Log 2: Fundamental Ninja Knowledge.

Log 2: Fundamental ninja knowledge.

You know what fuck anyone that reads this. You are all bastards!!! My name is Doug Hayha the last log was all the cryptographic needed to decipher the rest of these logs. I don't know how much longer I have left to live or the logs I have left to make but I am going to explain all the important skills and some training methods to become the strongest ninja in the world. 

If you become the strongest I want you to fucking end Danzo for killing me if my chlorine gas didn't get him. 

Ok back on to the important part. I might have only been in this world for a few hours. Yes, I wrote this world because I came from another world. I hope this fucks with you if you are reading this Danzo. The village you are working so hard to take over was just a kid's show from the world I came from! I want you to know that I learned a lot of this lore through TV and fan fiction so my knowledge might not be perfect.

If you are not Danzo I could tell you a handful of circumstances behind my situation, all equally likely. Just know this happenstance is not important and why I know this information is no different than the infinite number of monkeys on typewriters scenario. Writing every story ever given an infinite time. The monkey in my sixth-dimensional slice of the infinite multiverse, where chakra didn't exist anywhere but fiction, was an underpaid, over-stressed Japanese mangaka who happened to chronicle this world. 

For how I got here physically I have no clue. If it was just my consciousness the "continuous conscious thought theory" could have explained things. That theory believes that at death people's consciousness disappears but in an Infinite number of identical multiverses even if just one was special and that consciousness did not disappear then theoretically none disappeared as this stream of consciousness continues its existence forward branching new infinity. That's not much of a problem in this sixth dimension as there is an afterlife here. 

I surmise although improbable but not nonexistent given the infiniteness of reality I could be a Boltzmann brain. Where matter just happened to arrange to make me and that the matter which happened to arrange the neuron synapses in my head created thoughts and memories that matched up with the setting of the world and its future and my past never existed.

To me, I would like to think that yeah there is probably some hack writer coincidentally writing down my story but he didn't create me it is highly likely given the vastness of reality that I traveled seventh-dimensionally through the folding of the eighth dimension possibly by a ten-dimensional existence let's call GOD looking to create entertainment for his Ninth-dimensional angels. 

At the point of the tenth dimension, all things that have and can happen with all possible conditions have happened so a being outside the tenth dimension a being like GOD creating these conditions is nearly certain.

Chakra Control

Chakra: Chakra is the combination of spiritual and physical energy at a one-to-one ratio. The three leaf village stages of control are The Leaf Exercise, The Tree Climbing, and The Water Walking. These skills are meant to train one's control of the external release of chakra outside the body. 

The Leaf: The first step is adhering a leaf to the body (forehead) by channeling one's chakra to the leaf. 

This practice focuses on mastering a stable release and compression of chakra. Another benefit of this practice is the honing of the individual's concentration and keeping their mind from becoming distracted. 

This exercise is started by placing a lightweight fragile object (Leaf) on one point of one's skin most frequently over one's forehead. The evolution of this training method focuses on three aspects: chakra concentration, splitting concentration, and variable concentrations of chakra. This skill can be practiced by increasing the weight of the used training tool and placing multiple objects across one body of different masses. Using Coins is the optimum training tool as they are small, durable, and come in various weights. Finally, you can practice these exercises while completing daily tasks and mastering chakra control while in motion. 

Tree Walking: The second step is adhering to a horizontal surface and walking up followed by standing on a tree with your feet. The soles of your feet hold the Tenketsu point furthest from the abdomen where your chakra is produced and multiplied with your organs like your heart.

This practice focuses on the mastering instantaneous release of controlled bursts of chakra in a controlled environment as well as on strengthening the total force one applies with their chakra to a surface to completely support their body weight from two points without using too much chakra that it causes one to repel one's self.

This exercise started with one learning to concentrate enough chakra in one's hands to hold onto a wall without the use of a grip. Once one can accurately control one's chakra in an easy place like their hands one can practice this with both feet while on the ground to hold oneself completely still even if pushed or attempting to jump. Next step one learns to quickly concentrate enough chakra to one's hand to support their weight to a wall then doing so to both feet. Once one can instantly focus and release the chakra around one foot they can practice synchronizing this chakra manipulation with the movement of their body starting with climbing a wall with one's hands and then walking on the ground. Once one can run around the ground while having a chakra-enhanced stable footing one can now start walking horizontally up a tree with little training.

Water Walking: The Third step is walking on uneven-moving surfaces like running water.

This practice focuses on constantly releasing fluctuating levels of chakra necessary to offset one's movement and the movement of the uncontrolled surface. This is done till the point one no longer needs to focus to allow one to move across the water as if it were solid ground.

This exercise is started by pushing one's finger onto the surface of still water and emitting chakra to offset the pressure your body exerts on the water causing the liquid to act as a solid. Slowly one can increase the total weight they exert against the water and learn how to correctly use their chakra to offset themself from the water. Next, they begin slowly walking across still water. Once one is proficient they restart this training with slightly more turbulent water and repeat. The final step in mastering this exercise is learning to run up a waterfall without conscious thought of manipulating the chakra.

Chakra Flow: The fourth stage of external chakra manipulation is learning to manipulate one's chakra into a foreign object to imbue it with power.

This Practice focuses one's chakra on an external object and applies the effect of your chakra to this object as if it were a part of one's body.

This exercise began with tree walking when you applied this to one's shoes. Improving one's control with this exercise starts by stacking lightweight objects like leaves against one's skin and then atop one another and adhering one object to another through the previous object. The evolution of this training method focuses on three aspects of chakra control: concentration, control distance, and variable concentrations of chakra. These skills can be trained with four practice methods. Increasing the weight, the total number of stacked items, the distance from one's body, and changing the variability of the objects stacked upon one another.

Air Stepping: This is the theoretical Fifth stage. Every stage is learning to control chakra outside the body with the first three focusing on the external release of chakra while the fourth is focused on applying the effect of chakra to the world outside the body. Another masterly needed for this is chakra manipulation to the point of a successful Rasgengan.

This practice focuses one's chakra on the external environment and controls one's chakra to the fluctuating air like when it is done with turbid water. After controlling their chakra against the air one uses the principles of chakra flow to create a pocket of air saturated by chakra and manipulated to the point one can move the air as a counterbalance with enough concentration and power to offset one's weight.

This exercise begins with pushing one's hands against a cloud or Heavily saturated cloud of gas in a closed room with no wind. This practice is done till one can with one point push their whole body weight against the cloud and not move. The practice is repeated as the amount of particulates in the gas becomes smaller, and faster movement of the gas. This practice is repeated till the point one can fly using purely the motion of condensed chakra. 

Chakra Nature Transformations 

Chakra Nature: Chakra nature is expressed in 5 Primary forms. These chakra nature transformations can be Mono elemental, dual with fire and earth (Lava), or triple with Earth Wind and Fire (Dust). These multi-nature transformations are known as Kekkei Genkai and can not be learned normally. Every nature exercise is focused on increasing the rate of chakra's nature conversion and reducing the expenditure of chakra. One can cast two different nature releases at the same time but is it extremely rare due to the difficulty.

How yin and yang affect nature change. Yin creates the shape of the release. Yin also affects the mind and spirit in excess. Yang affects the life of the Jutsu. The physical expression that this life takes the form of. An affinity helps one create this physical expression as their yang energy already embodies that nature. 

One can learn to mold their charka into a simple form of natural forces like the 5 basic elements but doing anything else even leaving to mold two different affinities simultaneously like in Kekkei Genkai is beyond most. This is likely because without a natural affinity to shape two affinities at the same time one is required to simultaneously shape the yin and mold the expression of the yang half of chakra of two different natures.

Fire Nature: Strong against Wind but weak against Water.

This nature training starts with a low melting/combustion point material that slowly increases the maximum temperature one can produce. Starting with a high melting point metal doesn't change one's experience gains but a slowing increase in melting points helps checkmark one's growth. This increases the rate chakra turns to flame, increasing the temperature of any fire jutsu. One can also train in pulling the heat from the metal which helps break down others' fire jutsu. 

Wind Nature: Strong against Lightning but weak against Fire.

This nature training starts with using a soft material and slowly increasing the Mohs hardness of the object. Starting with a high Mohs hardness doesn't change one experience gains but a slowing increase in hardness helps checkmark one's growth. This increases the rate chakra turns to wind, increasing the sharpness of any wind jutsu. There is no method to train to dull the sharpness of this nature, at least I can not find any method to weaken sharpness with sharpness in practice. 

Lighting Nature: Strong against Earth but weak against Wind.

This nature training starts with either using an Amp Meter to measure the amperes produced or a piece of resistant high melting point metal as a lightning rod and learning to increase the current produced. This increases the rate chakra turns to lighting, increasing the intensity of the current of any lighting jutsu. There is no method to reduce the amperes of lighting chakra but one can increase the resistance of the body and one can ground the energy.

Earth Nature: Strong against Water but weak against Lightning.

This nature training starts by turning material into brittle earth. One turns any pile of soft compact soil into more compact soil. This increases the rate chakra turns to earth, increasing the volume or hardness of any earth jutsu. One can also train in turning compacted soil into loose which helps break down others' earth jutsu.

Water Nature: Strong against Fire but weak against Earth.

This nature training starts with producing water. The faster the water one can produce the greater the Pressure. This increases the rate chakra turns to water, increasing the volume or pressure of any water jutsu. One can also train in dispersing the water which helps break down others' water jutsu

External Shape and Chakra Manipulation: 

Chakra Manipulation: This is not controlling the release of chakra but the manipulation of the chakra outside of the body. One can manipulate the shape of the chakra from thin threads capable of controlling puppets or large constructs like city barriers. One can also manipulate the motion and the density of the chakra. The best-known chakra manipulation jutsu is the S-Rank jutsu Rasengan. Practicing the Rasengan is made up of three manipulation exercises classified as Rotation, Power, and Compression.

Rotation: The first stage begins with learning to control the motion of the chakra out of the body, not just using it to adhere to another surface. Moving and shaping chakra over the palm. The sign of completing this stage is using purely the motion of chakra to rotate the water inside a water balloon till the point of bursting. 

Power: In the second stage one learns to apply a greater volume of chakra in a smaller space to increase the density and the power behind the force of motion of chakra inside a rubber ball till the point the ball bursts due to the force of chakra alone.

Compression: The third stage releases, compresses, and then rotates a ball of chakra inside a normal balloon with so little leakage of chakra the balloon remains unpopped even after compressing as much chakra as possible into the ball.

Nature*: up to this point it was purely shape manipulation. All Chakra can be expressed with a nature transformation, for instance, the Wind Rasengan (Rasen Shuriken) due to the complexity of the control of this Jutsu was created with the use of three clones working in tandem. One to control the motion and power another to compress the chakra and a third to change and balance wind nature chakra and basic chakra. Theoretically, this can be done to all chakra natures.

Shaping: To master the massive version of this Jutsu it is necessary to increase one's chakra shaping skills. After practicing chakra strings one will have greater control over the size of the Rasengan which they can feed, and compress inside the massives spinning ball of chakra

*NOTE This training should be supervised by an iryojutsu capable of healing any damage dealt to the chakra coils when practicing this technique.

Yin & Yang Release

Yin & Yang Energy: These energies are also known as spiritual energy and physical energy, the two parts that makeup chakra. A person's spiritual energy comes from external experiences like Studying, meditation, and life experiences. The physical energy comes from one's internal circumstances Bloodline, talent, and exercise/physical health. Yin energy gives Jutsu their shape and allows them to directly interface with the yin in other charka networks as seen in Genjutsu. While Yang energy affects the physical properties that a jutsu has upon the physical world. 

Nature transformations: Nature transformations use one's yin to give shape to the element and yang to create that element. This means that people's yang energy can have aspects that lead to them having an easier time creating those specific nature transformations. 

Yang Affinity: This is known as an affinity and the basic five can be tested with Charka paper. This paper will burn, split, crinkle, fall apart, or become saturated depending on if one has an affinity with fire, wind, lightning, earth, or water respectively. A unique combination of affinities is usually inheritable in the form known as a Kekkei Genkai.

Blood Lines: Bloodlines affect one's ability to produce physical energy. This is the reason the ninja family has greater chakra reserves than civilians like Sakura and why some families have even greater than others like Uzumaki. This also affects one's natural affinity (can be seen in why kids are similar to their parents or why some families like the Uchiha and its affinity with fire nature). 

Kekkei Genkai: It is nearly impossible to create two different nature changes simultaneously to change a nature's expression with another nature without the use of a Kekkei Genkai. I believe that Kekkei Genkai Is when a person's yang energy not only has an affinity to the two but is capable of merging the aspects of yang energy that give people an affinity internally.

Charka Growth: As a kid, this is usually the limiting factor of chakra production till one's spirit can keep up with one's body. So the older you are the higher the chances that you will have high spiritual energy. This growth usually grows alongside the body till the point your body begins to deteriorate due to age reducing one's physical energy now becoming one's new limiting factor of chakra.

Chakra Capacity: Just because one is talented doesn't ensure one has a large chakra as it is mentioned that a ninja's charka's reserves (chakra coils) grow over time with the expenditure and creation of chakra which is created with a 1 to 1 ratio of spiritual and physical energy. The only exceptions to this are those born with greater than average chakra coils like Uzumaki bloodlines or examples like the Jinchuuriki who have their chakra network constantly filled with a chakra that is aspected by a tailed beast into their bodies. This both increases one's reserves without the use of one's own spiritual or physical energy but mixes the Jinchuuriki chakra with a significantly aspected chakra of an affinity matching the tailed beast like lava or bubble-creating artificial Kekkei Genkai

Hand signs: This internal energy manipulation technique pairs the movement of and the ratios then finally natural transformations of yin-yang energy with hand signs. This practice makes the ninja instantly move their energy and fold it in such a way that they no longer need to consciously mold the chakra and change its nature inside themself while releasing the Jutsu. This is why nearly all fire jutsu end with the tiger and earth in snake sign; these signs represent their respective nature's transformation. A ninja with a high enough Chakra Control, Chakra Manipulation, and Nature transformation can skip the use of the training aid known as hand sign altogether and manipulate the ratio, shape, and nature of their energy using pure intent.

Training Yin Release

Yin release: Yin release is the external use of spiritual energy. This energy is shaped to give form to nothingness but is incapable of affecting the physical world directly. To grow one's reserves one needs to go through external experiences like Studying, meditation, and life experiences. Training control of energy requires honing one's imagination and through the use of spiritual energy creates illusions. Genjutsu is most commonly associated with illusions but there are two types of illusions.

Genjutsu: One method is known as Genjutsu where the caster uses spiritual energy to control the chakra flow of a target's cerebral nervous system, thereby affecting their five senses and creating an illusion in a person's mental space by affecting their physical body. 

Shadow Release: The Second method is known as shadow/yin release which includes the academy's basic three E-Rank clone Jutsu which the ninja uses Yin release not to target a person's physical body but to create shape from nothingness. This creates an illusion without any physical effects in a physical space. 

Training Yang Release

Yang Release: Yang release is the external use of physical energy. This energy is not shaped into constructs but instead gives life to the nothingness made by Yin's release. To Grow one's reserves one needs to grow one's physical stamina and power. Whether this is a natural growth through exercise or artificial via means like hashirama's cells. Training one's control of this energy can be done by training to extract greater amounts of energy from every cell via willpower or to use this energy to heal or strengthen one's body. This 

Healing: Yang energy is the energy of life and can be extracted from healthy living cells and shared with damaged cells increasing the rate of one's healing. This can be done via yang release, one of the greatest uses of this release in healing is the Uzumaki Kekkei Genkai, which when biting pulls the yang energy from the body of the Uzumaki and transfers it to another. The drawback with yang release is the taxation of the body whether it be the use of large amounts of stored physical energy (Akimichi clan), stamina (Guy), or drafting one's cells causing pre-ageing (tsunade/8 gates/Karin/Hashirama). Iryojutsu ninjas can convince the body to redirect or increase the production of yang energy to heal wounds. Or one can use their yang to heal the bodies of others. 

Strengthening: This is when one extracts the physical energy of the body and instead of using it to heal the body they use it to strengthen the physical output of all the cells of the body. An example of this is the Akimichi body transformation where they cannibalize all the physical energy stored in the cells of their fat for a short-term boost of yang energy they can use to empower their bodies. This is also used in the Strength of a Hundred Seal where Tsunade stored chakra in a seal and once released she was capable of using the yang energy to amplify her physical strength without over-drafting her cells.

Training Yin & Yang Release

Jutsu: All Jutsu's are yin & yang releases. Shadow Clone Jutsu is one of the more complex and famous without the use of nature transformation. 

Shadow Clone Jutsu: This clone is made solely of yin and yang release which when reframed is just another definition of the components of chakra. When charka in this jutsu is cast from the body it breaks down back into its component energy and crafts a copy of the physical body out of spiritual energy mimicking the caster and is capable of interacting physically with the physical energy. 

Spirit: This body stores a piece of the caster's soul, the source of the caster's spiritual energy, and uses it to manipulate this clone. The piece of soul transfers memories to the original upon release unless this clone casts Dead Demon Consuming Seal then that piece of soul is lost in the demon's stomach. The chakra not yet broken down by the clone in the use of its existence is also taken back with the piece of soul to the caster. 

Structure stability: These clones are fragile and they are purely chakra constructs without matter to give structure to the body. If one is capable of high enough Chakra Manipulation the clone can use the energy making up its existence to strengthen the chakra construct by manipulating the chakra volume and compression. Doing so increases the consumption of chakra.

Nature Energy

Nature Energy: Nature energy is also known for its requirement in Senjutsu when combined with physical and spiritual energy. First, you sense this can be done by heading to a place high in natural energy like the lands of the three sages (Mount Myoboku, Ryuchi Cave, and Shikkotsu Cave), and meditating in nature or having this energy directly injected into your body. 

The second method is highly inadvisable unless a method to remove that natural energy is available as anybody with too much natural energy is turned to stone. Also, I advise going to one of the three sacred places to train because only real training I ever found the dumb decision of just injecting yourself with natural energy and hope you don't die.

External: Step one training method for this energy is learning to manipulate this energy outside the body but don't pull this energy into the body. One must learn to externally release their Yin and Yang and mix them with natural energy creating Senjutsu chakra.

Internal: Step two once one can quickly and accurately mix these energies it is now safe to pull natural energy into the body and fuse these energies to use this Senjutsu chakra to power their Justus

Yin/Spiritual energy training exercises

The spiritual energy grows through external experiences like studying, meditation, and life experiences.

There is an interesting phenomenon however with the Uchiha clan in their eyes. The eye of a Uchiha will awaken and advance a Kekkei Genkai when sufficiently stressed. This counts as a life experience one can grow from, but why don't eyes advance through studying and meditation if they also advance through the strength of one's Yin energy?

I believe that this is the case because life experiences do not increase the quantity of yin energy but the quality. Quality necessary to activate and use the Sharingan. It is hard to test this theory as how can one test the quality and quantity of one spiritual energy? 

I suspect however that the greater the quantity and quality of one's spiritual energy the less a Genjutsu will affect you and the greater the power you can enforce in a Genjutsu. This is likely the case as those who have been known to cast the Strongest Genjutsu had more advanced Sharingan.

No one with a weaker Sharingan has trapped another with a more advanced Sharingan in a Genjutsu. This likely means spiritual energy even before tempering needs to grow to a certain quantity like checkpoints to have an effect. 

Is this because a Sharingan eye somehow makes a person's chakra network more durable against a Genjutsu? Might it be that the greater the Sharingan the better the spiritual energy and the less effective that weaker spiritual energy has upon it? 

I suspect the reason why those who have a Sharingan have such good Genjutsu is due to the quality of their vision. It allows them to see the world in such crystal clear clarity which would help greatly when creating realistic mental images to ensnare a target.

The other is the power of spiritual energy. If a person has a robust spiritual energy it's hard to break free even if you realize you are in a Genjutsu so a Sharingan represents both key features in the use of Genjutsu.

Eyes are also seen as the windows to the soul. What does that say about the eyes that when you look into them affect you spiritually trapping you in a Genjutsu? When the special abilities unlocked from the eyes are based on the personality (mental/spiritual expression of a person) of the one who awakened the eyes.

This does not mean you need to go through trauma to build a resistance to Genjutsu or increase the power of one's yin. As I mentioned earlier, studying, meditation, and life experiences increase the overall power so as long as you are smart like the Nara clan (Known for powerful yin energy shadow release) or study a lot your yin energy will increase. 

All the Chakra concentration exercises in this log book will also build up your yin due to meditation as long as you work hard your yin will increase. If you truly want to temper your spiritual energy then I advise not putting yourself through false Genjutsu of bad things happening to you as it might only temper your mind once due to a subconscious disbelief that the next bad experiences you suffer aren't real causing dissociative disorder

What would be the safest means of tempering is to treat your spiritual energy like a blacksmith tempers metal. Blacksmiths generally use a series of light, softer strikes instead of a few heavy blows. It reduces the risk of warping or cracking due to the localized stress from a single heavy strike.

The idea of stress causing the risk of warping and cracking can be seen in people who are extremely stressed leading them to crack under pressure and commit acts against their usual moral code or to warp and change personalities entirely. This failed tempering is identical to that of people so it is best to take many small and varied strikes of various intensities and styles.

I don't mean for you to commit self-mutilation for power but different subtle means of controlled physical and psychological torture even something like living with itchy clothes can temper your will and spiritual power. Ninjas know a lot more about torture so learning a bit of that can help you but I will write down a few innocuous real-world examples as well as examples that have worked.



Itching powder in all your clothes, Constant difficult physical training, mild consistent self-harm.


ugly clothes, being bullied, living with a physical impairment or diseases (itachi), watching or killing loved ones, and surviving traumatic events (quite a few Uchiha). 

I don't know how much time I have left so I advise learning at least one seal before reading this log as all of it is conjecture. Learning this information might make learning seals harder so it is best to produce a seal to realize you can.

Not much was explained in the show but what I do know is that the Uzumaki were masters of this study before their destruction. This skill likely requires a large chakra reserve and seals are usually made of symbols written on a physical medium like paper or the human body and can either trap matter in a pocket dimension of some sort or be used to affect the physical realm.

They must do this with the use of chakra so it must mean that anything done with seals is possible with the correct application of chakra manipulation, intent, and imagination.

For example, exploding tags must be a seal where one inputs chakra into a formation to trap the chakra and when activated converts said chakra using nature release into fire.

For example, sealing tags must be a seal where one inputs chakra into a formation to trap the chakra that is used to activate space-time ninjutsu.

These talismans are a cheap means of storing one's chakra for later but the downside is that this chakra can only be used for the intent imbued into the seal. So this means once this seal is activated unless the formation is believed to then all of the chakra is used and the formation and it is destroyed.

This would all mean work off of intent. What I mean by this is that one wills chakra with their intent when they mold chakra by any means. Chakra is not just a matter but is made of the energy of the body and soul and contains the will of the creator.

One applies this will to shape it using hand signs when casting Jutsu but with this skill one channels their intent through the concept of language. 

Language and more specifically words are a collection of symbols given meaning via constant training and repetition just like hand signs. Fuinjutsu piggybacks this idea as when someone channels their chakra while writing a language using ink and paper as a medium to visualize the action the chakra will complete.

Language itself doesn't affect chakra but it's one intent they must imbue into chakra with language as a visualization technique any form of symbols may be used but the greater the complexity allows one to have an easier time slowly visualizing, imbuing intent, and chakra for large effect. This is why some seals look like writing and others can look like a diamond on one's forehead.

However, this also makes Fuinjutsu one of the hardest skills to master. This tracks with the rarity of the Fuinjutsu master I saw in the original Naruto. I suspect that if you don't believe what you write and draw down or if you can't visualize the effect while applying the chakra you can't create a seal no matter how powerful you are.

This is why one will likely have to learn from a teacher or books as a person creating Fuinjutsu from scratch on their own will have little belief that what they create can work.

I advise learning how to cast Genjutsu as this illusion skill is all about honing one's imagination and convincing others that your imagination is real. All you will have to do is convince yourself that the words you draw can make your imagination real if you can do this once you can do any seal with this knowledge.

If you wish to cast Fuinjutsu using purely will and hand movement like a ninjutsu it would be easiest to begin with simple and basic things like imagining phenomena like making a wall, imagining a fire, or making something no longer there. All of these things can be done easily with chakra nature change or control so willing it the way you do with Fuinjutsu should be possible and easier to imagine

Warning do not read if you are closed-minded 

The final stage of this training follows the concept of "all paths lead to the same truth" If you are capable of a great imagination, a firm intent, and enough chakra you will not need symbols just as ninjutsu does not need hand signs. 

All chakra in the end is the same energy; others just found different training methods to hone themselves and how to apply themself to chakra. Chakra isn't truly limited by nature's affinities. Everyone can use every Chakra nature however Just like learning skills traditional skills people

Knowing this information is also a shackle so be warned faith, belief, and common sense are training wheels. Why else would an energy capable of creating any force or material even creating life from nothing be limited to only being good at creating simple things like fire? The more you learn the less you realize you know and the less belief you might have just remember chakra has no upper limits only what you can imagine.

In the end, these are all training exercises and suppositions of what can be done. However, chakra is the bridge between the physical world created via one physical energy and the thought of thought and spirit from one spirit. Mastering chakra is masting godhood. To create from nothingness anything in your image. To constrain your thoughts. To create jets of fire one one can create life a complex organism not made of any of the ninja-tested chakra affinities that are beyond primitive.

When chakra is mastered it is god-like. Using one's will one can do anything one imagines using their spirit and physical power to create God-like acts of creation that contradict the natural world and whose effects even transcend death. Like Gaara's mother's living sand or the six paths and his nine-tailed beasts.

Ok I just remembered some training exercises like Memory training and visi

Fuck fuck fuck I got bit by a bug this is it Danzo got me I hope you can FUCKING KIL