Rodman departed without bothering to engage further with the Ten Dons, though he left a pointed warning that V5 would monitor the project closely. The message was clear - Oboro and the others needed to maintain their focus and avoid any deception.
"Tch. Making us do the work while they reap the benefits. Bastards," one of the older Dons muttered once Rodman was gone, exhaling a ring of smoke.
"If the drug proves successful, they'll never let our subsidiaries produce it. They'll lock it away in their vaults," another added.
The remaining Dons quickly dispersed, citing various territorial matters that required attention. Their hasty departures spoke volumes about their true feelings regarding the situation.
Removing his protective suit, Oboro reflected on the meeting. "This clearly isn't V5's first time directing the mafia. Beyond this project, they must have other research initiatives, especially in weapons development." He recalled the Poor Man's Rose - the miniature nuclear device that had claimed both Chairman Netero and the Chimera Ant King Meruem.
Yet even such devastating weapons were likely considered basic tools in humanity's arsenal. The Dark Continent posed threats far beyond imagination, as V5 had learned at terrible cost during previous expeditions. The price had been too steep, the consequences unbearable.
Both the Poor Man's Rose and this biological enhancement project seemed like minor investments compared to V5's true preparations. Rodman's warnings were likely more about maintaining his own position than genuine concern. Who could guess what countermeasures V5 had developed for the Dark Continent?
The Poor Man's Rose had proven catastrophically effective against the Chimera Ants, but those creatures were only rated as a B-level threat. Against the Dark Continent's horrors, such weapons might prove trivial. The Chimera Ants paled in comparison to the true dangers V5 had witnessed.
Oboro suspected everyone present understood these implications but dared not voice them. The mafia's considerable influence in society existed largely through V5's tacit permission. Many of the Ten Dons' territories fell within V5 nations. Their ability to conduct business and generate profit depended on official blindness to their activities.
The mafia retained value to V5, for now.
"I'll have David handle future communications," Oboro decided, then took his leave.
O'Day, who had allied with him against Brown, followed. Before entering her vehicle, she paused. "You haven't fully consolidated your position yet. If you need assistance..."
"It's nearly complete," Oboro smiled as his guard opened the car door.
O'Day nodded, saying nothing more. Her own car carried not just a driver but a formidable Nen user for protection - their aura unmistakable even at this distance.
The two vehicles departed the facility separately. Oboro contacted Lily and David to update them, then directed his driver to the public airship terminal. He preferred to continue alone.
The 281st Hunter Examination would begin in less than three months. Before then, he planned to explore this world properly. Beyond Heaven's Arena, many places called to him - starting with the famous tourist destinations.
"How things have changed," he mused at the bustling terminal. His first journey to Heaven's Arena had been constrained by limited funds. Now money represented mere numbers to him. Freedom from financial worry brought its own satisfaction.
His first destination: Whale Island, homeland of Ging Freecss.
Kite had once declared Ging the finest Hunter in her experience. Oboro understood that assessment, but his interest lay not in Ging but in the island itself. The pristine shores, peaceful town, and untamed wilderness called to him. The anime's portrayal of the island before Gon's departure - before his fateful meeting with Kurapika and Leorio - remained vivid in Oboro's memory.
A crucible for extraordinary individuals, where natural beauty and dreams intertwined. The perfect place to find peace.
Of course, observing Ging and Mito would prove interesting as well.
"Mito must be about two years my senior," Oboro noted the next day, standing on the ship's deck. Through his sunglasses, he watched the sea breeze ripple across the water, a smile playing at his lips.
His excitement stemmed not from the island's connection to the story's protagonists, but from his deep appreciation for the series itself. He felt like a fan making a pilgrimage to a cherished location.
The journey to isolated Whale Island took a full day and night. As dawn broke, the captain's voice rang out announcing their arrival. Passengers disembarked onto the pier, where azure waters stretched to the horizon. Salt-tinged air carried the sounds of the harbor - fishermen preparing their boats, traders hawking their catches. Beyond the docks rose the town's modest buildings, backed by verdant mountains.
The scene brought immediate comfort. No towering structures dominated the skyline, just homes and shops of varying heights nestled among the greenery.
"What an incredible place," Oboro breathed, wandering the streets.
"Boss! Fresh fish, caught this morning!"
"Fruit here! All locally grown!"
Vendors called out warmly from their stalls. One maternal shopkeeper pressed a free apple into his hand with a genuine smile.
The atmosphere differed completely from any city. While plenty of people filled the streets, the energy remained peaceful rather than frenetic.
"The environment shapes its people," Oboro mused, munching the apple as he explored. "Though Ging's eccentric personality seems to defy that rule. Hard to believe he and Gon are related."
He continued his tourist's exploration of the town, finding wonder in every detail. The island's simple beauty provided exactly the respite he'd sought.