Chapter 65 Ancient one

Tony scoffed, "So Strange is destined to become the Sorcerer Supreme? And this Ancient One has been alive for hundreds of years? Magic existing in this world is beyond reason."

In Tony's eyes, Thor was merely an alien who happened to resemble humans. But the confirmation of true magic was a concept that clashed with his scientific mindset.

Meanwhile, at the hospital, Stephen Strange and Christine shared a tense, silent exchange. The words from the Sky Curtain lingered in the air, their implications cutting deep.

"Are we really destined to be separated?" Christine murmured, her voice tinged with sadness. She had always harbored feelings for Strange, but his actions never seemed to reflect the same intensity. However, the narration hinted at emotions deeper than she had ever imagined.

At S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, Nick Fury stood with a grim expression, watching the surreal scene unfolding around him. Moments earlier, agents had attempted to confront the Ancient One with firearms drawn. They hadn't anticipated what followed.

With a simple motion from the Ancient One, reality itself shattered like fragile glass. The agents, along with the walls of the office, vanished into fragments. Beyond the fractured space lay bustling streets, yet none of the pedestrians noticed the disturbance above. The world twisted and bent at the Ancient One's command.

"Do not meddle in Strange's fate," the Ancient One intoned. "When the time comes, he will naturally become my disciple." With a subtle gesture, the mirror dimension ceased its disorienting rotation.

Nick Fury, ever perceptive, locked his gaze on the Ancient One. "I don't know why the Screen is showing this," he said, his voice measured. "But if it's revealing these events, it means change is inevitable."

Since Strange had previously seized on the one in 14 million chance, their people had analyzed many possibilities, one of which was that the other party could predict the future, and then act according to how that future would develop, and thus achieve that future 100%.

Ancient One fell silent after hearing this. She understood the meaning of Nick Fury's words, but she also didn't know why The Screen wanted to reveal these things. In the timeline she observed, The Screen had never existed.

The screen transcends time, and even its existence cannot be observed from the perspective of time. No matter what she does, the Time Stone cannot observe it. Naturally, Ancient One does not know what The Screen will say next.

The appearance of the Screen disrupted Ancient One's plan. Initially, it only played the life story of Spiderman, but the narration mentioned things about their universe from time to time, making the timeline diverge.

The storm caused by the butterfly is brewing. It has not yet fully taken shape, but some signs have already appeared.

"Maybe you have a point, but Strange is destined to become the Sorcerer Supreme." Ancient One looked at NIck Fury calmly. Both sides were working hard to protect the world, and Ancient One did not want to conflict with them.

"I don't doubt that," Fury replied, his tone firm. "But for now, he's just a surgeon. Don't you think his exposure puts him in danger? We can protect him."

The Ancient One saw through Fury's intentions immediately. He sought to establish goodwill with Strange before he ascended to his destined role. However, she was unbothered by his proposition. As long as Strange succeeded her, the method was irrelevant.

"I will monitor Strange myself," she said, her voice resolute. "Even if unforeseen events occur, I can recover the situation."

Without another word, the Ancient One waved her hand, dissolving the mirror dimension. She vanished as swiftly as she had appeared, leaving Fury and Hill standing in the now-restored office.

Nick Fury, who came out of the mirror space, subconsciously pressed the corner of the table. The scene just now gave him a great shock. He never thought that SHIELD would be invaded so easily, and their agents had no way to deal with it.

Ancient One came and went as she pleased, and for the first time, NIck Fury felt powerless. He wasn't even sure if Captain Marvel could defeat the mysterious Ancient One.

Brock Ruimlow looked at Nick Fury and Hill, who had just suddenly disappeared in the office, with surprise and suddenly reappeared. He cast a questioning look at Nick Fury, and Nick Fury waved his hand to let them leave.

Nick Fury exhaled lightly, his expression returned to calm, and looked at Hill beside him, "I want to be alone for some time." Hill nodded, picked up the gun that fell beside him, and walked out of the office.

[Peter Parker strolled into a small pawn shop called "Miller's Pawn Shop." Spotting a diamond ring in the display, he exclaimed, "I've fallen in love with the girl of my dreams!"]

[The shopkeeper, noticing Peter's interest, placed a card reading "Payment in Installments" next to the ring. Peter smiled warmly at the gesture, and the shopkeeper smiled back.]

[Later that evening, Peter arrived at a musical theater called "Memories of Manhattan." Approaching the ticket counter, he said, "Ms. Watson left a ticket for me—Peter Parker."]

[He found his seat in the audience, one Mary Jane had reserved for him. As the curtains rose, Peter grew nervous with anticipation. Mary Jane appeared on stage, descending the stairs gracefully as she began to sing. Overwhelmed with excitement, Peter whispered, "That's my girlfriend!" much to the bemusement of the man sitting beside him.]

[Peter hummed along to Mary Jane's performance, his admiration obvious. On the second floor, Harry Osborn watched the same performance through a pair of binoculars. His smile faded as he shifted his gaze to Peter, who looked at Mary Jane with unfiltered adoration. A flicker of anger ignited within Harry.]

[After the show, Peter left the theater, basking in the praise the audience showered upon Mary Jane. Spotting Harry outside, Peter hurried to approach him. "Harry! I need to talk to you!"]

[Harry turned coldly, his voice laced with bitterness. "Go explain things to my father—bring him back to life!" Without waiting for a reply, he climbed into his car and slammed the door.]

[Peter stood helplessly as the car sped away. "I'm your friend, Harry," he murmured. "I cared about your father too…"]

[Shaking off his disappointment, Peter headed backstage to meet Mary Jane. The two embraced warmly. Peter praised her performance, his admiration evident.]

[Mary Jane glanced at a bouquet of flowers on her dressing table. "These are beautiful. Harry sent them, didn't he? Was he here tonight?"]

[Peter hesitated before answering, "Yes… I ran into him outside."]

["How are things between you two?" she asked gently.]

[Peter sighed. "It's complicated. I tried explaining things to him, but he wouldn't listen."]

[Mary Jane admitted she had been nervous during the performance, but Peter reassured her. He even launched into an overly detailed explanation of how acoustics worked, earning a playful jab from Mary Jane. "You nerd!" she teased, and they both shared a laugh.]


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