Lucas Clarke

Chloe Pierce thought about what happened two days ago.

 "Ava, I'll teach you a lesson, you will not forget in your whole life," she said, her voice sounding sober.

Chloe Pierce unaware that Bobby,her humble assistant,had been standing behind her, and listening to her conversation.

He placed his hand on her shoulder.

Chloe Pierce looked back and was surprised to see him.

"Hey, what are you doing here,"he said,staying opposite her.

"Just checking on things and l want to know how far you have gone concerning Ava,"she said,

"Alright, l'm still on it, l'm investigating where Ava can be in this country,l have sent some of my boys to nearby towns for searching,"he told Chloe.

"You're doing great, Bobby,"She whispered to herself.

"Don't hesitate to communicate with them from time to time,"Chloe said with a commanding tone.

"Did you heard what i said when you came in,"Chloe asked, looking at Bobby.