You, along Zhrak, travel to Old Town, down by the guidance of Rais as prisoner of where to go.
Before leaving Rais' base, you look at it, becoming a Volatile nest, as Volatile grabbed all the corpses. You don't know what they were going to do, but you had the feeling of knowing... This place was going to become the home of a new nest... As a payback for the one you destroyed, you gave another.
Much hours later, just before daytime, you reach Old Town.
The view surprises you, as is much more better compared to the Slums.
Rais walk, entering Old Town without hesitation, while Zhrak doesn't want to walk further as rejects to go while daytime.
You hesitate for a moment, and slowly move your left hand, to receive the impact of the sunlight.
Zhrak: "Don't do that! Is going to hurt you a lot! Kid, don't!"
You ignore Zhrak, and not try with your left arm, but walk straight. Rais worried, runs away, trying to flee, so you instantly run behind him. Zhrak instantly dashes to look as far as can without receive the light of the sun.
You feel yourself getting slowly faster, and after an instant, you easily catch Rais, but then you throw him away, making him impact against a truck in the street.
With an impulsed dash, you land on the street, and then you do another impulsed dash, kicking a direct impact at Rais' abdomen, while is still against the truck. The kick makes Rais impulsed with high strength, but also the truck, what results in sending the truck merely few meters, almost taking it down.
After the truck stops, Rais falls down at his knees, while Biters move closer, but you quickly grab him and lift him up by the neck with your right hand.
-"... You know... I don't care about that information anymore... You are dead either way... Either by me... By any other survivor... Or by time itself, as you got bitten... Is only question of time when you will die, so... I'm going to do what I should have done when I first saw you..."
With despair and complete panic, Rais tries to free himself from your grip, but his state is weak, unable to put a fight, and your grip on his neck is strong, unabling him to breath properly.
You move Rais closer to you, and then, you start devouring him alive, biting first his neck. Slowly, as you eat, you grab some flesh you save in your pockets of your vest, and see your hands slightly bigger and sharper, but ignore how your body feels, and focus on eating.
Rais dies after a big moment, taking a big while to die while is devoured alive, his body teared apart, and his organs taken from his body.
Once you finished, you make sure you have enough flesh saved in the pockets of your vest. Then, you impulse yourself back to Zhrak.
Zhrak, still hiding in the shadow inside the building, looks at you as close as can without receiving the sunlight.
You look at yourself, noticing you grew slightly bigger, and your skin was glowing along the bright sunlight as impacts at your skin. For a moment, your veins glowered yellow golden, and then getting back to the original red intense color.
Zhrak growled slightly of surprise by seeing you, but before saying anything, you offered the flesh you saved on the pockets of your vest. Zhrak accepted and ate the flesh you offered.
Zhrak: "You are not like us... You are much more than us... You are very special, Draemir... You are our hope to survive... I forgive you for what you did to my home nest, by you giving a new home nest, along new population, and... For becoming the one between all of us who is the chosen one. You grew so fast... And you still have a long way before finish your growth process... I can't wait to see you grow even more and better..."
-"Yes, but I have to ask you something. DO you know something about someone who calls herself as the Mother?"
Zhrak: "The Mother?... No, sorry child. I don't know any 'Mother'."
-"Alright, is my main objective now... I'll find her as she asked me to do."
Zhrak: "Wait! Before you go... You need to continue growing. You should first finish your growth process and mature."
-"And how I do that?"
Zhrak: "Find a home nest to settle yourself, obtain food to sustain and grow, and let them incubate you."
-"... Alright, I'll have it in mind... If you can't find me, I'm sure others like you will tell me if they see me."
Then, you impulse yourself, jumping with high speed to the in front building across the street, and start climbing. Once you're up of the building, you start running through Old Town, running and jumping from roof to roof. As you continue, you continue feeling your body overwhelming you, as is absorbing all light and more as properties from the sun light.