Chapter 29 Bank Attack

"Doctor Strange..." A gleam flashed in Ancient One's eyes. Did they have a Doctor Strange over there? She had already chosen Stephen Strange as her successor, planning to pass on her mantle when the time came.

[At the Daily Bugle, Ms. Brant led Peter into Jameson's office. "Boss, I found Peter!" she announced cheerfully.

Jameson turned, spreading his arms dramatically. "Where the hell have you been, Parker? Didn't pay your phone bill? And no pictures of the mad scientist?!"

Robbie chimed in, "I heard Spider-Man was there too!" His gaze briefly met Peter's, a knowing look passing between them.

Jameson glared at Peter. "What's next? Squirrels in Central Park? You're fired!"]

[Before Peter could respond, Ms. Brant returned to remind Jameson about the planetarium party that evening. "You're not fired," Jameson grumbled. "I need you."]

["How much do you know about high society?" Jameson asked. Peter opened his mouth to answer, but Jameson cut him off. "Doesn't matter. The regular photographer's out—knocked down by a polo ball. You're all I've got. Big party celebrating American heroes. My son's an astronaut!"

"Can I get an advance on my salary?" Peter ventured hopefully.

Jameson let out a booming laugh, slapping his thigh. "An advance? I'm paying you to stand there like an idiot! Be at the planetarium tomorrow night at eight, or don't bother showing up again!" he bellowed, dismissing Peter with a wave of his hand.]

. . . . . .

[Meanwhile, at an abandoned wooden house by the Manhattan River, Doctor Octopus stood silently, staring at the water. His mechanical arms swayed gently around him, reflecting his inner turmoil. "Rose is gone. My dream is shattered," he murmured. "These… horrible things should sink to the bottom of the river. And me along with them."]

[As Otto contemplated his fate, the robotic arms resisted. A voice whispered in his mind, growing louder with each passing moment. "Start again," it urged.

"No!" Otto shouted. "Peter was right. I calculated wrong!" But the voice was relentless, echoing in his head.

"You didn't fail," the voice insisted. "Wasn't nuclear fusion successful? Start over—this time, make the shield stronger!"

"But we need money," Otto muttered, conflicted. "Rob a bank? No. No, I can't commit a crime."

"Not fulfilling your dream is the real crime," the voice countered. Otto's expression twisted into an unsettling grin. "The energy of the sun is in the palm of my hand," he declared, his resolve solidifying. "No one can stop us now. No one!"]

"Dr. Otto is being controlled by a robotic arm. This is terrifying!"

"He will complete the experiment at all costs. Who knows what the consequences will be?"

"We have to find a way to stop him!"

People's voices were full of anxiety and helplessness, as they knew full well the disastrous consequences that Otto's experiment might bring. Some began to pray silently, hoping that someone would come forward to stop all this from happening; others fiercely discussed ways to deal with it, but every proposal seemed so powerless.

Fear spread among the crowd, and people were shrouded in panic. Some people began to spontaneously go to Otto's laboratory to try to stop him from continuing to study fusion reactor, but many people believed that Otto's original intention was good, but there was just a mistake, as long as he recalculated it, there was no need to throw away the research.

[At the bank, Peter and Aunt May sat in the loan department, hoping to secure funds using Uncle Ben's life insurance and Social Security benefits. The bank staff shook their heads regretfully. "I'm sorry, it's not enough to qualify for a loan," they said.

Aunt May quickly added, "I've started teaching piano again!"

"Really?" Peter asked, surprised. Aunt May tried to nudge him discreetly, but instead accidentally kicked the staff member's foot. The man yelped in pain, rubbing his foot while glaring at her.]

["Thank you for opening a super savings account with our bank," the staff member added stiffly, "but your assets don't meet the threshold for refinancing."

Aunt May sighed and pulled out an advertisement. "At least I can get the toaster," she muttered.

"You need a deposit of at least $300 for that," the staffer replied. Aunt May glanced at the ad again, defeated. "I see," she said with a resigned smile.]

["Don't worry, Aunt May," Peter said, patting her hand. "We'll figure something out."]

[Suddenly, a deafening crash interrupted their conversation. Otto had ripped the vault door from its hinges and flung it across the room. It landed inches from where Peter and Aunt May sat. Reacting instinctively, Peter shoved Aunt May's chair to safety and slid backward himself, narrowly avoiding the door.

Aunt May, startled, cried out, "Peter! Don't leave me behind!"]

[Peter dashed toward the fallen door. The bank staff, watching him, exclaimed, "What a hero!" Meanwhile, a security guard approached Otto, gun drawn. "Freeze! Hands and tentacles in the air!" he commanded.]

[The robotic arms responded violently, swatting the guards aside like toys. Otto strode into the vault, using his tentacles to grab bags of cash. Coins spilled onto the floor as he stuffed his loot into the mechanical arms.]

[Peter quickly changed into his Spider-Man suit. Swinging into action, he confronted Otto just as the villain flung a money bag at him. Peter dodged, the coins scattering around him.

Leaping onto a pillar, Peter snared one of the money bags with his web and threw it back. "Here's some pocket money for you!" he quipped.]

[The bag hit Otto squarely, though his mechanical arms absorbed the brunt of the impact. Annoyed, Otto grabbed more bags and hurled them at Peter, who deftly evaded. But as Peter prepared to counter, his web-shooters failed. "Oh no! Not now!" he groaned, desperately trying to fire a web.

Unable to react in time, Peter was struck by one of the bags and fell from the pillar. Otto, triumphant, let out a gleeful laugh. "Ha!" he bellowed, preparing for another attack.]


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