A New Chapter

Meanwhile, Linda had already slept in the back seat.

"I have a lot of work to do in the house today,my house maid left unannounced,"she murmured to herself, and checked the rearview mirror, she saw Linda sleeping peacefully.

"She's very pretty,l love her,"how l wished,"she murmured to herself, and kept mute again.

"Ah!!!"l don't know anything about this girl,"What am l going to tell people,?"Should I go to the police station and report!"I'm confused, and she told me that she doesn't remember her parents phone number or her grandmother number,"she thought to herself.

"She's fast asleep now, because she's tired, she doesn't have an idea of her house address either,"she whispered, and shook her head.

"I have to get her settled and feel comfortable before I can now start asking her questions about her family and other necessary information."she thought as pulled up to the gate of her house, a large and beautiful mansion.