Chapter Five Part One: Failed Bechdel Test

Chapter Five Failed Bechdel Test

"Those fucking bastards did nothing! I suspect that fucking mole must be high up"!

"It's going to be ok. It's going to be ok Akui we will get to the bottom of this. Your sister is in the police force can't she help".

"That's the fucking point she can't do anything either! The heads are investing all their manpower into the city right now looking for spies I even hear the T and I are all working double shifts".

"Wait don't they realize how suspicious your attack was? Wouldn't they have a better time finding the traitor by looking into this".

"That's what the fuck my sister and I argued to the elders but it seems like a lot of young members of the clans are being attacked and the fact all my attackers were dead and their tongues sealed there was no way to get any information out of them."

"Well that makes sense and it is not like they have stopped looking for spies".

"I know and that's the problem they are giving all these reasonable excuses but that's what they are excuses! What am I supposed to tell their families when they ask if we found out who killed them! Arrrgghh"! 

Leaning over the much younger redhead supported her best friend rubbing the back of the girl sobbing out of grief and anger.

"I am sorry I just lost it".

With a few sniffles, Akui choked out an apology for her weakness.

"Oh girl you don't have to apologize you were there for me when I was at my lowest. When my grandma died you are more like family than anyone else in the world". 

The redhead's voice nearly cracked as swallowed the lump in the back of her throat.

"Well then thank you my Imoutu".

Akui called out with a drowsy smile.

"Sure thing Aneki hhhhaaa".

A young yawn split the redhead's mouth. 

"All this sappy stuff is making me tired let's go out and do something about this ourselves".

Raising both arms vertically in a spine-popping stretch to pump herself up she fell forward collapsing upon her face.


Bolting forward off the bench Akui also collapsed onto the ground unconscious.

Seconds later three ninjas appeared around the two women. One keeping a lookout, another standing over Akui wielding a kunai, and the final had a knee on the back of their target with a syringe in hand ready to sedate the woman further.

"Should I take her out. Our files expected her to be alone".

As the ninja spoke the redhead's finger minutely twitched.

"No just prop her back on the bench. Our intel on the sabotaged guarded schedule seems to be accurate at least we don't want to screw this up any further by leaving a body behind and alerting the police that there is something wrong".

As if that's what she was waiting for her subtly twitching finger finally seased. Picking up their cargo they quickly escaped the park. Leaving only a few red hairs behind.

Burning eyes of fury exploded open. Bolting out of the park only to be spotted and chased by her Imoutu secret admirer.

"Blondey I need your help I will give you permission to date my little fireball if you help me".

"Wait what no it's not like that".

"Come on we both know that is not true I noticed it in like a week in your first year at the academy".

"It's not like that but what do you need I will help you with anything".

"Ha ha ha she has you wrapped around her finger and you're not even dating yet"!

Her playful tone vanished when she noticed the traces on the roof implied that they split up. There was no reason for them to slip up unless they were expecting to be tracked.

"Fuck this is going to make finding her impossible"!


Looking back at the blonde-haired brat she noticed red hair in his hand. How did she not notice that? Her clan's vision was one of the best in the village. This kid's vision is insane.

"It's worse than you are expecting". Shot Akui

"Then there is no time to waste".

Flickering forward she followed after the Brat as he blasted past all the false trails taking only split seconds at each intersection to reach down to collect the red strands of hair.

"How the fuck do you train your eyes, kid"!

"Sheepishly he turned his head away with a blush before looking down at the location he pocketed the red hairs before he focused back on the chase.

Finding their way into the woods outside the village's barrier they realized how much Information these ninjas acquired. 

Interior and exterior village Patrol schedule and locations as well as holes in the barrier. 

Luckily there weren't too many tracks maybe just a few squads but with the spies in the village. However, there was probably a serious attack on the leadership right now.

"When we get there I will act as a distraction it's my fault she was taken. You sneak around and get her out of danger so they can't use her as a hostage. They likely want her alive but that doesn't mean in one piece".

"Yes, ma'am"!

It wasn't till two more strands of hair were found that they heard the sound of the ninja discussing their plan.

Given no time for the other group to notice and prepare Akui bolted into the clearing separating from the blondie.

"Hey asshole"!

Shouted the furious purple-haired ninja she quickly started scanning and assessing the group. Spotting a total of six cloud-village ninjas four looking down at a map separated from the two handing her little sis. 

Ain't holding back even it the smallest fiber of her being she pivoted to the four away from her and fired the final hand seal of the great fireball Justus.

Their alertness protected two of the four from the initial explosion but before anyone else could notice that they escaped her initial attack they quickly caught fire away. The unusual fire quickly burned the two ninjas even faster and more completely than the two caught in the initial explosion.

Turning back to the two holding her sister hostage the blonde idiot stood agape behind one with a knife in the guy's back while he stared slack jaws at the other ninja.

The ninja was currently sleeping with the fishes in a creator with a suspicious human-shaped indent.

"Why did you have to show up now. They were just about to talk about their co-conspirator".

"What then why did you just kill your captor we could have found the spy"!

Akui shot back incredulously.

"Cause there is no way they would have given into torture if they were sent into the city. At least we know the spy is working with the Cloud Village we just need to look at who has something to gain with my disappearance".

"What spy"?

Questioned the blonde-haired idiot.

"Oh, sis I promise your blonde samurai in shining armor permission to date you if he helped me so if he asks you out give him a chance". 

Akui proclaimed in a teasing tone as she approached her furious little for a hug.

Face turning as crimson as her hair she bolted towards Akui with an overhead haymaker.


"Ha ha ha, you know I am messing with you".

Flickering away from the wild bolder destroying haymakers Akui further ignored the blonde boy as she teased her sister.

"Go out with me"! 

Akui tripped and the redhead fist finally landed on a solid object. As the tree exploded every stopped in their tracks staring at the blondie who had just shouted and now had his head down in embarrassment. Or possibly fear?

Before the redhead with an equally red face could respond Akui flickered over scooping her up and dragging both of the twelve-year-olds together in a group hug.

"Looks like my sister is all grown up. I am so proud maybe I need to find myself a man"?

Pushing both away the redhead turned red not from embarrassment but now anger she then started chasing Akui once more fists swinging.

"When you do get a guy I am so going to embarrass you"!

Turning back around Akui grabbed the caught off guard red-haired girl's head and pulled her into her bosom. With her other hand, she proceeded to plant her knuckles into the roots of red and started to Nuggie.

While the two ladies began shouting and hitting one another they one more both ignored the blonde-haired kid staring off into the distance with a stupid simile and bloody nose.

"Oh didn't you talk about that ninja that saved you what about him! Akui and the stranger sitting in a tree K I S S I N G"!

Akui Began reaching out for the redhead's neck gritting out.

"Why I ought to"!

Just for the redhead to flicker away laughing only to mimic Akui's previous stumble when she heard the blonde boy shout once more.

"So does that mean a yes"!?

Only for the redhead to quickly flicker away making an escape completely red-faced. Before the blonde body could finish losing all hope and drop his head Akui pulled his head into her bossism with another nuggy.

"That doesn't mean no boy she is just shy".

This action leaded the future fourth Hokage to pass out due to a nosebleed. With a disappointed exhale Akui sighed out.

"Well, whoever I choose it will have to be better than my little sisters. 

Looking down into her arms at the hapless child with a lecherous smile she felt worried that her sister might die alone due to a honey trap.

"Now that I think about it he wasn't that bad on the eyes and strong I wonder how he is doing now"?