The soup had gone cold, bitterly so and the orange juice no longer tasted like the orange juice it was.
Amara would have testified to his had she taken at least a spoon from the meal that had been brought to her. But no, she stayed crouched on her bed, knees brought close to her chest as she watched the door like a hawk.
She wasn’t exactly sure what she was watching for. Perhaps a chance to escape, but how exactly was she going to do that?
For some reason, her body was weak- after much deliberation, Amara concluded that this was caused because she had smelt a heavy amount of the sleeping drug earlier and, probably the most important part being that she had only been running on the pancakes Elijah had made and the cupcakes Tobias brought.
But combined, weren’t enough to give her body the type of strength it needed to fight it’s way out of this situation.
And if the way she felt at this moment was any indication, her body would be weak for the next few days.