Chapter 54 Thor 1

As Tony Stark concluded his battle with Ivan Vanko, across the vast deserts of New Mexico, another story was unfolding. Agent Coulson had arrived to investigate an unusual phenomenon: a hammer of unknown origin embedded in the ground, immovable by anyone.

The events leading to this moment began the previous night. Dr. Erik Selvig, Jane Foster, and Darcy Lewis had been monitoring peculiar readings in the night sky. The atmospheric disturbances suggested something extraordinary. Excited by the possibilities, they drove into the desert to investigate. Their curiosity, however, led to an unexpected collision—literally. They accidentally hit Thor, who had just fallen to Earth, disoriented and stripped of his powers.

Thor, confused and visibly out of place, attempted to rise but was quickly subdued by the group, who mistook him for a threat. Darcy, perhaps overeager, tased him. They bundled him into their car, intending to take him to the hospital. None of them noticed that his legendary hammer, Mjolnir, had also landed nearby, smashing into the desert sands with a force that sent debris flying.

Thor's arrival was no ordinary event. Mjolnir's impact created a magnetic anomaly that drew curious locals. Among them was an old man who attempted to lift the hammer but failed. He soon realized he wasn't alone in his futile efforts—everyone who tried to move the hammer met the same result. It wasn't long before the site became a gathering spot, with people bringing tools, trucks, and even chains to try their luck.

At the hospital, Thor caused chaos. Upon regaining consciousness, he fought with the medical staff, bewildered by the sedatives and restraints. His superhuman strength, though diminished, still overwhelmed the doctors. After a heated struggle, he was sedated again, leaving Jane and her team baffled by his behavior. Erik studied storm footage they had captured earlier, noticing a figure amidst the turbulence. Jane became convinced it was Thor, believing him to be connected to the anomalies.

The group returned to the hospital, only to find Thor had escaped. Their search ended abruptly when Jane accidentally hit him again with her car while reversing. With no other option, they took him back to Jane's home, where Thor's imposing physique and unshakable confidence became a topic of fascination—especially for Darcy, whose admiration bordered on comic exaggeration.

While adjusting to his earthly surroundings, Thor learned he was on Midgard, or Earth, and immediately asked, "Where is Peter Parker?"

Jane, taken aback, explained there was no Peter Parker here. Thor sighed, visibly disappointed. He had hoped to meet the kind-hearted hero he had heard about in stories broadcast across realms. His disillusionment didn't last long, as Jane's questions about his origins piqued his interest. Thor, however, remained cryptic, offering only vague mentions of Asgard, Mjolnir, and his desire to retrieve what was rightfully his.

Meanwhile, in Asgard, Loki's world was unraveling. He had discovered a truth that shattered his identity—he was not the biological son of Odin but a frost giant, taken in as a child after Odin's victory over Laufey, the King of the Frost Giants. Odin admitted this with heavy sorrow, explaining his intentions to use Loki as a bridge for peace between the two realms. However, Loki's mind twisted the revelation. He believed Odin had always seen him as a pawn, a tool to achieve political stability.

Furious and heartbroken, Loki confronted Odin, accusing him of favoritism toward Thor. "You never intended for me to rule," Loki spat. "A frost giant will never sit on Asgard's throne."

Odin, weary from the argument, collapsed into Odinsleep—a deep, restorative state that left him vulnerable. Though angered, Loki was alarmed by Odin's sudden condition and called for the guards. Despite his bitterness, a glimmer of concern for his adoptive father remained.

Back on Earth, Thor's arrogance remained intact, even without his powers. At a diner, he devoured a box of Pop-Tarts and downed a large soda, but refrained from smashing his cup on the floor, having learned some Earthly manners. A local entered, speaking about a "satellite" that had crashed in the desert and attracted attention from government officials. Erik, Jane, and Darcy perked up, realizing the description matched Thor's earlier claims.

Thor, hearing this, immediately stood. "Where is it?" he demanded.

The man hesitated, intimidated by Thor's towering presence. "About fifty miles west."

Thor turned to leave. Jane, alarmed, grabbed her coat and followed. "Where are you going?" she asked.

"To retrieve what's mine," Thor replied.

Jane pressed further. "That satellite belongs to the government. Are you planning to take it by force?"

"If necessary," Thor said bluntly. He added, "Help me get there, and I'll tell you everything you want to know."


"Yes. Once I have Mjolnir, I will explain it all."

Erik, overhearing their conversation, pulled Jane aside. He cautioned her against aiding Thor, whom he now believed to be dangerous. His knowledge of Norse mythology—tales of Thor, Mjolnir, and the Rainbow Bridge—resurfaced, making him uneasy. Despite Erik's warnings, Jane's curiosity won out, though she reluctantly decided against driving Thor herself.

Thor, undeterred, kissed Jane's hand in farewell. The gesture left her flustered and Darcy teasing. As Thor began his journey on foot, Jane's team returned home, only to find SHIELD agents confiscating their equipment.

Coulson, leading the operation, introduced himself to Jane with a polite but firm tone. "I'm Agent Coulson, from the International Intelligence and Justice Headquarters."

Jane protested. "You can't just take our research! That's our work!"

Coulson, unfazed, responded, "Miss Foster, this matter is more complicated than you realize. Rest assured, your equipment will be returned—eventually."

Erik recognized Coulson from a prior encounter and used their rapport to negotiate. "I'll cooperate, but I need my assistants with me."

Coulson considered this before nodding. "Fine. But let's move quickly."

The group was escorted to SHIELD's temporary base near Mjolnir's landing site. As Jane's team settled in, Thor arrived on horseback, racing toward the hammer with determination.

Back in Asgard, Thor's loyal companions—Sif and the Warriors Three—sought to plead with Odin on his behalf, only to find Loki seated on the throne. His calm, calculated demeanor unnerved them.

"Thor's exile must be reversed," Sif began, her voice steady but imploring.

Loki raised a hand to silence her. "Father's decree is clear. Thor's banishment remains."

"You cannot hide behind Odin's words," Sif retorted. "This is your decision."

Loki's expression darkened. "You would question the Allfather's will?"

Sif stepped forward, but Volstagg gently restrained her. "We do not question the throne," he said, bowing. Reluctantly, the others followed suit, kneeling before Loki, though their hearts rebelled against the gesture.

Loki's smirk widened. "Do not mistake mercy for weakness. Return to your duties."

Defeated but resolute, the group departed, determined to find another way to aid Thor.


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