
You start to wander around the Tower, looking every floor.

Here's the situation floor by floor in the Tower, now overrun and ravaged:

Ground Floor (Lobby/Entrance): The entrance doors are smashed, partially hanging off their hinges. Blood trails and claw marks streak the walls, showing signs of a brutal fight. The floor is littered with the remains of furniture, makeshift barricades, and scattered weapons—none of which seemed to stop the infected from breaking in.

Corpses: A mix of survivors and infecteds lie on the ground, some devoured, others twisted into unnatural positions, as if caught mid-turn into Virals. A few Biters wander aimlessly, growling softly.

2nd-4th Floors (Living Quarters): Rooms are destroyed, furniture overturned, blood smeared on walls and floors. Most windows are shattered, letting in faint light, illuminating the carnage. Virals stalk the halls, snarling at anything that moves. Their presence dominates these levels. Bodies of survivors who tried to defend themselves are scattered in the rooms, most killed before they could escape. Some rooms are barricaded, the faint sound of someone breathing or whimpering occasionally audible. Signs of survivors hiding in terror are clear, though their exact number is unknown.

5th Floor (Recreation/Storage): Overrun with infecteds, with Virals and a lone Bruiser (a heavy-type infected) smashing through storage boxes. Supplies are destroyed, and what isn't ruined is stained with blood or covered in infected residue. A few untouched supply crates remain in the far corner, their contents spilling out, but reaching them would require going through the infecteds. The pool table and recreational furniture are destroyed, the windows shattered, and the faint echo of infected growls fills the floor.

6th Floor (Safe Zone Attempt): The hallway leading to the 6th floor shows signs of a desperate last stand. Barricades made of desks, chairs, and metal shelving block the entrance to this floor, riddled with claw marks and broken down in parts. The remains of survivors who attempted to hold off the infected lie in front of the barricade. Inside, the floor is surprisingly cleaner, with fewer blood stains and corpses. Survivors clearly made a strong attempt to defend this level.

Trapped Survivors: Behind locked doors, you hear faint whispers, panicked breathing, and the occasional cry for help. They are terrified of making too much noise, knowing the infected are still nearby.

7th Floor (Laboratory Area): This is where Dr. Zere worked, and the laboratory is in shambles. Equipment is smashed, computers are bloody but functional.

Corpses: A few Virals and survivors lie in the room, clearly having fought a brutal battle here. Dr. Zere is missing. The air is stale, and the blueprints and notes from Dr. Zere are scattered across the floor. A faint recording plays on loop from one of the computers, possibly Zere's final thoughts before the lab was overrun.

8th Floor and Above: These higher floors are eerily quiet. Most of the survivors who lived here either fled, turned, or were killed trying to escape. Blood stains are less frequent, but the rooms are mostly empty. Any supplies have already been taken. The silence is occasionally broken by the faint, distant growls of Virals echoing from lower levels.

Roof: The roof, once a safe haven and a beacon for supply drops, is now a desolate reminder of what's been lost. The remnants of the last supply drop lay scattered. The UV lights on the roof are either smashed or flickering weakly. This makes it unsafe during the night, and the infected have clearly used it as an entry point. The flag of the Tower, symbolizing hope for Harran, still waves faintly in the breeze, stained with blood.

The overall picture is grim—most of the Tower is lost to the infected. While a few survivors cling to life on the higher floors, the majority of the building has become a death trap filled with infected, blood, and devastation.

After a quick observation, you grab from the computers all the information, passing them to the USB. After saving the USB in the gray case in a pocket in your vest, you walk down, to the ground floor, and yell a Volatile growl.

Your call takes all infecteds attention inside the Tower, slowly, getting to you. After a big while, you lead all infected out, and all of them obey you without hesitation. Something strangely unique, but you use this to start searching for survivors.

By using your view to see the red trails from survivors, you easily locate every survivor remaining alive inside. Despite the Volatile growl you yelled before, and for sure everyone in the Tower heard, you think your appearance may do the trick to make it easier for them to trust you.

You move carefully through the Tower, scanning for survivors with your enhanced vision. Faint red trails appear, leading you to individuals or groups still alive. With every step, your glowing veins and the Sun mask you wear add to your imposing presence.

First Interaction – 6th Floor Barricaded Room

You follow a red trail to a locked door on the 6th floor. The faint sound of terrified whispers emanates from inside. You knock gently, the sound echoing ominously.

Terrified Survivor (behind the door):

"W-Who's there?! We won't let you in! Just… just leave us alone!"

You lean closer, lowering your voice as much as possible, though the growls in your tone make it difficult to sound gentle.

-"I'm here to help. The Tower is overrun. I've cleared the infected. You need to move, now."

The door doesn't budge at first. You hear frantic whispers from inside. Finally, someone speaks.

Another Survivor:

"How can we trust you?! You… you sound like them!"

You sigh, frustrated but trying to remain calm. Slowly, you raise both hands, gripping the Sun mask. Removing it carefully, you show them your face—half-human, half-Volatile but still unmistakably alive.

-"I am not them. Look at me. I've been fighting to keep everyone alive. The Tower is falling apart, but I can still lead you to safety. You have no choice. Trust me—or stay and die."

After a tense moment, the door creaks open, revealing a group of three survivors, pale and trembling. They stare at you in terror but seem to understand you're their only chance.

Terrified Survivor:

"Alright… alright. We'll follow you. But if this is a trick…"

-"It's not."

Second Interaction – 5th Floor Storage Room

As you lead the group downstairs, your vision catches another faint trail leading to the storage room. You knock, the sound startling whoever is inside. A woman's voice responds.

Hiding Survivor:

"Go away! We're not infected!"

You press your forehead against the door, your claws lightly tapping it, trying not to scare them.

-"I know you're not. I'm clearing the Tower. There's a safe area upstairs. Come with me."

Hiding Survivor:

"We're not opening the door! You… you're not human! I heard that growl earlier—it was you, wasn't it?"

You take a deep breath, your patience wearing thin.

-"That growl was to lead the infected out. If I wanted you dead, this door wouldn't still be here. Now open it before something else finds you."

The door finally creaks open, revealing two survivors huddled together, one holding a pipe for protection. Their eyes widen at the sight of you, but they step out hesitantly.

Hiding Survivor:

"You're… you're leading us? You're sure it's safe?"

-"Safer than staying here. Let's go."

Third Interaction – 4th Floor Room

Descending further, you find another red trail, leading to a small room where a lone survivor is crying softly. The door is ajar, so you push it open gently. The survivor—a young man—jumps in fear and backs into the corner.

Panicked Survivor:

"Stay back! Stay away from me!"

You crouch slightly, trying to seem less intimidating.

-"I'm not here to hurt you. The Tower is lost, but there's still a chance for you to live. Follow me."

The man shakes his head frantically, tears streaming down his face.

Panicked Survivor:

"No! No, you're one of them! You'll kill me! Please, just leave me alone!"

You sigh, then offer your hand.

-"If I wanted to kill you, you wouldn't still be breathing. Come with me. There are others—together, you'll survive. But if you stay here, you won't last the night."

The man hesitates, staring at your glowing veins and mask. Finally, with shaking hands, he reaches for yours.

Panicked Survivor:

"Okay… okay, I'll come. Just… don't let them get me."

Gathering Everyone Together

You lead all the survivors back to the 6th floor safe area, guiding them into one of the more secure rooms. It takes time to calm everyone down, especially as they stare at you with fear and uncertainty.

One survivor steps forward, clearly speaking on behalf of the group.

Survivor Leader:

"You brought us together… but what now? The Tower's lost. We can't stay here forever. What's the plan?"

You glance around at the frightened faces, taking a moment before answering.

-"This place isn't safe anymore. I'll help you move somewhere else. Somewhere better."

The survivors exchange nervous looks but ultimately nod, understanding they have no better options.

Survivor Leader:

"Alright… we'll follow you. Just… don't turn on us."

You take a final look around, knowing this group now depends on you entirely. It's not just about survival—it's about rebuilding something from the ashes. The Tower is no longer a sanctuary, but with their trust, you might be able to create one somewhere else.

With the sun mask on your hands, you caress it a little, then you look the group, and when you sigh, you open your mouth, making the survivors see your Volatile maw, but then close your mouth, and they see your face completely human, despite a thing or two, as the veins.

-"... I know different places... Where you could stay... Decide... Other place inside Harran, or outside Harran?"

Survivor Leader:

"Outside Harran? You mean there's a way out? I thought this place was completely sealed…"

Another Survivor:

"If there's a way out, we should take it! There's nothing left here but death."

Older Survivor:

"Wait! Outside could be worse—we don't know what's out there. At least in Harran, we know what we're dealing with."

Young Survivor:

"He's… different. If he's offering to take us outside, maybe it's safe. It's got to be better than staying here!"

Survivor Leader:

"But what if it's not? What if we leave Harran and it's just more of the same—or worse?"

Nervous Survivor:

"I don't want to die here… I don't want to die at all! Please… just… just tell us it's safe, wherever we go."

Survivor Leader:

"Alright. Let's vote. Do we stay in Harran or take a chance outside?"

The survivors murmur among themselves, their voices filled with fear and uncertainty. Some glance at you, others avoid looking your way altogether, but one thing is clear—they're placing their fates in your hands.

-"... You will face the same... Either inside... As outside... I know a way to leave Harran... But there are infecteds too... Even worse than being inside... But I'm sure after that place, there may be other ways to go other places more far away from Harran... As far as I know... The Slums, Old Town, and the countryside... Are completely infected... Maybe I can find a way out through the countryside... I could lead you out of Harran, but I don't think GRE would accept you... They would take you as infected indirectly, carrying the virus with you..."

You walk a little, tapping the mask.

-"Maybe... I need to know... How could Antizin run out so fast?... I gave you... So many boxes... So many doses of Antizin... And yet... I saw the records of Dr. Zere... If I'm honest... The infecteds are rational animals compared to you... For as long as I lived with them... Not much, honestly... I saw them act like wild animals, caring for those they see as not grown Volatiles... They act as natural hunters... And non-infecteds are their natural prey..."

You turn around, looking at them.

-"But why?... I understand the desperation... That panic... But you leaded yourselves into this... You wasted the Antizin, and I understand why... It was a try to help more people, but who made the decision clearly didn't saw they weren't capable of handling what would come next, but... Your behavior... Is really survival just to get only for yourself, and be a real animal?... Because if yes... I prefer remain with the Volatiles... They at least have a respectful community between themselves, as if they were wolves..."

After sighing, again opening your mouth completely, showing your Volatile maw. Then, you placed the mask, wearing it again. When you started wearing it again, your pupils glowed golden instantly, glowing through the eye spots of the mask.

-"... So... What will it be?... Maybe find a place in the Slums? Change to have better luck in Old Town? Or travel to the countryside?"

Survivor Leader:

"…You're right. We brought this on ourselves. The Antizin, the panic… it all spiraled out of control. But what choice did we have? People were turning, we had to do something!"

Older Survivor:

"And look where it got us. Fighting over scraps while the rest of the world forgets we even exist…"

Young Survivor:

"But he's offering us a choice. We don't have to stay here! We can go to Old Town—or even the countryside. If there's a chance to survive… shouldn't we take it?"

Nervous Survivor:

"But… but what if we run into more infecteds? What if there's no food, no shelter? What if it's worse than here?"

Survivor Leader:

"No matter where we go, it'll be dangerous. Staying here, moving to Old Town, or heading to the countryside—it's all the same risk in the end. But…" looks at you, their voice steadier "…you've survived things none of us could. If anyone can lead us, it's you. So tell us—where do you think we'll have the best chance?"

The group murmurs in agreement, waiting anxiously for your decision, their hope now resting squarely on your shoulders.

-"... The countryside... Infecteds there are much worse, as all is plain and nature. No buildings, or structures. Only few things here and there, and a village. But in the village you may be safe. And as long as you're near me, infected will not touch you. Not unless I order them to do so... So if you remain near me, no infected, including Biters, Virals, or even Volatiles, will dare touching you. The travel is very long, as the entrance to start leaving Harran is already very far away. And with my jumps, it takes me a lot of time. It took me... Much much time... Time I could have reached the Tower and changed the outcome... Dr. Zere called me, and... I didn't reach in time... So you can imagine if we walk... Will take hours to only reach leaving Harran... And once out... We will be in a mountain, so the travel won't get any easier..."

Survivor Leader:

"…The countryside, huh? No structures, no safety… but if you can really keep the infected off us, then it's our best shot. We're as good as dead staying here."

Older Survivor:

"It's a long journey, but we've got no other options. If there's even a small chance for shelter in that village, we should take it."

Young Survivor:

"…I'll go. I don't care how far it is—I'm not dying here."

Nervous Survivor:

"Hours… mountains… worse infected… I—" pauses, looking at the others and then at you "If you can keep them away, like you say… alright. I'll go."

Survivor Leader:

"Looks like we're all in. Lead the way. Just don't leave us behind."

The group gathers their few remaining belongings, ready to follow you into the unknown, their fear outweighed by a glimmer of hope.