Maxwell got to the police station without any delay on the road,he went to the lnvestigation department to lay a report on Ava's disappearance.
He wrote a statement and filled form for a missing and give full description of Ava.
The senior officer in charge,raise his eyebrows, and looked up at Maxwell with a worried expression.
"Sorry for what happened,?Mr Maxwell,"Don't worry,we will try our best,we shall try our possible best to find her?
"Please, what was she wearing the last time both of you saw each other,"the senior officer asked.
Maxwell remembered the last time she saw Ava, "She was wearing a black long gown,her hair tied up in a ponytail, and a pair of brown sandals,"he wrote it on the paper.
The senior officer shook his head as a response and collected the paper.
"Okay sir,we shall work on it,"the senior officer said, and he gave the paper to one of his colleagues.