

Jian Yong's Long Day

It had been a grueling day for Jian Yong. The business meetings stretched on endlessly, contracts were signed, and by the time the clock struck 9 PM, his energy was spent. He leaned back in his office chair, rubbing his temples, the weight of his responsibilities pressing down on him.

"Sir, the final paperwork has been sent for review," Miss Zhang said, stepping into the office with her usual efficiency. She placed a neatly organized folder on his desk, her expression professional as always.

Jian Yong glanced at her, his tired smile breaking through. "Thank you, Zhang. You're a lifesaver, as always."

Miss Zhang allowed herself a small smile. "Just doing my job, sir."

"You do more than your job," Jian Yong said, standing and stretching. "And after a day like today, I'd say we both deserve a drink. What do you say?"

Miss Zhang hesitated for a moment before nodding. "One drink couldn't hurt."

The Drink That "Fucked" him up

The two found themselves at an upscale lounge not far from Jian Yong's office. The atmosphere was cozy, the lighting low, and the soft hum of jazz filling the air. Jian Yong ordered a bottle of expensive whiskey, insisting that Miss Zhang join him for a toast.

"To surviving the week," he said, clinking his glass against hers.

"To surviving you," she replied with a teasing smile.

The drinks flowed freely, and as the hours passed, the barriers of professionalism slowly melted away. They laughed, shared stories, and for the first time, Jian Yong saw Miss Zhang not just as his assistant but as someone who understood him on a deeper level.

Somewhere between the third and fourth glass, the conversation took a more personal turn.

"You know," Jian Yong said, his voice slightly slurred, "I don't think I'd be half as successful without you."

Miss Zhang chuckled, her cheeks flushed from the alcohol. "And I don't think I'd have half as many headaches without you."

Their laughter subsided, replaced by a charged silence. Jian Yong's gaze lingered on her a moment too long, and before either of them could think twice, they did the boom chak a pow.

The Morning After The "fuck" up

Jian Yong woke up to a splitting headache and the glaring light of morning streaming through his bedroom window. He groaned, sitting up slowly, only to freeze when he realized he wasn't alone.

Miss Zhang lay beside him, the sheets pulled down under her body, her expression peaceful in sleep. The events of the previous night came rushing back, and Jian Yong buried his face in his hands.

"FUCK...," he muttered. "FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK...WHAT HAVE I DONE?"

Quietly, he slipped out of bed, trying not to wake her. As he dressed, his mind raced. This wasn't supposed to happen. She's my assistant, for crying out loud.

And then a more sobering thought hit him: What if she's pregnant?

The Call to Jian

Unable to handle the weight of his thoughts alone, Jian Yong grabbed his phone and called the one person he trusted to be blunt with him: his son.

Jian Chen picked up on the third ring, his voice groggy. "Dad? It's early. What's going on?"

"Jian," Jian Yong began, his tone uncharacteristically serious. "I fucked up son like i really fucked up."

"What did you do now?" Jian asked, sitting up in bed.

Jian Yong hesitated, running a hand through his hair. "You remember Miss Zhang, my assistant?"

"Yeah… What about her?"

"Well… we went out for drinks last night, and… her and I fucked"

Jian groaned audibly. "Seriously, Dad? You slept with your assistant?"

"Yes, and I'm pretty sure she might be pregnant," Jian Yong blurted out, his voice rising in panic.

There was a long pause on the other end of the line before Jian finally spoke. "You're a grown man, Dad. You should've known better."

"I know, I know!" Jian Yong said, pacing the room. "But what do I do now?"

Jian sighed. "First, you talk to her. Second i'm a kid you should know the answers to the adult problems Quit telling me every time you fuck up. And third…" Jian smirked slightly, though his father couldn't see it. "…you should ask grandpa for advice when shit like this happens not me but... uhh try and deal with this like an adult."

Despite the seriousness of the situation, Jian Yong couldn't help but laugh at his son's bluntness. "Thanks, kid. You're a real help."

"Whatever, Dad," Jian replied, already shaking his head at the absurdity of it all. "Good luck. You're going to need it."

As the call ended, Jian Yong took a deep breath, steeling himself for the conversation he knew he needed to have with Miss Zhang.

The Morning After: Awkward Beginnings

Jian Yong had barely finished pacing the room when he heard Miss Zhang stirring behind him. He turned just as she sat up, clutching the sheets around her. Her expression shifted from confusion to mortified realization in a heartbeat.

"Good morning…" Jian Yong began awkwardly, his voice uncertain.

Miss Zhang groaned, rubbing her temples. "Morning… sir."

"You don't have to call me that right now," Jian Yong said, scratching the back of his head.

The silence that followed was deafening. Neither knew what to say, their usual dynamic thrown entirely off balance.

"About last night—" they both began at the same time, then stopped, each gesturing for the other to go first.

After a few more moments of stammering and half-finished sentences, Miss Zhang finally stood, gathering her clothes. "We should… get to the office."

Jian Yong nodded quickly, relieved to have an excuse to move on. "Yes. Office. Right."

But as they got ready and left the house, the air between them was heavy with unspoken tension.

The Office Day From Hell

At the office, the awkwardness between them was impossible to miss. Miss Zhang avoided eye contact, and Jian Yong found himself fumbling over simple sentences whenever she entered the room. Their coworkers, accustomed to their usual easy camaraderie, exchanged puzzled glances.

By the end of the day, Jian Yong was at his wit's end. He couldn't stand the strained silence anymore.

The Confession

As Miss Zhang gathered her things to leave, Jian Yong walked up to her desk. She glanced up, surprised to see him standing so close.

"Miss Zhang," he began, his voice steadier than he expected. "I need to say something."

Her eyes searched his, wary but curious. "What is it, sir?"

He stepped closer, close enough to see the faint blush rising in her cheeks. "Zhang, I've been thinking all day about what happened last night. About us. And I realized…" He paused, his heart pounding. "I realized that I don't regret it. Not one bit."

Her breath hitched, but she said nothing, waiting for him to continue.

"I think I've loved you for a long time," Jian Yong admitted, his words tumbling out in a rush. "I just never realized it until now. And if this complicates things, I don't care. Because I don't want to keep pretending that what happened didn't mean something."

Before she could respond, Jian Yong leaned in and kissed her, softly but firmly. Miss Zhang froze for a moment, then melted into the kiss, her hands resting lightly on his chest.

When they finally broke apart, her face was flushed, her expression a mix of shock and something else—something warmer.

"You're really something, aren't you?" she murmured.

Jian Yong grinned. "That's a yes?"

Miss Zhang laughed, shaking her head. "Yes, it's a yes."

The Next Morning

For the second time in as many days, Jian Yong woke up next to Miss Zhang. But this time, the atmosphere was different—lighter, more comfortable. He watched her sleeping for a moment, a small smile playing on his lips.

I didn't mess up this time, he thought.

But as he got up and made his way to the kitchen, another thought struck him like a bolt of lightning.

She could still be pregnant.

Panic set in almost instantly. Jian Yong paced the room, debating whether to call his son again. Finally, he grabbed his phone and hit the speed dial.

"Dad?" Jian's groggy voice came through the line. "Again? What now?"

Jian Yong took a deep breath. "So… about Miss Zhang. I might've made things even more complicated."

"How?" Jian asked, now fully awake.

"Well… we're kind of a thing now. And I'm pretty sure she's pregnant."

The line went silent for a moment before Jian groaned loudly. "Dad, are you serious? You're thirty-something! You're supposed to have your life together!"

"I know!" Jian Yong replied, running a hand through his hair. "But when you love someone, logic kind of goes out the window, doesn't it?"

Jian sighed. "You know what? Handle it like an adult this time. Talk to her. And maybe, maybe, stop calling me every time you panic."

Jian Yong chuckled nervously. "Fair point. Thanks, son."

"Don't thank me," Jian said dryly. "Just don't mess this up also call grand pa."

As the call ended, Jian Yong took a deep breath, And decided to call his father.

The phone rang a few times before a groggy voice answered. "Hello?"

"Dad, it's me," Jian Yong said quickly.

"Jian?" his father mumbled, clearly half-asleep. "Do you have any idea what time it is?"

"It's important," Jian Yong said, his voice urgent. "I really need your advice."

Grandpa's Response

There was a long pause on the other end before his father sighed heavily. "What is it now?"

"Well, uh…" Jian Yong hesitated, rubbing the back of his neck. "I think I might've… gotten someone pregnant."

The line went silent for a moment. Then, his father let out a loud groan. "Jian Yong, you're thirty! Why are you calling me about this? You're a grown man!"

"I know, I know," Jian Yong said, frustration creeping into his voice. "But this is serious, Dad. I don't know what to do."

His father sighed again, this time with a tone of finality. "Jian, listen to me carefully."

"Yes?" Jian Yong asked eagerly.

"I don't care," his father said bluntly. "Figure it out yourself."

Before Jian Yong could respond, the line went dead.

Jian Yong's Reaction

Jian stared at his phone in disbelief, the sound of the call disconnecting echoing in his ear. "He doesn't care?" Jian muttered to himself. "What kind of advice is that?"

He glanced over at Miss Zhang, still peacefully asleep in bed, and let out a long sigh. Looks like I'm on my own with this one I will just go to sleep its still an early day anyway.

The Morning After: Round Two

Jian Yong woke up to the faint scent of coffee wafting through the house. For a moment, he thought he was dreaming, but as he sat up and stretched, he spotted Miss Zhang in his oversized shirt, standing in the kitchen and pouring two mugs of coffee.

"Morning," she said, glancing over her shoulder.

Jian Yong blinked, rubbing his eyes. "Morning… What time is it?"

"Almost 10 AM," she replied, setting the coffee down on the table. "I thought I'd make us something before heading out."

Jian smiled, the sight of her so effortlessly fitting into his space stirring something warm in his chest. "You don't have to rush. Stay a little longer."

Miss Zhang raised an eyebrow, sipping her coffee. "You're unusually relaxed this morning. Should I be worried?"

"Actually…" Jian hesitated, running a hand through his hair. "There's something I've been thinking about."

As Miss Zhang sat across from him, Jian Yong felt his heart pound. He remembered how carefree they had been the night before, how much he'd realized he cared for her during their kiss. But now, in the sober light of morning, reality hit him hard.

"You could be pregnant," he blurted out, his voice louder than he intended.

Miss Zhang nearly choked on her coffee. "Excuse me?"

"I mean, think about it," Jian Yong said, leaning forward. "Last night—well, technically, the last two nights—we didn't exactly, uh, take precautions."

Miss Zhang's face turned bright red as she set her mug down. "I… didn't even think about that."

"Neither did I until this morning!" Jian admitted, his voice rising in panic. "And now I'm freaking out because what if you are?"

Miss Zhang stared at him for a moment before bursting into laughter.

"What's so funny?" Jian asked, frowning.

"You!" she said, still laughing. "You're acting like a kid who got caught sneaking out past curfew. Relax, Jian. We'll figure it out."

Her calm voice settled Jian slightly, but the thought still loomed in his mind.

Later that day, Jian Yong sat in his office, waiting for Miss Zhang to return from a meeting. When she walked in, her usual confidence radiating, Jian stood and cleared his throat.

"Zhang, can we talk?"

She tilted her head, curious. "Of course. What's on your mind?"

Jian hesitated for a moment, then stepped closer, his voice soft but steady. "I meant what I said earlier. I care about you—more than I realized before. And if you are pregnant…" He paused, searching her eyes. "Then I'm ready to do whatever it takes to support you. To support us."

Miss Zhang's expression softened, her usual professional demeanor giving way to something more vulnerable. "Jian, you're such an idiot sometimes," she said with a small laugh. "But… I care about you too."

He smiled, relief washing over him. "So, we're in this together?"

"Absolutely," she said, reaching out to squeeze his hand. "But first, let's figure out if there's actually something to worry about."

Jian nodded, the weight on his chest lifting. 

Miss Zhang's Truth

Miss Zhang paced her small, tidy apartment, her mind racing. The events of the past few days played on repeat, leaving her restless and anxious. Her usually composed demeanor had crumbled under the weight of a single thought.

What if I'm pregnant?

She sat on the edge of her bed, staring at the small box in her hands. The pregnancy test felt heavier than it should, its implications pressing down on her. Taking a deep breath, she stood and walked to the bathroom, steeling herself for the moment of truth.

Minutes later, Miss Zhang emerged, the test trembling in her hand. She stared at the tiny screen, her heart pounding in her chest.


Her breath caught, and she sank onto the couch, her free hand covering her mouth. "I'm pregnant," she whispered to herself, the reality of it sinking in.

The emotions came in waves—panic, fear, disbelief, and, unexpectedly, a flicker of warmth. As much as the situation scared her, a small part of her felt… hopeful.

"I need to tell Jian," she muttered, her voice shaky but determined. She reached for her phone, her fingers hovering over his name.

But for now, she just sat there, clutching the test, her mind racing with thoughts of what the future would hold.


The Jian Family Gathering

The Jian family estate was alive with chatter and laughter as relatives from near and far gathered for their biannual family event. The large dining room was bustling with activity, the scent of delicious food wafting through the air.

At one end of the room, Jian Chen and his grandfather sat together, plates piled high with food. Their conversation, however, had little to do with the gathering itself.

"Did he call you too?" Jian Chen asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Of course he did," Grandpa Jian replied, rolling his eyes. "At some ungodly hour, no less."

Jian Chen smirked. "What did he say to you?"

"That he 'might've gotten someone pregnant,'" Grandpa Jian said, mimicking his son's panicked tone. "As if I'm supposed to swoop in and fix it for him."

Jian Chen chuckled. "What did you tell him?"

"I told him I didn't care and went back to sleep," Grandpa Jian said with a shrug. "The boy's thirty years old. He should've figured it out on his own."

"Sounds about right," Jian Chen replied, shaking his head. "He called me too. I told him to stop acting like a kid and deal with it like an adult."

The two shared a laugh, their amusement at Jian Yong's over-the-top reaction bonding them further.

The Announcement

At the other end of the table, Jian Yong cleared his throat loudly, drawing everyone's attention. Miss Zhang sat beside him, her face a mixture of nervousness and resolve.

"Everyone," Jian Yong began, holding up a glass of wine. "There's something I need to share with you all."

The room fell silent, the family turning to look at him expectantly.

"Miss Zhang and I are expecting a child," Jian Yong said, a proud smile breaking across his face.

There was a beat of stunned silence before the room erupted into a mix of cheers, congratulations, and a few gasps.

Grandpa Jian raised an eyebrow, leaning over to Jian Chen. "Took him long enough to admit it."

Jian Chen smirked, shaking his head. "At least he's owning up to it now."

As the family swarmed Jian Yong and Miss Zhang with well-wishes, Jian Chen leaned back in his chair, exchanging a knowing look with his grandfather.

"You know," Jian Chen said, "he might be annoying, but at least he finally did something right."

Grandpa Jian chuckled, raising his glass. "To the next generation of Jians. May they inherit fewer of his dramatics."

The two clinked their glasses, watching the chaos of the announcement unfold with amused detachment of course chen drank juice he's a athleat.
