Chapter 24 Book 4

Chapter 24

The Catwalk

(From the Song I'm Too Sexy)

By R.S. F (Right Side Fred)

I should have known better about Dad and how far he was willing to go. I had assumed that it would be just us three guys and our three ladies who would have the big tub room to ourselves, but I was wrong. Shawn and Arthur were sitting in the corner. Shawn was naked, and Arthur was wearing a diaper and a girl's panties. Both of them were gagged so they couldn't say anything.

Jody closed the door and said. "These two animals are Shawn and Arthur. Boys, stand up so they can get a good look at you." They did not move, so Jody quickly went over to them picked up a horsewhip known as a riding crop from off the wooden cabinet, and slapped them hard across their backs.

I cringed hearing the leather striking bare skin. Jody looked at me seeing if it put me into an episode, but I controlled myself, barely. She repeated the command this time getting a response, angry response. She made them turn around as they shuffled with their leg and ankle chains, making it impossible to run as their hands were handcuffed together and tied prison-style. Shawn and Arthur glared at us with such hate if they were free, they would have killed us.

Dad and Bishop Earl came into the room and Dad said. "I see you met our two guests. Part of their punishment is during the time they are going through the Shaming Ritual. Is they are to be treated as slaves, treated like animals, and most of all they are to be present during sex. They may not take part unless you want them to. They are to watch what they could have had or can have once they are free to do so over the course of their shaming period. It is part of their retraining program and an incentive to want to work hard and earn rewards to regain their freedom.

Without those rewards and if they refuse to cooperate within the first six months to a year, they are given the choice to do so. Or die as they should have, or in their case be sent to prison. Then it would be open season to every rapist every murderer."

Bishop Earl walked over to the boys and removed their gags and asked if they were going to be good or if they going to talk back or give them any lip. Shawn forced his eyes to the floor. Bishop Earl raised his chin, making him look up at him. I never thought he would be cruel to anyone until he looked at Shawn and Arthur with such anger, it scared the crap out of me. He asked Shawn to answer him.

Shawn said, "No sir." With such hate, it sounded more like a threat.

Bishop Earl said. "That's a good boy. Would you like to have a reward?" Shawn looked down at Bishop Earl's penis. I want to taste it very much. Even Arthur was licking his lips.

Shawn nodded as he reached for it only to be slammed down to the floor hard on his knees. Bishop Earl told Chad to come over and give Shawn his reward. I saw his face as he cringed. He said. "Dad, I'd rather not. I like girls a lot. I rather stick my penis in a blender before I stick it inside that child rapist." Greg and I both told him that we both would rather do that, too. Then give Shawn or Arthur that kind of reward.

If Bishop Earl wasn't here, Dad would have forced us to, but he was here. Shawn looked hungrily at his penis but was denied as Bishop Earl asked. "Would you like one of the girl's breasts or perhaps a quick snack of any of their sweet spots?" Shawn shook his head no. Arthur too shook his head no. Bishop Earl said. "You want me and my boys to stick our penis inside you?"

Shawn nodded and said, "Please! Oh, God, yes!" Jody reached into a bag that had Shawn and Arthur's things in it. Pulling out a silver penis made of metal and handed it to Bishop Earl. Bishop Earl covered it with KY gel the cheap stuff. Not the nice stuff that came in all sorts of flavors. We all cringed and tightened our butts as he roughly inserted it inside Shawn's butt.

We all watched Shawn's face and eyes as they rolled to the back of his head as if it was the best thing he had ever felt. Until his face gave a horrid look, a surprised look as he screamed in pain. Then watched Bishop Earl pull it out and wipe it clean and re-sterilize it with alcohol, placing it back inside the bag.

Dad said. "The only penis that is willing to have you, you worthless animal, every time you ask for one, that's what you are going to get."

Dad slapped Shawn across the face and was about to do it again. When Bishop Earl stepped in said, "Robert, calm down. We have guests and I want them to have sex not be witnessed to brutality. I know they deserve it, but don't." 

Dad growled and stared at us said. "Fine," walked out the door and down the hall.

Bishop Earl said. "Sorry about that, kids … he's just mad because Shawn and Arthur wanted it so bad. Next time, don't anger the monster. All he is asking for is a one-time-only offer. So, you boys would know the difference. Because you have yet to pleasure any of your girls that way and believe me, there is a difference. My wife and many women really, really like it. I like it too and so will you."

He closed the door, leaving us to our bath with our watchers. I hated the idea of them always watching us, but rules were rules, even though I did not like it. I did not want them to be murdered in cold blood, either. Prison, yes, but not killed. It was the girls' turn to pleasure us and it was also the day for them to groom us. After all, it was the third day.

It was a routine that every three days we would be groomed to prevent rough hair like stubble to make it feel like sandpaper against our tongues. Our watchers grew bored as the girls did us orally. They only got excited when we boys stimulated each other by sharing a long-awaited release after the girls had groomed our crotches. Arthur gave Shawn a silly grin and said. "Oops," as the stink filled the room as he reaches inside his panties and diaper and started to cover himself in his own shit.

Shawn grinned and helped himself to some of Arthur's and started to spread it on both of them. Jody grabbed the riding crop and started beating them out the door and screaming at them. How disgusting they are. Shawn yelled back. "It tastes better than a girl's butt and sweet spot. You should really try it."

Jody said. "Yew, get your hands away from me." Then screamed. "Mom, Dad, they are covered in shit again and now they have touched the walls. Yew, gross he touched me."

I heard her beating them, but it wasn't Jody it was Mom and Dad as Jody came back in and grabbed their bag. She had finger marks where Shawn and Arthur touched her.

Greg asked. "Does this happen all the time?"

I nodded it did and said. "It is why Arthur wears a diaper, but the pink panties are a nice touch. He looks really good wearing a girl's wig and bikini."

Greg rolled his eyes and said. "There is no way am sticking my penis in their butts. A girl's maybe, but not theirs or any guy's or boy's butt. That is just plain disgusting." Chad and I agreed totally. I prayed that Dad wouldn't make us, but I had my doubts. I said nothing and kept those thoughts to myself. Watching Jody come back, she had taken the time to clean herself off. She smelled like fresh peach soap and raspberries.

She gave us all a silly grin and said. "Now where were we?"

We were on our fourth round of sex in the tub when Mom and Dad came in with just Shawn. He had been cleaned up and smelled of Irish Spring soap and his skin was red from being scrubbed down with a hard bristle brush. He smiled, seeing us boys taking our girls pleasuring them through their butts, noticing our eyes roll in the back of our heads. Shawn said. "You think that feels good? Wait until a try a nice young sweet virgin boy's butt, for the very first time. You'll never want a girl again."

Dad slapped his face and gagged him and tossed him into the corner and said. No one asked you to speak mule boy. And no, a boy's butt feels nothing like that. I should know, considering I was forced to when my father made us rape each other in front of him." He slapped him again. Dad gave my adoptive Mom a silly grin and climbed behind her and bent her over the cabinet. Mom screamed with pleasure. I couldn't tell if it was more of a scream for Shawn's benefit or ours.

It was three in the morning when we finally went to bed. Jody had decided she would spend the night with Dave, whom she had more reason to, considering she was his girlfriend. My mother kissed all three of us goodnight and told us they would pick us up after work. I knew she could have stayed here, but she gave an excuse that she needed to clean up the mess she and Jim made at home. Bishop Earl's wife said she would go with her and her husband. While my adoptive parents stayed there to make sure in case any of us needed anything, but mostly to keep watch over the two bad boys, I had learned they were tied to a tree out back.

Our two girls also went home because they weren't allowed to sleep with us. Just have mind-blowing sex. Jody tried to get them to, telling them nobody would tell their parents, but when your parents say no, they mean no. For now, anyway, after all, we haven't met them. Which said that wasn't a choice until we had. I also had no doubts that they too would want to have sex with us. After all, every mother with a daughter we have met has.

Greg and Chad gave me a silly grin, which said it would be just us guys. Until Mom and Dad came into the room, I groaned inwardly, thinking we had already dodged a bullet, but I was wrong. It was their turn. Mom and Dad wanted a snack, and it was us as she had us each get into position. Now there were four guys and one girl, or in Mom's case a very horny woman.

When they got what they wanted, they left us alone. We were more than spent watching them turn off the lights, telling us we had a long day tomorrow. I looked over Greg's clock where my glasses were and groaned because it was now four thirty a.m., and we would only get two or three hours of sleep before Greg, and I had to get up and go to work. Mom was right. It was going to be an exceptionally long day.

Greg's alarm went off, having me jump two inches off the bed. I wanted to take that alarm clock and chuck it across the wall. Man, I was beaten, but going back to sleep would never happen. To save time, Greg shared a quick shower with me. While Mom prepared us a quick breakfast of French toast with white bread. Which was a first for her, considering she always made it out of wheat bread.

She gave us each of our vitamins and high protein and energy shake, to give each of us a boost. Dad took us over to Stringham's and went to work. Telling us he would see us later, giving Greg and I each a kiss, something I had gotten quite used to. Stringham let us in, and we followed him to the office. He was still fully dressed. Greg and I gave him a silly grin, Greg whispered in my ear to let's play follow the leader.

Greg's idea of following the leader was a little different from my idea. As he slammed Mr. Stringham against the wall the second, I closed the office door. Kiss him hard and fast and ripped open Stringham's shirt, watching the buttons flying across the room, as Stringham lifted off Greg's shirt and quickly undid Greg's pants while they both removed their shoes still kissing.

Mr. Stringham spun Greg around to the wall, but Greg looked at me with his eyes pointing to his pants. Stating he wanted me to remove them, so I did have them help me, lifting each foot so I could. Stringham took Greg to the desk and leaned him over, having Mr. Stringham remove his boxers and both of their socks. I was the only one in the room that still had my clothes on. So much for following the leader, so I had thought until Dave opened the door. I gave him a silly grin and slammed him against the wall doing the exact same thing as Greg did except ripping Dave's shirt open because he was wearing a pullover like me.

Not a big deal as I kissed him hard not taking my time as I watched from the corner of my eyes that Greg was already doing Stringham orally. Like me, we only had one shot maybe two, if I know Mom. She laced our morning shakes with a full dose of a crushed, horny pill. We both helped each other with our shirts, tossing them onto the floor with our already scattered clothes.

Dave and I wasted no time removing the rest of our clothes so we could catch up with Greg and Stringham. Telling them both only to the brink so we could all have time to fully climax about the same time. Dave rolled the mattress onto the floor, telling Greg and me to get into position. Slipping on an open condom and having him and Stringham work us hard and fast until we both fully climaxed. Telling us they have been waiting to do us both together for a very long time since they had us individually a couple of times. It was the same for us as we wanted Dave and Mr. Stringham considering like them, we only had them individually. It would be our first as well.

It was like we were rushing against the clock as we hurried and dressed in our work clothes and quickly brushed our teeth so we could start our day. Dave ran the deliveries like Greg, and I worked in the store. I noticed an order from my Dad for a new tub that could easily seat nine people comfortably and an exceptionally large hot tub, the biggest that they make. Stringham had me call the order in saying. "Your Dad really liked the idea of having one, ever since your vacation, and said now that he did not need to hide the fact of any of us having sex. He felt it was a pastime to put one in."

I scratched my head, wondering where he was going to put it. Knowing full well that fall and winter would be coming, the hot tub would spend half the year covered up if he put it outside and built a gazebo or put it down in the basement. The only room big enough for that tub would be my old soundproof room. True, it's not used anymore and stays open for our bad boys and new foster kids since my three brothers have all moved into Jody's and Kerry's room. I did what I was asked and placed the order. I gasped at the price tag and that was before the huge discount he was going to get.

Mrs. Earl came up to get us, as well as my mother. It would take three cars to transport us to Highland, including Jody's car with Shawn and Arthur who looked so cute in their matching pink frilly dresses, including painted fingernails and makeup. With bright red lipstick and girl socks up to their knees with little colored bows in their long golden yellow hair, wearing matching black girl shoes instead of sneakers. Neither of them looked happy. Mr. Stringham gave them each a smile and said. "Good morning, ladies," Referring to Shawn and Arthur.

My adoptive Mom said she needed to bring them along because she couldn't leave them alone in the house with Jody. Since she would have her hands full, tending to my three brothers and Mrs. Earl's kids as well. Mostly, I think it had to do with how she wanted to publicly humiliate them. She said to Mr. Stringham. "These are my two young daughters Barbra short for Barbie," patting Shawn's cheek. "And this young lady is Lucy," patting Arthur's cheeks.

They both gave us a hateful stare but kept their mouths shut. Both their hands were handcuffed in front of them with a long cable that went between their legs and down to the floor of the car as they were seat-belted in. I noticed the same device in my adoptive mother's car and my Dad's car when he dropped us off this morning.

I groaned inwardly, knowing they were coming with us. Aaron too was coming with us so Mom could buy him some school clothes with her nice large two-thousand-dollar check, a gift from Mr. Stringham to make sure we were both well taken care of. Greg and I rode in my mother's car with Aaron and my adoptive Mom.

Greg's Mom's car had the rest of her family and his mother. Cindy rode shotgun with Jody with our two bad boys in the back. Jody's car could barely fit four people comfortably but held our two bad boys until we reached my Highland home.

Where we would decide who was going and who was staying with Jody until Bishop Earl arrived and when my Dad got off work. I wasn't all that concerned if they all stayed the night, considering the boys, if they wanted to, could all sleep in the backyard. We had plenty of sleeping bags and we could always put up the tents. I was more concerned about my mother and having sex with my Dad or Mr. Earl or Greg and me.

Something I wanted to keep private from Aaron and worried he would freak out, finding our mother having sex with all of us. I groaned inwardly just thinking about it and prayed Mom could control herself, yet I had serious doubts. He already knew I had sex with my adoptive Mom. How could he not when he was right there at our campsite and had a very good view?

Even though he has said nothing about it or the fact, he watched her at the table stimulated me. Even more so watching Jody and Cindy show up on my mother's doorstep as cops and take off both Greg's and my clothing right there on the patio while everyone else and he were having dinner. It was no big deal when it came to my mother's nudity or our own. To him, like me, it was the norm as it is at the Kenly's, at my mother's home, Bishop Earl's home, and my Rothwell home.

All I could think about was how complicated my life was because of my mother always wanted to have sex with me and everyone else. Or the fact these married people in my life liked sharing partners. As well as having sex with me and my friends in the open and not behind closed and locked doors. The only good thing was at least we didn't have to hide about having oral stimulation, and Aaron was more than willing and old enough for that and had asked me to let him me do it as well as our mother, but so far we haven't. Life is just cruel and busy, for me but that was ok. I questioned if my mother too hadn't found the time, which was either a bad thing or a good thing, because she too hadn't had the chance to go too far.