chapter 4;dark past final

After soren killed them, he forgot the rule of using the stone at its fullest, which caused him to lose himself. He repeats the word "kill" to himself as he lost himself.

*"Kill... Kill... Kill. Kill. Kill! Kill them all!"*

He repeats it, but his soul was overwhelmed by the stone's powers. He tries to regain himself, but he remembers what happened to his parents.

*"Hey, you bastard, what are you looking at?"*

As the man looks at the people he killed, he realizes, *"Wait, don't tell me you're their son."* They laugh at him; they mock him. The next thing they saw was truly fearful: they didn't see a man; they saw a *DEMON FROM ANOTHER HELL HOLDING A BRIGHTLY BLOODY RED STONE.*

They run as fast as they could, but one of their men has fallen unconscious. Nevertheless, they continue to run as fast as they could, managing to escape but losing a man to a mere child. Nothing but the word "kill" keeps whispering in the little boy's ears.

*Flashback ends.*

After completing the first trial, he wanders around quietly as he remembers his past that he once forgot. He completed all the trials since it was easy for him to handle; he only saw rank 2, which was lucky for him. But now he stands against a giant gate with broken windows. Air flows in and out; he decides to look inside one of the broken windows.

He was shocked as inside he saw a giant shadow figure just resting in a chair made of shadow. Soren looks outside the entrance and reads out the name that is stated.

"What was that? But what is this language? Wait, I think I can read it out loud."

Suddenly, a huge amount of bloodlust was sent out, shooting out a deadly amount of aura. Soren couldn't hold on his two feet and kneeled down as the pressure was too much for him. A voice spoke out, "Who goes there?"

Soren quickly takes out his sword, called Yuma; he couldn't use his stone since he used it to its limit of magic. Suddenly, the bloodlust aura was gone as soren was teleported to the shadow figure staring into its red eyes.


Soren said, shocked that he got teleported there.

"Hmm, a mere mortal with such mana. Boy, what is your name?"

"I am soren Ashura."

"I see I am interested in you, boy. What is your magic base of?"

*"Wind, aren't you supposed to fight me?"*

"Yes, that is true, but I am interested in your mana amount, so I am not going to fight you as you would know the outcome. Instead, how about you form a contract?"

"A contract?"

"Yes, a contract is when you form a bond with another being, such as me. In which you will be able to use my abilities, but you must bear the pain I come with."

"...sure, where do I fill out this contract?"

As he says that, a contract appears in front of him.

"Sign with your blood to confirm it."

Soren took out his sword and made a small cut in his finger, signing the contract.


A large amount of pain and memories flooded his mind: memories of killing innocents, memories of how the wonder world was formed, innocent children being killed, and many more. The dark shadow figure slowly disappears, and slowly gets pulled into soren's body. The more soren

screams, the better he can get in.

After successfully getting in, soren was finally done with the contract, and a portal was form.

"Before u step through the portal ur going to fight me regardless"

"Wait wha-"

Before soren could finish that sentence he was suddenly push

"Damnit! You could've warned me sooner!"

Soren coughed up blood.

"Might as well assist you a bit."


"Take out your stone and focus. Try to imagine a sword."

"Great, that was useful since I already have a sword."

"Yeah, but that sword isn't doing anything to me."

Soren took out his stone and tried to focus, imagining a sword. But nothing happened because soren wasn't well-focused.

*he's stone is different every different it's not like the other's*

The figure think

"Damnit, it isn't working!"

"You aren't focused enough. Try to use that energy and form a sword."

Soren used the energy from the stone and transformed it into a dark, long katana, shooting out a large amount of energy.

"Woah, this looks cool Now I can fight you."

"Yeah, yeah, just fight back."

"Let me at least test out the abilities."

With a swing, pulling back his sword and charging it with dark energy, soren swung, and a huge amount of mana shot out, exploding the whole place.

"Well, at least you killed me."

Due to the large amount of mana being absorbed into the sword, soren passed out. Suddenly, his body was taken over by none other than the shadowy figure.

"You did good enough for a human."

The controlled body walked into the portal, transported to his world, landing in a forest

Flesh back ends