Prologue: “Ah shit, here we go again…”

Prologue "Ah shit, here we go again…"

"Huuuffff." Following a slow long exhale Doug's lungs were near empty lungs making his whisper to his spotter near-dead silent.

"Hey Harry, do you hear a humming?" Quietly the whirl of tiny motors spinning small plastic fans slowly began to rise.

Head completely still Harry's eyes quickly scanned for the drone. Failing to stop the drop his head started to turn slowly to reduce his loss of stealth and that was needed more than anything else right now. Unable to find where the humming was coming from Harry began to slowly move his head up to find the drone. 

Slow movements along with the ghillie suit might protect them from the drone's detection but if the drone already had them dead to rights they needed to know. 

It was a race. Too fast then the drone would detect him. Too slow the drone could reach them before they could prepare. 

Hearts hammering in their chests all their instincts told them to get up and run.

None of their briefs before mentioned the bogies having the capability of thermal vision on their disposable suicide drones. 

Plans never survive first contact and even if drones were meant to be cheap if they cared enough for this position then increasing the investment in drones would work. How the intelligence missed this kind of investment seemed impossible.

"Fuck it's coming right at us 4:00 80 yards."

Shouting out a warning, Harry and Doug quickly broke cover and attempted to make distance from one another. Sprinting back and laterally from each other and their original nest they quickly attempted to sight down the white drone. 

Separation of the two should give pause to the pilot as they reprioritize and decide their next target. 

Training dictated diagonal strafing to reduce the chance of indirect fire and fratricide so without even the need to call out they moved. Repositioning also meant they could crossfire on the target meaning higher chances of tagging the unidentified drone.

The only issue is the operator chose his target before they even separated and honed in on Doug. 

Knowing there was no time to sight his MCMillan TAC338A and tag the drone he left it behind as he drew his Sig Sauer P220.

Luckily within the first few shots, they hit one of its rotors, but not lucky enough. Even though Doug managed to strike the back left rotor the operator had enough control over his falling death machine to angle its fall towards his target. Like a white semi-truck aiming for a generic Japanese boy, he stood no chance.

Following a flash of bright light and a loud concussive burst, Doug found himself falling heavily onto his back in a bright forest with giant trees. 

Trees, unlike any he has seen in the two years since he was voluntold into the military and has been trapped in the Middle East defending unneeded oil fields just to deprive others of its black bounty.

Snapping from the momentary daze of his survival he needed to reassess before he gets "killed" again. Fresh off his last a new dose of adrenaline pumped through his veins as Doug quickly heaved in quick breath to check if his ribs were still in one piece. 

Surprisingly it was Natural clean crisp air was refreshing so much better than the arid dry and dusty shit still in his lungs. 

However, this also meant he still had his lungs which was a great this. What he was in fact expecting was the pain of broken ribs or collapsed lung which was missing. Wanting to pant down his chest to confirm if he was truly fine or if he was just too high on adrenaline to feel it he suppressed his reaction pushing aside his fear and uncertainty. Instead, he had important things to do to get to safety. 

Being out in the open after getting blown up wouldn't help him in any way even if he was no longer in the desert. Rolling over to his side Doug quickly shot to his feet before hauling ass to the nearest tree while racking his SIG one-handed to check if he still had one in the chamber. He was quite panicked before landing so roughly on his back that he couldn't remember if he like an old man had an accidental discharge.

Ducking behind the tree his sandy yellow ghillie suit did him no favors in blending in the bright green silent forest. Safe he began using his free hand to investigate his vest.

Looking back at his gun he double-checked that there was indeed one in the chamber and he wasn't just imagining it. There was indeed and his chest plate was surprisingly in perfect condition. 

Scanning his environment noticed the forest Doug was horrified but that was a future Doug's problem. Currently, Doug needs to do a threat analysis and an inventory to make a sitrep.

Patting down every pocket then released his current magazine to check his ammunition. 2 in the mag, one in the chamber, and two additional magazines. That means 23 rounds of .45 ACP and 15 rounds of .338 Lapua Magnum but no rifle.

Swapping his nearly empty magazine for a full one he holstered his P220. Next was a quick snap of his hand to his radio all that could be heard was a hiss of static.

"Alpha team its bravo copy?"

"Alpha team this is Bravo team do you copy?"

"Alpha team, this is Bravo team we were engaged by a bogey. It was a Charlie Foxtrot. I am in the shit I believe I am FUBAR. I have no clue where I am. I believe that it's SNAFU do you Copy? I am in a forest with no indication of my heading on arrival."

A radio with no signal or at least not picking up any response. Across his chest and pockets, he has a working compass, two tourniquets, and a working digital watch with a heart monitor. In his bag, he has his rations, a full canteen of water, a useless map, an untouched black and white composition notebook book, baby wipes, a thermal insulating blanket, a gun cleaning kit, a broken signaling mirror, a first aid kit, a small cheap translucent blue plastic lighter, a flashlight, a folding shovel for digging fox holes, and a used set of fatigues.

On his helmet, he had a set of night-vision goggles and that seemed to be it.

Completing his sitrep with no bogeys in sight Doug compared his Ghillie suit and weighed his options. 

It would make him a sitting duck in the forest with no camouflage but this camo would only make things worse and additional weight and material to catch small branches wouldn't help. Should he bury it? Just leave it?

It would cost him time and energy. Both are limited, with only a few rations, and surrounded by the unknown Hostiles in an unknown environment time was not a resource he could waste freaking out. However, leaving such obvious evidence of his passage would be idiotic. 

Deciding caution was the better part of valor and hiding evidence of his presence was the smartest move. Much smarter than attracting unnecessary attention from the locals which could end up being suicidal. Looking for any preexisting holes near the roots of the surrounding tree he starts digging.