Chapter 31 More Apples
[Huo Lian]
"Jian, I know this girl you know," I say while nodding.
He jumps off the couch again and says, "Really?!"
"Haha, sit down, sit down," I say while pulling his hand down to the couch. "Yes, I know her better than anyone else, and she often thinks about the boy she met at the market in the capital," I say as if teaching him something important.
"No way," he is so shocked, his eyes and mouth open wide.
"Haha, yes, yes. You can even say she is always thinking of you."
"Please don't tease me," he says with his face red. He looks wronged. Aww, he looks like a cute puppy.
"No, I swear. I can even say with certainty she loves you, maybe even more than you love her," I say as seriously as possible.
He looks at me shocked, then speaks as if it was harder to do than drawing water out of the desert floor, "But how could you know for certain?"
I get really close to his ear and whisper, nearly touching his ear with my lips, "Do you really want to know?"
I can see his ears and face turn bright red, but because he wants to know the answer so much, he stubbornly doesn't move and slowly nods. I think it's time to put the nail in the coffin.
"Because when you arrived at the capital with your father the first time, you were wearing matching green pants. You also were wearing the same pants the second time you came."
[Zhen Jian]
"Ahh, yes. Father usually didn't like wearing shirts because his arms were too big, and I always liked matching his pants with my own. But how did you know?" I didn't say that part of the story even to Mrs. Qin because I didn't think it was important.
She softly chuckles next to my ear and says, "Because both times you met me, of course."
"Huh?" I couldn't help but let out a strange noise. I look at her face and ask for clarification. "I am sorry, I don't understand."
She smiles just like she did 10 years ago and says, "I am Huo Lian."
When she said that, my mind went blank. But her face began to change in my head. I can slowly see the appearance of the cute girl that stole my heart with a single smile.
It is her.
I stare at her for such a long time.
There is no doubt It's her.
Every time when she was in a coma and had a small smile, I felt nostalgic, thinking I was missing Huo Lian. And now, when I see her smile, I can't get enough of it. My heart bursts. I wanted to see her ever since I said goodbye to her. And I have been living with her for the past three months without even realizing it.
[Huo Lian]
He just stares at my face without saying anything, but I can visually see his smile growing in real time. It's different to see him smile with my eyes compared to my sense. This was much more appealing. Not like last time where I felt discontent; right now, I feel content—well, somewhat content.
While he was still trying to put his thoughts together, I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him into a gentle embrace. He is much larger and heavier than me, but he feels as light as a feather. He fully allows me to do what I want.
I wanted to wait until his mind was settled, but I have never been one to wait. I am, after all, used to attacking. While pulling him into my chest, I start to rub the back of his head and tell him what I have wanted to say for so long. "Thank you, Jian, for everything, and yes, I have been loving you since you gave me my first apple."
[Zhen Jian]
When she said that, my whole body shivered as if it was in so much delight it couldn't stand it. While I was embraced by her, I slowly closed my eyes and brought my hands around her waist. I pulled myself deeper into her embrace, and she kept rubbing the back of my head, constantly reminding me of her feelings.
We lingered in each other's embrace. I don't know how long it has been, but I was worried about her. I don't know if she has eaten anything since she woke up. I bring up my question.
"Uhhh," but then my tongue gets tied. What do I call her? I can't call her Mrs. Patient—I only did that because she couldn't speak and I didnt know her name.. Huo Lian seemed a bit distant. And I would need to ask permission before calling her something intimate like Lian.
[Huo Lian]
My eyes are closed, and his head is still cradled between my chest and neck. I am still rubbing his head gently. I have already become addicted to this feeling, but I can tell he wants to ask me something but doesn't know what to call me. I smile. Good, if he called me Mrs. Patient even now, I think I would bite his ear.
"Call me Lian, Jian." I make the choice for him.
"Uhh, Lian, I wanted to ask if you ate anything yet," he asks in his ever-caring voice. Ah, but he brought up the subject that I was trying to avoid.
"We will be eating apples," I make my stance clear. I put more strength in the hands holding his head and say, "Also, you are not allowed to go to the kitchen today."
I can almost feel his confusion, but just thinking about the kitchen makes my face burn red. He is for sure not going to the kitchen today.
"Uhhh, okay," he says, the confusion evident in his voice.
It makes me happy that he doesn't ask why. I slowly drop his head to my thighs, and he adjusts accordingly. He faces my stomach while lying on his side, his hands still curled around my waist, and my hands still busy messing with his hair. Then he says something only this doofus would say, "We both like apples, so we can have them for lunch and dinner."
I chuckle softly, my heart full as I look down at him. This moment, this simplicity, feels perfect.