First squabble!

[ A minnute later ]

"Soo who are you?" I asked the stanger cled in all black.

"Agent Thommas Riley, but people just call me Tommy" the now named agent introdused himself stretching his arm out for a handshake, shaking it "Nice to meet you Tommy, I'm Simon" giving him a smile.

"So Tommy... when you said you're from the goverment, what do you work as?" Curious to who he was.

He looked abit suprized with the question "oh that... i work as a special agent, secret service type of stuff"

Suspicious as it was i didnt wanna dig into it anymore "huh okay" i simply said.

"So wich monster am i gonna kill first?" I asked licking my lolipop with a little smug smile.

"Do you know where Philadelphia is?"taking his glasses and began cleaning them

"Uhh yea i think so why?"

"Good! Cause thats where he is" he said standing and put the glasses on.

[ 2 hours later outside of Philadelphia ]

"Soo he's in there?" I asked pointing at the city with smoke pouring out.

"Yep, he's in there alright" agent Tommy said looking into a pair of binoculars "we were lucky that the evacuation went quickly... if not the amount of casualties would be catastrophic" he mumbled looking sad.

"Anything you can tell me about the monster?" I asked trying to sound calm, but feeling the nerves creeping through me.

"Well we had a witness saying that a man transformed into it... and that it looks like a giant turtle... aaand thats about it" he said abit dumbfounded looking through his report.

"A turtle?.. but theyre so nice and cute!?"

Feeling conflicted i set my eyes on the city on fire "how could a turtle do this?" I said to myself feeling abit sad.

"Not a turtle" The agent intervened "A man" as he put emphasis on his last words.

"And even though he has transformed into a turtle doesnt mean he'll be as peacefull as them" agent Tommy said

"Guess its my time to do my part huh?" Agent Tommy nodded as i transformed, saying in a deeper voice "To hunt a monster"

And took off towards the city.

[ the edge of the city ]

As a figure landed in the middle of a street creating a small crater he mumbled 'its so easy to move around in this body, and it's so light too' as he stretched and flexed his arm

'But really weird too' as he looked at his hand and clenched it.

Looking at the skyscrapers in front of him

'I probably should take the time to get familiar with it too' he thought looking in the glass of a nearby shop

As he walked down the street he heard a tremendous roar 'doesn't sound like he's small huh' i thought.

Not too far away a gigantic beast that resembled a turtle strode through the buildings, standing on all fours it walked with heavy steps as each of them could send a small tremor through the ground, sending fear to those who hid below him in the tunnels.

Athough he didn't look entirely like a normal turtle, for once his front legs seemed like arms instead of legs while beeing twice as long too with giant hands at the end with long and sharp nails, his tail far longer than the little cute tail a normal turte have and his beak rather a smooth line was instead filled with teeth.

And his eyes? His eyes was filled with hate.

"So you're the one making this mess huh?" Standing tall behing the beast was Simon with his arms crossed.

"Didn't your parents tell you after making a mess" suddenly launching himself at the monster, landing on his tail causing a crack "that you'll always have to clean up after yourself?" Simon said jumping at the monsters back.

Standing at the very top he mumbled "Im sorry for this cause it's gonna hurt" with that he launched his fist at the beasts shell causing large cracks across it.

The monster released a scream that nearly shatterd glass, the monster whipped his tail at Simon behind him "hu- arghh" as Simon got surprised by the sudden tail and flew down the street.

Screaming with pain the monster hurled at Simon before stabbing him with his claw, piercing his chest.

"Arghaa... huh?" Confused Simon was suprized that he didnt feel much pain or any at all, quicly placing his hand on the nail on broke it off.

Taking a step back the beast roared once more in pain, as Simon felt the little pressure in his chest and saw the nail through his chest he thought 'this probably shouldnt stay there' and pulled it out leaving a hole that soon closed up.

'You seem pretty tough huh' he thought as he looked at the beast seeming to slowly back off 'does he look scared' Simon pondered.

'Should i finish this quickly or get a better hold on this form?' He tried to decide

As the beast went further and further away his wounds started to mend, his shell's cracks slowly filing in, Simon seeing this made him decide what to do.

As Simon leaped on the roof of the nearby building he ran to the edge and pushed off, in a near instant he came before the turtle monsters head and grabbed it.

Disliking the sudden physical contact the monster swayed his head to get Simon to loose grip and fall off.

Instead Simon held on and threw a heavy punch to his skull causing them to both fall to the ground.

Laying on the monsters head "Haaah that wasnt so bad was it?" Simon said standing up.

Jumping down to the ground, Simon took a look at his former action with sadness 'he looks so smooshed' seeing the head of a turtle so detroyed gave him no joy.

"Sooo what do i do now?" Simon spoke to himself as he sat down in the middle of the street.