Chapter 12 Book 4

Chapter 12

A Private Invitation

We climbed out from behind the table, and I told Greg's parents to give us a few minutes. So I could prepare Greg. Said I wanted to make his first time a pleasant experience and did not want to rush but take our time.

Greg's Dad trusted me said. "We will knock first, then."

I said. "There was no need. You have seen me naked more times. I don't care to count." They smiled, knowing how true that was. I told my mother to call me if she needed me for anything, making her promise me that she would. I placed my glasses in my glass case and into my backpack pocket for safekeeping. Knowing I would not need them any longer tonight. Besides, they would just get in the way anyway when we were making love.

I gave a nod to Greg and left them to their own devices. Letting Greg follow me, he seemed a little hesitant. So I stopped and asked. "Do you need to pee first?" he nodded, and I said. "I do too." Knowing it was one of the side effects, the only major side effects other than it makes you starve, but then I was always hungry.

I opened the bathroom door, and he hesitated to follow me in. I knew what his problem was; he was not used to anyone watching. I turned and pulled him close to me and said. "I am a guy. You're a guy. I have seen you naked just as many times as you and your parents have seen me.

"We all pee, we all poop and fart. If you are worried about me watching or doing it at the same time as my brothers and best friends do. I'll close the door and give you your privacy, but think about this first. I have already stroked you a few times and did you orally and you did the same to me. What harm is there in peeing together in the same toilet? When you are going to fully climax as I do you orally, and masturbate together in the tub, in your room, in the hot tub, in the swimming pool, and if you're adventurous on the couch? Hell, even in the rain in the backyard."

I went first, leaving the door open and lifted the toilet seat and dropped my pants and boxers so he could see all of me, and stood to the side to give him room if he decided to join me.

Even though he was hesitant, he joined me as he closed the door. I said. "You want to know something? When I am home with my adopted parents and family, we never close the door if we are doing our business or taking a bath or shower. They just walk in to get what they need. Or sometimes if I am sitting on the toilet, my Mom and sisters would come in do their make-up, and brush their teeth. Or sometimes they join me in taking a shower or a bath."

He looked at me as if I had four heads. I said. "I am serious, It has taken me three years to get used to having no privacy, and that includes when I masturbate alone in my room and is the same for my entire family, Even my Mom and Dad never close the door when they are having sex.

"Sometimes I would come home from school, and they are having sex on the couch as we walk in the door. Only turning around to say hi and to make sure we hang our clothes up. Like you do here, being naked is a way of life for us and me. So do not worry so much if your Mom and Dad see you have a major erection.

I promise you it will be ok, but if you are worried or nervous about masturbating in front of them or having them watch us, do each other orally. I will let them do me first so you can see they just love you for who you are and really want you to do it with no strings attached. Instead of doing it alone, and like I said you won't find it satisfying to do it that way ever again?"

I pulled him close as we finished and flushed the toilet and closed the lid. I let our penises touch. He almost pulled away, but I held his and mine together and stroked both of us at the same time and put his hand on them so he could feel us together.

He moaned, and it surprised him, and I leaned up closer so we could touch naked standing. Letting me draw him in closer and kiss him, wrapping his arms around him as he did the same to me as we kissed.

I placed my hands on his bare butt, and he did likewise as we deepened our kiss. I slid out from under my pants and boxers and kicked them to the side. He felt me do it and looked down as we remained attached to the mouth. He did, likewise, placing his feet next to mine. I took my foot closest and played with his toes. He giggled as we kissed and tickled mine.

I released him as we smiled at each other, looking in the mirror. I washed my hands and dried them and grinned as he did the same. I put myself behind him and took his hands and the soap and washed them again with mine, lacing our fingers. He giggled said. "He never did that before."

I said. "The night is still young. You are going to do a lot of things you haven't done before, like stimulating us together." He was confused by that word, so I clarified it.

"Stimulating is a nicer and cleaner word than masturbating, so we use that word instead. So when we get to the tub, we are all going to stimulate together and a girl or two when you are comfortable enough with me. Plus, your parents, and your family before moving onto some girls and I mean lots of them.

"Trust me every girl will want us, and come begging after I teach you what they like. Just like all the girls in my special book, and maybe a few guy friends as well considering after tonight like me you will have an appetite for both, which your Mom and Dad told me they wanted that to happen, or you and I would not be standing naked together with your penis in my hands and kissing.

"I really like breasts and their sweet spots," clarified it by saying, "girls inside plumbing." Placing my hand on his penis and stroking him, he did the same for me. "That too you are going to love as much as me, as well as sharing our penises. I have one other rule, and why I wanted us to pee first.

"That, I do not want you to urinate in my mouth or on me and I will do the same. My three younger brothers were raped by their brother Shawn and two foster brothers. And they did that to them all the time, and until they were finally caught, and now are paying for their crimes. I refuse to do that to anyone. It's just plain gross and wrong. Shawn and they are gay and prefer little boys and boys their age over girls.

I asked. "Are you ready for a bath of a lifetime, because if you hadn't noticed those pills by now will make you really, really horny? And I want us to stimulate together so we can do it again, and again about the same time. Until we pass out and fall asleep in the same bed. By the way, I sleep naked and so do all my brothers and sisters and my adopted parents, sometimes all sharing the same bed." He looked at me like I had three heads, and I said, "Seriously!"

I knew where the big tub was, being it had its own private room all to itself. Considering I had been there before, and shared the tub with my Rothwell brothers. I picked up our discarded clothing and tossed them in the corner of Greg's room for now. I opened the linen closet and took plenty of clean towels for me and Greg, handing him my book bag with all my fun toys.

My mother and his parents noticed us as my mother was leaving for home. She smiled at me, and I returned it. Mom said. "I love you, son."

I said. "I love you too. Call me if you need me and I will kick his ass if he hurts you in any way." She promised me again and told Greg he has a cute butt. He blushed, and I opened the door, having Greg follow me inside, and closed the door behind us. I said, putting down the towels onto of the wooden cabinet and asking. "Ready to have some more fun?"

He grinned as he looked at my butt as I bent over, said. "I am not the only one that has a cute butt."

I smiled at him as I opened my bag and said. "So, I have been told by my three mermaids and the girls I had danced with naked."

I placed my grooming kit and soap and washing sponge at the edge of the tub and turned on the water and the jets. I reached in and pulled out two of my favorite flavors of bubble bath. Peaches and cream and raspberry delight as I brought them over, and said. "Pick one. Everything I use is edible, so we can taste extra good." He did not believe me, so I opened each one and stuck my finger inside the raspberry one first and pulled it out and put it in my mouth, and handed it to him to try it.

He hesitated to take a small drop, placing it on his tongue giving a cringing face and his eyes widened, and dipped it again, and I said. "I told you that you would like it," I said as I handed him the other one. He picked my favorite peaches and cream.

I added to the water as it foamed up and dropped three beads of edible skin softener peach flavored. Then reached back into my bag and pulled out my small case of twenty-four flavors of skin ointments. Told him to pick his favorite he did not hesitate trusting in me and picked wild cherry.

The door opened watching his Mom and Dad enter the room, barefoot, but still dressed for the moment. Greg tried to hide his erection behind me. Even though they could see mine clearly, it embarrassed him when it came to his parents' seeing him. I was prepared for it and quickly wrapped a towel around his waist, even though it would show that he was hearing him sigh with relief. Like good parents, they said nothing and just ignored it.

I said. "We were just about ready." Testing the water with my foot, knowing it was still a little too hot, but after I calmed down Greg and so he could relax. When he realized it just didn't matter as I noticed his Dad's growing package stating the pills working on him too.

I grabbed the bull by the horns and picked up my twenty-four flavors, and handed them to them. I told them to pick one and said: "Everything I use, including the bubble bath and the soap and lotion, as well as the ointments, are all edible and safe." They hesitated as Greg did, so I picked up the bubble bath he had chosen and the bottle of wild cherries. I open the bubble bath first, and dipped my finger inside it and put it in my mouth, and sucked it off.

I watched as his Mom wanted to try it first with the same small drop. She gave a cringing face as she put it on her tongue. Like Greg, her eyes were wide, and said "Yummy," taking a bigger taste and handing it to his Dad. He, too, did likewise with the same reaction. He handed it back after reading the label.

I hand him the wild cherry. They did not hesitate, and neither did she. She handed it back to me, looking through all the flavors as I returned my attention back to Greg. I rubbed some on my shoulder and chest just enough to give him a small sample of what it would taste like on me. I took his chin and made him look at me kissed him lightly and said. "Taste it, and then I want you to put it all over me anywhere you like, including my crotch and penis, and back and legs. Do not be shy, I want you to touch me and feel me and lick it off me. We can always add more flavors if you like, or change it later on."

He hesitated, so I put some on my lips and chin and drew us closer again so our skin could touch. Wrapping my arms around him as he did likewise. I kissed him as I watched his eyes widen and turned him around, so his back was facing them. Hoping to make him more comfortable. I released him so he could taste the other spots. Pulling us apart at arm's length, but still wrapped around us, placing my hands at the bottom of his back, feeling him do the same. I was glad I took the time in his room, so he was more comfortable about touching me and feeling me. I wanted him to trust me.

I was not surprised, noticing his Mom and Dad over his shoulders still dressed as they watched. I knew I needed to do something about it, or Greg would never relax. This experience was just as important to me as it was to Greg and his Mom and Dad. Even more so when we are with a girl, sharing ourselves and them.

Dillon and my mermaids taught me a lot about being comfortable in an embarrassing situation. Mom and Dad's rough one-course lesson was an eye-opener, and I was glad they took the time to teach us as we prepare ourselves when we are with girls, and knowing what to do instead of stumbling through it on our own, and I loved them more for it.

Dillon was my anchor when it came to feeling good about it taking the world off my shoulders. Showing me how I could truly love a person and not be embarrassed about it. Allowing me to enjoy life a little more instead of running from it, always afraid someone was going to abuse me physically or sexually.

It's now my turn to pay it forward with Greg and his family. I moaned and shivered as Greg licked off the small amount. I kissed him lightly, bring us close again said. "Now do the rest of me, so when we get into the tub, we can have some more fun?" I handed him the bottle and gave him a nod and whispered. "It's just you and me. No one else matters now." He hesitated as I looked over his shoulder and they smiled at us.

I watched his mother put her foot into the water and said. "That's hot."

I said. "It will be perfect when Greg and I are ready as I prep him for his bath." Noticing they were still watchers and not participants. I placed his hand on my chest and the bottle in the other one, and brought him back to me.

He focused on me as he took the ointment and rubbed it all over my chest and neck. I said "Do not forget my face. I want it all over me." He obeyed and was careful about my eyes I pointed to my nose having him dab some there as well and pointed to my lips and earlobes. Hesitated, so I took a drop and put it on his left earlobe and leaned in, nuzzling his neck and licked his earlobe, nibbling softly. He gasped as he shivered and moaned, almost dropping the bottle.

He got the point I was making and obeyed. I stepped back so he could do the rest. I giggled as he tickled my sack, and I whispered. "Please do not forget that or my entire penis." He obeys and gets on his knees, holding the towel to keep it from falling. I spread my legs and said. "Do not forget there. It will be the best thing you ever tasted and feel when I do you there." He worked the front of my legs and ankles. I lifted my foot so he could get my toes.

The bottle was almost empty when he did the other one. So, I said to pick another flavor. I walked around him picked up the box and smiled at them said. "He wanted another flavor to do the back of me." She giggled, looking at her husband, and I asked. "Do you mind if I borrow him for a minute after Greg has anointed me?"

She said. "He's all yours." I watched him gasp.

I said. "It's for a good cause and your wife will really like it, trust me. But right now, all I want you to do is take off your shirt and have her rub the flavor she wants on your chest and shoulders." She giggled and pulled him to her and helped him off with his shirt.

I refocused on Greg and stepped back into place and told him. "Do not you dare miss a spot," and turned around as he picked his flavor. I kicked the box toward his Mom. Letting him have his way with me, I made sure he obeyed and turned him back around, and said. "I want you to see what it is like, so you know why I am going to shave every inch of your hair off. Do not worry if you do not like it. It will grow back in a week. Mom and Dad groom me every two or three days to keep me free and clean so they too can enjoy me, as well as all the girls, and as you will with me and your family once you get more comfortable about doing it. Trust me you won't regret it."

I turned him around and so he could watch for a change. It was time to get them involved. I took a step towards his Dad seeing his hairy chest just like I remembered it. He, too, was stacked and well-defined like Greg. I asked first. "Do I have your permission to demonstrate what I want you to do too, Greg?

"I am doing it. Show him how it tastes, when someone gets hair in their mouth, and I don't have any anywhere on me as you can see. When I am done, you have my permission to do the same to me and anything you would like. You know, what my Mom and Dad do and my family as and what I have done with several of my girls and a few boys besides my brothers and my Dad. I have told you and my mother as well; I won't be shy or embarrassed if you decide you want to stroke me or do me orally now and later so Greg can see that there is nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed about."

He nodded. I pulled him closer and licked his bare shoulders and made my way down his chest slowly ignoring the hair as much as possible. He shivered and moaned like Greg. I made my way to his left nipple and circled it bringing it to a hard state. I bit softly as he gasped and shuddered.

I worked my way back up to his collarbone and made my way to his other shoulder and down to his right nipple. And did the same. I could see his erection getting harder, wanting badly to be free. I would have released it, but I wanted him to make his own choice like Greg.

I worked down lower to his stomach, getting on my knees so I could work on his navel and belly button, knowing how Dad and my brothers go crazy and my sisters and Mom and all my mermaids. He moaned even louder as I worked my tongue around it and in and out of it. I bit the edges just enough to not to hurt him, and worked my way back to his right nipple as he moaned even louder and made my way back across to the other one as well and traced my tongue across his shoulders and stepped back, and said. "It's your turn. Repeat it on me and anything you would like."

Unlike Greg, he did not hesitate as he started with my right bare shoulder; he moaned how good I tasted as he took his time making it to my neck and nuzzled me. I moaned and as he moved slowly to the other side and nuzzled that side as well.

I noticed he had paid attention when he was checking on me and Greg in his room. I smiled inwardly as I felt his touch as he had his way with me. I also still noticed that same feeling I had felt when I first met him. It did not overpower me like it did last time, and I was glad. That meant Jeff still trusted him, so I should as well.

He made his way down to my left nipple and brought it to a hard point and bit softly as I moaned and shuddered and did the other one as well. My penis was getting harder as it jumped back to attention. I noticed Greg's Mom eyeing it and smiled at me. I knew it would be good to get her involved, and would when he was done with me. I felt him go lower, getting on his knees and working his tongue down and around my stomach, and playing with my belly button. He did not stop as I waited for it with great anticipation as he took my penis and stroked it and stuck it inside his mouth. Lingering on it for a minute or two and then made his way down to my sack, placing each side into his mouth as I moaned and shudder as he went back for seconds on my penis.

I shuddered again and moaned softly as he took it out and made his way back up, repeating the same pattern. I moaned even louder as he made it back to my neck. But this time, when he reached my chin, he took my mouth as he looked into my eyes as I saw those same flickering lights behind them.

I placed my tongue on his as he played with it and deepened the kiss. I closed my eyes, moaning inside of his mouth. He soon released me, and I opened my eyes and smiled. I whispered. "Now let Greg have a taste and you do the same, but when you come back. I want you to take his towel away, and show him it's ok to be aroused in front of you. He's very shy about that at the moment." He nodded and gave me a silly grin as I handed him a flavor out of the box.

I watched him go as I stepped in front of Greg's Mom and said. "I give you the same permission. You heard me what I said about Greg?" She nodded and smiled at me and I said. "I'm all yours until he comes back." Just like her daughter, she was a wild one as she dove for my mouth first.

I heard Greg gasp as I saw from the corner of my eye that his Dad tossed aside his towel and he bit his right nipple. I was so surprised by it that startled me when Greg's Mom turned me around and forced me against the wall, deepening the kiss as my eyes widened. I refocused on her, knowing Greg was in good hands. I deepened our kiss and explored her mouth, making her moan as I felt her heaving breasts. Man, I wanted those, hoping I would get my chance.

She still did not release me as she took her right hand and stroked my penis, making it even harder if that was possible? She still did not stop until she released me, letting me take her lips biting them just enough as they pulled slightly. She whispered breathlessly. "Your mother is right; you are an excellent kisser. No wonder my daughter can't wait to get her hands on you." She eyed her husband to see how much time she had left before he came back, as we noticed he was on his knees with Greg's penis in his mouth.

She dove again for my mouth, giving me barely enough time to take a breath. She went deeper this time, forcing my head against the wall. She released me soon after having to take several breaths herself. I saw those breasts peeking up just enough from her blouse, telling me she was not wearing a bra. She noticed me eye them and smiled and told me to unbutton her blouse. It was like a wet dream coming true. I did what she asked, having her place my hands on them and letting me cup them and take them into my mouth.

She shuddered as I worked her nipple and did the same to the other. I said. "My favorite flavor," as I did it again. I hated to release them. She promised me if I was a good boy I could do it again. I smiled and promised. As she dove for my neck and nuzzled it and did the same to the other, she moaned how good I tasted. She dove went to my left nipple, trailing her tongue and licking me like an ice cream cone.

I shuttered as she pulled it taught and released it and did the same to the other. I eyed Greg's Dad as he had dropped his pants and boxers around his ankles. Greg was returning the favor. She eyed him as well and speeded up as she kneeled down and took mine as well.

I moaned and shuttered as she took it out of her mouth and took my sack as well, causing me to moan even louder. She stood up and buttoned her blouse just enough to show those wonderful breasts I so badly wanted. She took my mouth, and we kissed until Greg's Dad was coming back without his pants and now too was naked and supported a hard-on. She released me hesitantly, wanting to play with me longer.

I whispered. "You can have me once Greg has me fully climaxed," I said. "A promise is a promise. I want him to know that it is ok."

She patted my cheek and said. "Go. He's waiting." When I walked back to a very hard Greg, she said to her husband. "You are getting shaved as well. He was too divine, and I liked it that way, and I will satisfy you even more now that I know what it tastes like."