Her breaths came in ragged gasps, each inhale a painful reminder of her frailty, and the metallic taste of blood clung to her tongue like an iron curse. Her body trembled uncontrollably, the effort to draw in the air almost as excruciating as the wounds carved into her skin. Her wrists ached from the relentless struggle, raw and inflamed beneath the unforgiving grip of hands that knew no mercy. Each twist of her limbs sent waves of agony coursing through her, but still, she fought.
Her tattered clothes clung weakly to her frame, threads hanging in tatters like the remnants of her dignity, torn and shredded in cruel amusement. Once, they had fit her body with care, a shield against the world. Now, they served only as a cruel mockery of what she had been—a symbol of everything she had lost. She tried to pull them together, as if by force of will, but the fabric gave way further with every desperate move.