Good deeds

"RUN SON" echoes through my head over and over.

I saw my mother falling apart right before my eyes.

"No" i weeped.

Until i saw those glowing red eyes.

"Ahhrgh" i said as i woke up drenched in sweat "haah hah" i panted, gasping for air.

Setting my eyes on the window gazing at the light's of the city before me seemingly calming down "another bad dream huh" standing up while walking towards the window, looking back and seeing the iv drip bag almost empty 'time for a refill' as i pressed the red button on my armband.

Seconds later i felt my stomach growling 'again? But i ate so much..' as i waited for the nurse.

Watching the sun slowly rise i was reminded of my mothers warmth and how i missed her, feeling a tear slowly drip down my cheek missing the love she provided.

Hearing the door open i turned around to see the nurse "Good morning!" As she stepped in with her trolley.

Going back to my bed "Ready to get stabbed again?" She teased, giving a light chuckle i got myself comfortable.

"Sure" i gave a simple answer "I'm hungry" i added as my belly growled with hunger.

"Jeez you eat so much, the cook can barely keep up haha" she tried her best to cheer me up.

Giving her a light smile i reached my arm out and flexed it abit "And your arm looks... thinner?" She looked troubled as she got her needle ready.

Feeling a light poke she asked "How are you feeling?" Focused on filling her vials "Fine i guess" i looked abit absent in thought.

"And your chest?" As she filled her final vial.

"Doesn't hurt as much anymore" as i laid my head back on the pillow.

Pulling out the needle "Hold here" signaling to the small cloth, holding it until she came with a odd looking tape.

"May i?" As she pointed to my chest "sure" before she started pressing her fingers "Does it hurt" feeling some light pressure i simply answerd "No"

Scribbling something on her notes "I'll come back with some good food for you" until she looked at the iv drip "you've been sucking theese up all night huh" seeing the dried up bag.

"Are you okay?" She asked concerned.

"I'll be fine" as i looked at the sun through the window.

"Okay, I'll be back soon with your food and a new back okay?" She said getting herself ready and finaly leaving.

Leaving me alone.

[Somewhere in an underground facility]

A man was seen walking through the hall while a security guard was shouting after him "Sir! You can't go in there! You dont have any clearances!" Though the man couldn't care less he walked on while the guard ran up to him.

Grabbing his shoulder he turned around "Touch me again and you'll never see the light again." Scaring the guard he continued on.

Until he came to a door wich needed a scan,

Placing his hand upon the little screen it suddenly said "welcome Agent Riley" and the door clicked indicating it was unlocked.

Going inside he was met with a table wich alot of important figures sat around, as one noticed him "who is this?" The old looking man cled in a green uniform asked standing up in confusion "At ease general Radcliffe" As Agent Riley dismissed his outburst he saw the rows of coloured on his chest.

"Seems an introduction is in order?" Agent Riley added as he came closer.

The people around the table looked anxious and confused of who this was "My names Thommas Riley and i work for the 10th deparment of defence" the generals confusion seemed to grow "but there are only nine?" He asked "that you know of yes" Thommas answered a little smugly.

"Why are you here?" A lady in a suit asked. "Ah yes Maddam Secretary of defence, I'm here on the president orders" doubting that the lady asked "still , why are you here this is a secret meeting?"

"Well to solve all your worries and troubles" the whole group suddenly looked interested but cautios as Thommas went to one of the ends of the table.

Putting a breifcase on the table he continued

"Well the President has his worries on how this whole situation was handled aaand since the military prooved well.. useless" and took out some papers and files "I've informed him of a solution to this problem" sliding a paper to each of the people at the table.

As the general read through the document he was the first to ask "what does a child have to do with solving this crisis?" As he laid the paper on the table, Thommas being happy to answer that "Not just any child, a child that can kill these things" pulling out two pictures of dead monsters "he did this"

As they were all mute with silence.

Everyone gave a peak at the pictures as Thommas continued "Since the day these monsters have appeared there has only appeared more and more and its only a matter of time until they overflow us"

Taking a bundle of pictures from his breifcase he started walking around the table "the «Things» have appeared all over the world, here in America, Europe, Asia and Africa detroying cities and slaughtering people" as he handed out pictures with places all over the world in fire.

"But what should we do? The military prooved useless as guns cant hurt them and missiles only slowes them down" one of the people around the table questioned.

"And nukes are out of the question" the general added firmly.

"The child" Thommas said calmly.

Visible confusion was seen on all they're faces until one asked "you expect us to rely on a boy to save us?" As a commotion in outrage with everyone arguing, until Thommas yelled "SHUT UP!" The room went dead silent.

"If you're all gonna put your faith in the military be my guest, but when the world has gone to shit... the only ones you can blame is yourself" giving them a brief pause to collect themselves he continued "The difference between the army and that child are results and he's killed more than they ever could" as he spoke the general interjected "Is the child really the solution?"

"Yes the child is gifted with power that far surpasses any ordinary human" Thommas replied.

"What about his family?" One asked.

"His parents were lost in the New York disaster and his relatives has only asked about him" Thommas answerd.

"What did you tell them?" Maddam Secretary of defence asked.

"That he died with his parents" Thommas answerd plainly as he got several looks.

Before anyone could question him about it "it's most important that the boys identity is remained secret and to his relatives that he's «dead»"

"But why?" One of them asked.

"Presidents orders and none of you are on a need to know basis on that matter." He firmly replied.

"So the boy's secret must remain a secret?" The general asked.

"At all costs yes" Thommas gave a firm answer.

"How many know of him?" The secretary of defence asked.

"You who are in this room and a handfull of others, aswell as the president." Thommas spoke leaning against the table.

"Oh and by the way this isn't a debate on whether we use him or not, as this has been decided for you by the President" as many were taken aback by the sudden information, feeling conflicted with using a child for such purposes but as they had no choice in the matter, all they could do was accept.

Silence overcame the group until one broke it "Detroy any trace of him make it seem like he never existed" the voice of the general seemed gruffy and sufferd with age.

"Already on it" Thommas spoke with indifference.

[Back in the hospital room]

As i ate more and more i felt better and better, eating untill i nearly threw up 'mmm good stuff' as i feasted on the well done steak.

As i was about to take a bite out the the juicy meat the doc walked in "how are you feeling?" She asked sitting down on the chair in the corner.

"I see you've had alot to eat huh" as she looked over the stack of empty plates next to my bed.

"I feel great" as i ate.

"Ive just gotten a call and you're up" she stated.

"Up for what?" I asked.

She looked at me a little odd "your next hunt of course?"

"Oh that... yea I'll get ready after i finish this" i said taking another bite.

As she watched me devour the steak "are you sure youre ready?"

Wiping my mouth "of course" as i stood up and walked to the window "where is it?" I asked her "uhhh Dallas, it's in Texas"

"Thanks" i added.

Opening the window and feeling the light breeze as the sun grazed my skin "I'm a good hunter aren't i?"

As i climbed up to the window and sat on the sill "See ya" i leaned out leaving her baffeld.