that was an excellent idea and said. "You can have sex with special permission like always using a condom, and they are on birth control and are sixteen or eighteen even older if you like."

Dad was a little surprised that she was coming around to accept the fact I have had sex with several girls and women and I was bisexual, have had many sexual encounters with boys and men like my Dad, she said. "What?" Seeing my Dads and our surprised looks. "It's obvious that he has been having sex and been with several boys, so I am accepting it that's going to happen and I giving him my permission.

"Hell, I had sex with many boys before I met his father, and I can guarantee he did not wear a condom when we made out in the church parking lot, two or three weeks before we were married. And I had lost count of how many times I did him orally over the years before we even decided to get married and what his father didn't know about was how many boys, I had been within the back of their cars having sex."

Dad and I spit orange soda across the table. I said. "Mom, too much information I did not want to know."

Mom said. "It was the sixties you know. Make love not war? I am just being honest, son, isn't that why we're talking about sex, and I am not just talking about stimulation or masturbation or oral sex. I am talking full-blown sex like you were doing outside in the rain last night, man I need a man like that."

Mr. Kenly reached over in front of me to grab my mother's breasts. He said he was game if she was. Mom grinned wickedly and reached across me and grabbed his penis and gave it a nice, good stroke. Dad coughed and brought us back to the table.

Dad said. "Ok so if we accept a condom then I am adding both parents' permission, a full discloser saying yes, my daughter and sons know what sex is and my daughters are taking birth control and they are both seeing a doctor regularly and they have sat down and talked to their bishop or clergy and signed off on it. Meaning four signatures or one depending on if they only have one parent, no offense Linda, but I am putting you in that category knowing who or what your husband is."

Mom passed it off and said. "No offense taken. I am not proud of the fact of what he has and is still doing regarding choices when it comes to how he treats his sons." Everyone agreed.

I said. "Ok, my next rule is and is not a compromise. No one urinates in my mouth, butt, or on me. No one sticks anything in my butt. I do not care what it is, more so with boys than girls, but I prefer they do not. I will not be with anyone who hasn't bathed first and hasn't good grooming habits, like fresh breath with mouthwash, hair combed, and nails clipped.

"I will compromise on whether we bathe together first or and afterward, and I will compromise that I or Mom and Dad show them or their own parents what we mean by grooming, but it is up to them afterward. That way I know for sure their parents had talked about it and they have an open relationship, so when I show up at their house and say 'Hi, by the way, I am a nudist and bisexual.'

"When we come out of the bathroom or bedroom together naked, they do not go nuclear and call the cops on me for trying to rape the person I am with. Noticing I had just made today's news." Dad laughed and so did Mr. Kenly, imagining the parents that it could happen too. Mom, on the other hand, did not find it all that funny, and neither did I, considering if I were caught with a boy or a girl when my father or sister walked in the door what could happen? "I am just saying it could happen. I do not want my name on the sex offenders' list before I turn eighteen."

I did not know if this was a good time to ask while the iron was hot, but I needed to know what everyone's opinion was, so I said. "I am proposing a compromise that I no longer take part in my duties as a priest like blessing and passing the sacrament just so I can please you. I am being frank, I dislike it. More so while Crawford is bishop. I do not want to do it and personally rather not be there at all. Watching a bunch of mindless sheep when all these years, they have done nothing to stop my parents from abusing me.

Sorry, Mom, I know you have changed, but it bothers the hell out of me every time they think oh it's ok if their parents do that. We just need to forgive them and let them keep doing it. Besides, I can guarantee you I am not serving a mission if I could, so what's the point of jumping through the hoops? I will do it if you ask me to because I love you. So am just putting it out there.

"But my compromise is that I will attend church as a member of the congregation, but only if Bishop Earl and Bishop Sakes are the bishops. If Bishop Crawford is still bishop acting or not, I will sit at home rather than be in that man's presence. For if I do, I will kill him with my bare hands. That's not a threat it's a promise. I dislike that man and never did like him, even more so knowing he tried to rape my brother Jared in his office and give him drugs and pass him around for sexual favors. Sorry Dad that I said anything, but you said no secrets, and Mom and Mr. Kenly have a right to know."

Mr. Kenly slammed his fist on the table. "He did what? And I am just finding out? Mr. Rothwell, you said I would be the first to know, by the way, son. I am no longer Mr. Kenly or Brother Kenly or Officer Kenly to you. I am just plain old Tom considering you had my penis in your mouth last night and I had yours and we both know you more intimately, considering what I saw and felt after I kissed you.

"I am sure my wife would say the same thing. You should also note she too can't get pregnant and told me she would love you to make love to her the way you did with your adoptive Mom. In hopes, I would learn how in the hell you made love for four or more hours when I'd be lucky to last the hour."

I blushed and groaned Dad came to my rescue saying Mom had been giving me horny pills for weeks and energy shakes. To keep me fertile to satisfy all my girls and boys or my penis would have fallen off a long time ago.

Mom spits her drink across the table, laughing. "So that's how he can regenerate so fast?" Asking Dad if she could borrow some for my father, repeating "I do need a man," which said she hadn't had sex for a very long time, yew, too much information. I felt Dad's foot lifting and saw it tickle Mom's sweet spot. She blushed and tickled his foot. I swear parents are simply crazy once they have given permission.

Mr. Kenly, sorry Tom went back over the list of compromises. Clarifying them into a readable form, he said he would type it up when he gets home tonight. But for now, he just wanted us to sign that we all agree. Dad and my mother said they would think about the church rule, but for now, it was acceptable to say that if there were more priests to fill the position, then I would not have to, but if there are not then I would.

I accepted it and signed my name. Mom Rothwell came back somewhere around two according to Dad's watch. Giving my new one to Tom to put on me and activate it when we get home. Considering the power and phone lines problem because of the micro-burst.

Plus, I never needed it until I was going home with my mother. Soon after I was packed, and ready to go, and her tent was taken down. Personally, I really did not have a lot to pack. Clothing was not needed, considering I had my own wardrobe at my mother's house. In some ways, Mom was getting what she had been wanting to do for an exceedingly long time to take me home in my birthday suit other than my robe and flip-flops.

Mom Rothwell bought me my grooming kit and one for my personal use so my mother could groom me at home whenever she wanted to. Including soaps and lotions. Those were my favorite flavors for me to add to my grooming kit. And a book on massage for her, the same book I had read from cover to cover.

Giving her my vitamins, my meds, and a bottle of horny pills to give to my father and me. And the recipe for her energy shakes with some of the hard-to-find ingredients. That can only be found in health stores and where she could pick up more pills if she ran out, at the local Santaquin drug store. I did, however, did take my photo albums so Mom and my brothers and Tom and Bishop Earl could look at it and my several boxes of letters.

Mom promised me that my father would never see it, placing it inside the car with her and Aaron's sleeping bags. I gave Sparky a quick goodbye, telling him my brothers would take good care of him. I did not like leaving him behind, but I knew very well how my father would react if I brought home a pet of any kind. The dog my mother had named Frosty had died mysteriously and my father had refused to replace him. Once they moved into the house on the hill.

Mom and Dad and my brothers each gave me a long passionate kiss, and I cried in their arms, promising them I would behave and not get into trouble, telling me they'd be home on Thursday or Friday. If I needed them … all I would have to do is call my sisters and they would come and get me, but I better have been in my safe home long before that happened.

Man, I wanted to poke myself with a safety pin or cut myself with a knife. So I would feel nothing, but I promised Mom and Dad I would not. That I needed to feel, not feel anything, only makes the problem worse, not better.

My mother told me to drive, giving me the keys. She knew I did not have a real license, but no one was going to say anything. After all, I was sixteen and almost seventeen in just a few more months and would be taking classes in the spring. She knew I could drive and had been driving over two thousand plus miles on our vacation and logged more miles at home. Tom followed us home and did a quick walk-through, making sure everything was where it was supposed to be and made sure the basement fruit and storage room were locked.

He had his own key made to the house, to the shed, and to my room. He checked to make sure my phone worked as well as the window and the door, before being satisfied. A strip search was unnecessary considering he had already seen me naked many times in the last day and a half and most of the night.

He had just left out the door when Mom noticed a letter pinned to the door. That had slipped our notice. It was addressed to her and me. It said I was instructed to call Bishop Earl when I got home and wanted to visit with me. Personally, I had been dreading it, but I also knew if I had any chance of finding my answers, he'd be the one to give them to me. Mom said I could take a shower or a long hot bath first, saying if he had waited this long, an hour or two more wasn't going to hurt. I had to agree; I smelled of old dirt and rainwater. And a good hot shower would do me good.

Mom and I had a nice long chat on the way home telling me she makes all the decisions when it comes to me, not my father, considering he is no longer my father. Mr. Rothwell is and if he did not like it was just plain tough. I was also told to call my grandmother because she had been worried sick about me, so I made that phone call first.

Like Mom said he could wait and isn't going to kill him. My mother had to ask what the T stands for as my middle initial. She laughed when I told her it stood for Tiger. Which now made perfect sense knowing how I roared last night and other oddities she became aware of.

When I called my grandmother, I thought she would give me an earful, but she did yell a lot when she found out I was at a nudist colony for two and a half weeks. I had yet to truly tell her about my sex life, being so angry already. Having Mom deal with her, only to put me back on the phone. She did not want to talk to my mother, she wanted to talk to me. Mom hadn't told her she had signed the adoption papers.

When I told her she nearly had a meltdown, wanting my mother back on the phone. Mom quickly said it was an open adoption and she and I both got what we wanted. Parents that loved me and she could have me anytime she wanted without family court or a caseworker. Grandma yelled. "Linda, you could have done that years ago! And we would not be in this mess!"

My mother took it as she gave it out. Stating she was in the wrong and now she was making it right. Mom gave her my new name and said they agreed that I could keep my first name in respect for her, but my middle name and last name were the Rothwells, choosing to cut the ties with my father altogether.

I waited for the screaming to begin, but all she said was she could live with that and asked if my father knew. She cringed when she hadn't told him yet and would do so when he came home tonight. My mother waited as the phone was silent. Grandma said she better or she was going to shove her shoe up my mother's ass so far that not even a flashlight would not see it. She told me I was to call her every night, or she'd blister my bottom regardless of if my last name was not shepherd; she was still my grandmother. I grinned and said I would and loved her.

I hung up the phone and dialed Bishop Earl's home. He picked up on the second ring; he heard my voice and asked. "Are you home? Are you in trouble?"

I said. "Yes, I am home and no I am not in trouble."

He laughed. "You think so, do you? I happen to know you are in big trouble young man, so you had better be at my house within fifteen minutes or I am coming up to get you. Tell your mother not to worry about fixing dinner. Oh, I want to see those pictures of your vacation that I have heard so much about."

He hung up the phone, and I relayed the message to Mom. as she told Aaron to get dressed as I raced down the hall brushed my teeth, and quickly rinsed my mouth with mouthwash, put on some clothes, and hated it. There was no time to unpack the car as we rushed down to his home, knowing he would keep his promise.

Mom had left a quick note for my father saying we were home but had to leave and do whatever he wanted like for dinner. When we arrived, Bishop Earl was just putting on his shoes and was about to come to get me. I was forty minutes late. Having to wait for Mom to make herself beautiful and take a shower was the only good thing that saved time, as Aaron and I shared one.

Bishop Earl pointed to his watch, saying I was late. Then grabbed me and hugged the stuffing out of me. Only to be assaulted by his wife. Mom quickly apologized, and told him we had just come home and wanted to bathe first. He said. "Linda, I do not care. You could have done all those things right here and you know it. Hell, you could have arrived naked, and nobody here would even care. You know that when I say now, I mean now, not forty-five minutes later. Now get in here and give me a hug or I am going to turn you all over my knee."

He pointed to a chair, having me sit next to him and Mom sitting in the other chair facing us as Aaron took the other seat next to him. "Now," he said. "I want details, no leaving anything out. I had already got a vague answer from your Dad. Oh yes son I know all about the adoption and honestly, I couldn't be more pleased. However, the choice of your vacation is a whole other issue. Got vague answers from Mr. Kenly, as I had just gotten off the phone wondering what was taking you so long to call me when he'd been home for almost two hours or more?"

Mom apologized, saying I needed to bathe and call my grandmother. He held up his hand and said. "Good reasons, but again, you could have called her here and bathed here, for Christ's sake. How many times have I seen you, naked son? When I summon you, boy, I mean now, not three hours later. Now stop dawdling."

I placed the photo albums in his hands and cringed as he turned the page when he opened it. Seeing girls and more girls all naked as the day they were born with me beside them. I blushed when I told him what I did. Mom knew, and my brother knew most of it. He said nothing as he turned the pages. He just kept looking; I noticed he was getting a hard-on when he noticed my three mermaids. He said. "So, you are telling me you've been with these particular girls the most?" I nodded, "I had. He wanted details, so I gave them.

His wife gave us each some lemonade telling us dinner would be ready in a couple of hours or so. Telling Mom and Aaron that everyone else was in the back either swimming or in the hot tub. Mom said we did not bring bathing suits. She giggled and said. "Linda, dear, you do not need bathing suits. Not here, and you know that." Then I reminded Mom that hers were still in the car with the rest of their clothing. Mom breathed a sigh of relief. I knew how she felt being naked around people because she was not skinny like my adoptive Mom or my sisters.

Bishop Earl motioned them to go. Dismissing them as I was about to go with them until he told me. "We are not done yet, son. Not by a long shot. In fact, we are just getting started. Now where are we? Oh yes. Stimulating your pretty girls and your friend Dillon and your family. I like that word. It sounds better than masturbation, but go on tell me in great detail what you did and how you did it. I will know if you are lying. Remember that all I must do is look into your eyes to see you sweat. You know it, I know it."

It was almost three hours before I had told him everything and felt drained. Like my adoptive Mom, his wife liked everyone dressed for dinner. Which was not a problem considering I was, and Mom and Aaron had come dressed.

He reintroduced me to his kids and told me. Greg is sixteen and his daughter Cindy had just turned seventeen and was going to graduate this year. Everyone else was under fifteen: Greg's brother Chad was fifteen and shy of two months before he had his sixteenth birthday. His younger brother Tim was the same age as Aaron, both being thirteen right on down to his last daughter, Sam, short for Samantha, twelve. He noted the ages for a reason, and I knew why seeing the notebook that Mr. Kenly and I compromised on who would belong to our or my special club. I swallowed hard as he dropped the bombshell at the table. Telling me that Greg and his daughter Cindy would like to join my special club. I wanted to run under the table and hide.

I swallowed hard, asking him if he understood what he was implying. Mom looked at me and she too was feeling a little uncomfortable. Man, it was hot in here, as I loosened my shirt around my neck. He said. "No lies and no secrets if I remember right, son. According to your dad's contract, I and my wife signed it as well as the rest of my children."

I knew they had. I had seen the signatures. I stated that I had; he said. "Good, we are on the same page. So after dinner, you and I and Greg or going into the bedroom and you are going to show me and him what it means to be in your special club. Then I will make a final decision and either I will sign it, or I won't. Providing you means everything you say and have told me, according to your rules and compromises."

I asked Greg if he was sure. Telling him I am not too about to force anyone.

He answered more eagerly than I expected, looked me in the eye, and said. "Yes, I am giving you my permission and I mean all of my permission," stretching out the word "all." I nodded and cringed inside, knowing I had been given permission not only by Greg but by his parents. I knew he had bathed because his hair was still wet from the pool. So that issue passed.

Mom said. "Good … how long do you need, son?"

I told Mom. "It could be a while because it's not like we strip, and I have my way with you and be done within thirty minutes or fewer and say call me?" Greg and his parents laughed when I said that. Man, what have I just got myself into?

Bishop said. "I'll drive him home if you do not want to wait. Or he and his brother could spend the night and bring them home in the morning."

Mom knew perfectly well that I could be all night, so she said. "Fine by me, he's already called his grandmother, so that's not an issue and I would have a few minutes alone with his father when he comes home. I'll leave Aaron here with him, so if Jim gets upset, he won't take it out on my boys. His sleeping bag is still in the car. Eric is the only one that doesn't have one except at home."

Bishop put up his hand up, halting her. "Linda stop. You know as well as he does, he won't be needing a sleeping bag. Christ, woman how stupid do you think we are? Son, go out and get what you need, and we will have some dessert."

Greg leaned over and whispered in my ear, and said. "Unless you want me to be the dessert?" And licked my cheek. Did I mention how hot it was in here? I hadn't been home more than a few hours and here I was about to be intimate with another boy and his sister.