Chapter 15 Book 4

Chapter 15

Sex In The Rain

By the time Mom came to get me and Aaron. It was nearly 4 p.m. that Wednesday afternoon. Cindy and I were on the couch making out after three hours of having an amazing full-body massage. Mom grinned at us, the fact I had my face in her breasts and being both naked. Did not faze my mother. In fact, she was ecstatic to find out I really, really liked girls, and not just the ones in my book. This made it seem more real. She took a seat that was offered to her while I hesitated to leave my meal behind, but I had already climaxed fully, and the pill was wearing off.

We were just playing around until she arrived. Her mother stated to my Mom that both Greg and Cindy had their blessing to be alone with me anytime they wanted. Showing her a card that her husband made no bigger than a 5 x 5 index card stating that this person belongs to the Night Owls Club. A name I had picked out because that's my favorite time of the day to have sensual stimulation. With their picture like a driver's license photo and listing a place for each of the stars needed with a simple explanation for the stars.

Green stars only get you in the door for stimulation and full body massage. Gold stars regarding the use of a condom. If they are under the age of sixteen with a silver star. Red star meant under the age of fifteen. The Gold Stars meant I could have sex with a condom. Adding a Green star meant I could have sex with that person without needing a condom.

It had a place in the back for all the signatures they needed. Attached to a contract that lists the rules, what they can do, and cannot do. I called the five golden rules: 1. No sex with the same sex other than sensual stimulation. 2. No sex unless all parties have agreed and only with a condom requiring two Gold Stars. 3. No means no … 4. No stimulating anyone under the age of sixteen, unless all said parties agree to it, it requires 1 Silver Star. Anyone younger than fifteen requires a Red Star. 5. Said party can have sex without a condom as long as a said party is unable to get pregnant or have children and the sex was consensual by all parties, otherwise it will be known as rape requiring 3 Gold Stars and a Green Star stating everything is permitted, no holds bars.

The card is attached to a contract going into detail regarding my compromises and that of me and my adoptive parents contract regarding no secrets, and permission being granted to do whatever they like under the guidelines of sexual consent. Making it binding in according to of the law regarding consensual permission within the group. Without the signatures, the card is void.

With the signatures needed to join the contract is only good for one year for adults, and six months for kids under the age of eighteen. All stating if the rules and guidelines are not obeyed. Said party will be removed from the club and all privileges will be removed until a waiting period of six months or their eighteenth birthday. It was a five-page document, plus the signature page. A onetime fee of sixty dollars helps to pay for processing fees and doctor appointments so they can be checked out from top to bottom. Will be given prescription drugs for pills. To keep both parties healthy and vitamins and birth control pills for girls. Money left over will remain within the club to pay for a big dance twice a year. A replacement card is five dollars, and an upgraded one.

My mother quickly signed on the dotted line. I had already been to a doctor a few days ago. My adoptive parents had already signed their name to theirs and my contract and my signature on both. Greg, Cindy, and Chad had an appointment with the doctor in the morning around eight.

Cindy gave me a nervous look, as if she'd been hiding something from her parents. I had a bad feeling about what it was but did not let on what that was; because so far, I had done nothing wrong, and her mother had her eye on both of us all day.

I quickly got dressed while she went in search of Aaron who was poolside with everyone else. Cindy opened the door of Greg's room as I was dressing. She hated to see me go, but I had held up to my part of the deal, and she was more than satisfied. I knew she wanted to talk about why she felt nervous when her Dad stated she and her two brothers were seeing the doctor in the morning. I took my time and patted the bed near me.

She said. "All the girls in school were doing it, and I did not want to be teased for being still a virgin at seventeen. The boy I was with was very rough with me, not the way you were with me, kind and gentle, being a good clean-cut boy who knows the rules and has high standards. He got me drunk, so drunk I was unable to think straight before it was too late. He and his buddy with him raped me. I screamed for help, but all his friends thought I was just playing around. My parents do not know yet and now they will. I do not know how I am going to tell them when they find out that I am no longer a virgin tomorrow."

I put my arms around her and told her that her Mom and Dad loved her and would do anything for her. I said. "I trust your Dad … and not because he is my friend. I have this thing that tells me if a Bishop is truly a person, I can trust with all my secrets, would you like to know why I trust your Dad?" She nodded and I told her how my friend died and how we had this strange connection that when a person like her Dad is truly a man to trust no matter what I have done.

I told her when I first met him how by a simple handshake gave me an out-of-body experience when I would see Jeff giving me his approval. She asked if I had seen him since. I said. "No, but I know he's watching me and will be there when I truly need him to be." I paused said. "My sister Jody was raped by three boys. One of those boys was a foster kid living in the same home as us. Her brother Shawn made it happen and watched his buddies do it, Instead of helping her he helped his friends. They raped her so badly that she can never have children.

Yet has taken her almost a year before she felt safe in another boy's presence. My Adoptive parents and my older brother Shane found her after it was too late, as they chased the boys down so they could pay for their crimes. Even though she was raped, my adoptive parents still love her very much and do not hold it against her. It was not her fault; they raped her, as it was not your fault when those boys raped you.

"The only fault on your part was you let them get you drunk and allowed them to put you in that position. Your Mom and Dad will be disappointed in you for that, but will still love you, regardless. My suggestion would be to tell them upfront before you see the doctor. That way, they won't be angry with you finding out the hard way. Love always trumps anger. I should know because both my parents physically and mentally abused me most of my life. It has taken my mother a year and a half to prove to me and my brother she has turned over a new leaf and really wants to love us and be a mother to us.

"My father, that pig I beat the crap out of has no love for me or my brother. He wants nothing more than to kill us both. One of the reasons I look this good is because I must keep myself in shape and do so in gymnastics, swimming, and kickboxing and combine it all with basic karate and weightlifting, and wrestling. I always have to watch my back whenever I come to visit. My own room is a bank vault, so I can sleep at night knowing no one can get in unless I want them to.

"The only way they can hurt me now is in my nightmares, sometimes known as PTSD episodes where a place, or smell, or watching my adoptive parent enforce discipline will trigger a memory of what my parents have done to me. It has taken me three years and lots of therapy. To the point, I remain in control, but sometimes it happens regardless and ends up hurting myself and others around me. Until they tranquilize me or bring me out of it. It looks like a mad person going crazy with rage. That if I get out of control, I can hurt them and me.

"It's three times worse in a thunderstorm or a closed basement. Requiring me to be tranquilized sometimes up to five times before, they take me down and tie me to the bed as the episode plays itself out.

"I won't tell you what happened to me in the church basement boiler-room, right now because it's too frightening to talk about, and it's not about me telling your parents about you being raped. So, I will save it for next time, providing you want me to be there when you tell them before I leave." She kissed me and said she was willing if I was there with her.

Getting off the bed, and padded out on my bare feet. Before they could ask questions, I asked her Mom and Dad if I could talk to them alone in Greg's room. They said they would, and I cringed when my mother invited herself along, telling me no secrets.

I hesitated because these weren't my secrets. But I knew better to argue. Besides, having another mother might help Cindy. I opened the door as they looked at me and Cindy the mood in the room changed as Cindy ran to her father and hugged him telling him everything in one big breath, at first, they were angry, but it soon changed to love as they sat on the bed.

I stood to give them room as I whispered in my Mom's ear how pretty she looked and how good she smelled. She giggled when she looked down at my red toenails, then held my hands, seeing the same. I shrugged my shoulders and whispered between us. "A guy's got to do what a guy's got to do, Mom."

Mom beamed with pride and kissed me until she found out Cindy's dark secret. She looked at me accusingly until Cindy said I had done nothing to her. It was two boys at school giving their names. Her Dad knew those boys, and they were in our ward, and they seldom came to church because they were known as inactive. Some people call it Jack Mormon. I knew a meeting was going to be taking place, and the words were not going to be pleasant, provided he didn't kill them first.

I knew if it was my Dad, they would be lucky if he did not break every bone in their body. They better pray I do not meet them in a dark alley. That's one thing I won't tolerate, and that's guys raping another person. Once Cindy got it out of her system, she waited for the punishment that was sure to come. Yet she had been living with this guilt for a little over a year and would be eighteen in the spring.

Her Dad was about to revoke her membership in my special club, but her Mom told him that perhaps it would only make the situation worse. Reminding him what it was like when they met at seventeen and the peer pressure was back then. That everyone was smoking weed and drinking their father's liquor cabinet to show everyone how cool they were. I know he did not like it.

He said. "Fine" adding two more rules to your five: Rule 6. No drinking, Rule 7. Smoking or drugs other than ones prescribed by a doctor. She will be grounded for six months for not telling us and doing extra chores. I would ground her and not allow her to see Eric, but he is only going to be here a few more days, but she will only be allowed to see him and no other boys and no dating other boys for six months."

Cindy hugged her parents and looked over her shoulder at mouthing the word thank you. I nodded and grabbed my shoes, socks, and my backpack. I cringed, reached the bottom of the bag where my hidden fifty bills was, and handed it to the bishop, Mom paid the rest of my fees. Considering he was going to be our group's treasure, or his wife was.

Aaron was waiting for me as Mom noticed Greg's toenails and fingernails painted the same color as mine. He said he was coming up and would visit me tomorrow after his doctor's appointment. Mom said. "That's fine. The only ones home would be her, Eric's, and his brother. My daughters are still at camp and won't be home until Saturday and his father." Correcting herself. "My husband will be at work and won't be home until 6 p.m." He gave me a knuckle bump and then drew me in for a kiss.

He released me, telling me he can't wait to see my cute butt again. I smiled reached around and gave him a pinch on his, saying the same thing. I tossed Aaron his unneeded sleeping bag and pillow and was about the leave out the door. When Greg's Mom grabbed me and pushed me up against the wall and kissed me hard and fast, moaning. I still hadn't left yet as Bishop Earl wrapped his arms around me and kissed me the same way.

Most parents would be freaking out seeing two guys kiss like that and someone's mother kissing anyone besides her husband, but not my mother. She was more than ok that I did it. Considering there are the worse things than someone kissing you. I could be a drug addict or a person that knocks over a liquor store or worst a child rapist or a murderer. Or gay, which we both knew I was not. I just happened to like a variety of both, nothing wrong with that. Stating leave the outside world out of it when it comes to judging a person. Let God sort it out. For he knows what is in your heart, the world doesn't.

I had Mom stop at the bank the only bank in Santaquin. I frowned at how low my funds were just under nine hundred dollars. I only took out another two hundred from my savings account. I am hoping I could find a good deal on a new bed for my room at my Mom's place and I knew exactly where to go, having Mom pull up to Stringham's. I went around back because the sign said closed and he waved for me to go around.

He opened the door for us; he said. "I had heard you were in town and had hoped you would stop in to say hello."

I said. "Hi" as he brought me in for a manly hug nearly crushing me.

He released me and asked. "So, how can I help you, my boy?"

I said. "I am in need of a new bed, and I remembered you gave my Pa a good price when we moved into our new home?"

He rubbed his chin as the wheels were churning, he said. "A bigger bed was doable, but it will take up more room in your already small room."

I nodded, "that I would have to most likely have to move my dresser into the closet."

He nodded and pulled out a floor plan of my room and said. "How big were thinking, son?"

I said. "A full or queen-sized bed, the same kind I have at my adoptive parent's home."

He gasped at me and my mother and said. "Backup a bit. You did say your Mother agreed to have them adopt you when she could have a long time ago, have done so with the Downings?"

Mom answered the question and said. "It was a mistake and I see that now. We have open adoption where I can see him anytime I want to. No family court or a caseworker interfering. No more foster homes, no group homes, or a home for boys. I signed my husband's rights away, so he has no ties to him whatsoever. He gets to keep the name I gave him. He now goes by Eric T Rothwell."

Mr. Stringham saw the hurt in both my and my mother's eyes. It still hurt that I would never be a Downing or perhaps ever see them again. My mother had no other choice. I needed stable parents and the Rothwells truly were that, and they loved me as their own son. I was not a foster kid to them, only on paper, unless either of them did something stupid. She could lose me and never see me again, or they could lose me. I would never see them again. He congratulated me even though it was not what I truly wanted, but I no longer belonged to my father.

He pulled out a catalog and had me pick out a bed. I died inside seeing the price. The one I wanted was seven hundred dollars, and all it was, was a headboard and frame with a box spring and mattress. It did not count the bedding I would need for it. Stringham knew I was never rich, and I and him went back a long way, so we haggled over a price we both could live with. He said he knew, a guy that knows a guy who could build me the headboard and the frame for less than a hundred dollars, and the mattress he could get at wholesale prices for another two hundred.

All he wanted in exchange was me working at his store for two hours a day and four on Saturday. He would give me the deal of a lifetime of one hundred and fifty dollars for all of it and throw it in a closet that only a boy could dream of. I shook on the deal, stating I would prefer a closet my mother could dream of instead. Just like all my deals, it was done with a handshake and a promise. I opened my wallet only to put it away until our deal was done.

I whispered in his ear if I could add a few things to that bed. I gave a silly smile, and whispered a place to hook on a pair of handcuffs on both sides of the bed. He gave me a strange look. I blushed. It did not take a genius to know what those hooks for handcuffs were for. It also stated we were going to have a long talk, and it was going to be about girls. Hey, I was into the kinky stuff big time, thanks to my mermaids.

With three bags of penny candy, he sent us on our way. There was no reason to stop at home, considering Jim was home and I was not in the mood for another confrontation. Mom drove us to our favorite restaurant. The Red Rooster is the best place in the world for a steak and cheese sandwiches.

Mom paid for it out of the money I gave her, stating it was her treat for sticking up for her. I told Mom I would always stick up for her because I trusted her and loved her. Something I couldn't say or do a year and a half ago. It really did seem she had changed, yet I wondered sometimes if it still was all an act. Then again, she had a lot to lose if that ever happened.