"uh,I don't know anything about that,but I trust you and I'll probably forgive you even if you don't pay me back!" Said Kaito,happily. "Huh? Do you.....take me as a sugar baby?" Asked Suzume. Kaito choked on his food,as soon as he heard what Suzume said.
"Wh...what!? What do you even mean by that!? Why would I want you to be my sugar baby!? I am not the type of person who takes advantage of women when they are in trouble!" Said Kaito,worriedly.
"Oh,I am sorry then! I didn't mean to hurt your sentiment. I just thought that you might be wanting me to be your sugar baby,since you like me. And I wouldn't have a choice either,since I am almost bankrupt." Said Suzume.
"Nah,I am not going to do anything like that. I am a good person,you can trust me." Said Kaito. "Uh,I don't know about trust,but you're a gangster,and you must have killed a lot of people,right? Then how are you a good person?" Asked Suzume.
"What? That's a dumb question. Yeah,I am a gangster and I have killed people. But,I never killed people,who were good. I always killed the ones,who were evil. So,that doesn't make me a bad person,does it?" Asked Kaito.
Suzume and Kaito stared at eachother for a minute and then Suzume agreed while nodding. "Wait,di....did you just agree!? Did you just say that I...am a bad person? Oh my god! The audacity!" Exclaimed,Kaito.
"Ok,now that's enough! Let's just go to the office right now, and talk to my boss. Come on,follow me!" Said Suzume. Suzume went outside the café and started running towards the office. Kaito,on the other hand,was still busy with eating his food. As soon as he saw,Suzume running towards the office,across the street,he finished his food,payed the bill and followed her to the office.
Suzume and Kaito,both reached the office,together. "Why....didn't you wait for me...I was just finishing my food...you're so brutal!" Said Kaito,pantingly. Suzume nudged kaito and glared at him.
"Uh,hi Akihito! What are you doing? It's been such a long time,since I saw you!" Said Kaito. "Huh? I saw you 2 weeks ago,didn't I? And you only said that you didn't want to see me much these days,right? Anyways,have a seat." Said Akihito.
Both Kaito and Suzume sat in front of Akihito. "Now tell me,why are you here? Did you want something,all of a sudden?" Asked Akihito. "Uh,actually I just wanted to ask you,a favor. I actually wanted you to,hire Suzume again.
I don't know what she did,but Suzume's condition is not that good. She's actually facing some financial issues. So,it would be a trouble for her to find a job again. The hiring season is already over,and I doubt that,anyone will hire Suzume without a special appeal. So,I just wanted you to hire her again,and also forgive her!" Said Kaito.
"You actually sound so bubbly while saying these things.but,I think that you shouldn't meddle in my business when you don't know what she has done." Said Akihito.
"Oh? Then how about you tell me,what she has done? It can't be worser than you,anyways!"said Kaito. "Oh,so you want to know,huh? Ok then,I'll start with the incident that happened when,we met for the first time.
So basically,I was changing my clothes and I couldn't lock the door,since the lock was broken. Suzume came,and instead of waiting she opened the door and came inside! She did knock,but for only,2 times. She could have waited,when no one replied,but she didn't. That was the first time I felt so ashamed,but still,I let her inside and interviewed her.
And I even hired her! But still she didn't value,the opportunity and made some more mistakes,and that's the reason why,I fired her! I won't be able to hire her again! And I am sorry for that." Said Akihito,frustratingly.
"Oh,so you're angry,just because she saw you half naked!? If that's the reason why you fired her,then I guess you're too self obsessed! There's literally nothing to see in your body! You literally look like cow dung,be it with a t shirt or without a tshirt." Exclaimed Kaito.
"What!? What do you mean by that,huh!? You're such an ass! I didn't expect you to be such a jerk! You're the one who's ugly,not me! And it's my fricking company! I'll hire and fire whoever I want to! Exclaimed,Akihito.
"Oh,I may be ugly,but my abs are far better then your fat belly!" Exclaimed,Kaito. "Uh,so you both have seen eachother naked? Um,are you both even straight?I mean it's your choice,but still,you both seem too muscular to be gay. And your behaviour,is also kinda,men alike." Said Suzume.
"Shut up!" Exclaimed,both Akihito and Kaito,together. They both calmed down after 10 minutes and Suzume gave each of them,a glass of water. "Now,I am tired of being formal with you! I don't want to follow the formalities. I'll just move straight upto my point!
Hire,Suzume,or leave my building! I know that you were a ceo 2 months back,and I also know that you were hella rich. But right now,you can't afford to spend too much on stupid things,since you also have to pay the people who are going to sponser your movie. And of course,you also need your living expenses.
And,it's also the end of the hiring season,so I wonder who would give you a building for rent. So,you have no choice,you can either hire Suzume again or you can leave this office right now." Said Kaito,while smiling.
"You je.....ok,I'll hire Suzume again,but I also,have to ask for a favor in return. You'll need to charge less rent from me,for 6 months. The amount will be decided by me,and we can negotiate later on." Said Akihito,in a low voice.
"Oh. My. God! Never in my life I thought that,a rich man,who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth,would beg me to take less rent from him! Anyways,lets just forget the taunts,I'll take less rent from you,so hire Suzume,again and let her continue her work from tomorrow." Said Kaito.
"Did you actually fall in love with her or something!? Why the hell are you even promoting her!? Is she...your future wife or bestie? Or are you just a pervert who's helping a woman because she's good looking? I mean,I never expected that you would help someone so much,anyways,i accept the deal." Said Akihito.