Present Time,

Kamaz painstakingly watched as Zeda and Professor Acheron danced together.

During the brief time when he was still contemplating coming to the museum, Falkur reached out to the two persons who were also going to the same classes as Zeda - Kamaz's eyes on Zeda in the school.

He got the name of the lecturer and their I.T. team looked him up immediately.

More than the regular background check was done on him and some things were missing.

There were no records of him ever having parents or siblings and the friends he supposedly had were very recent.

Immediately, Falkur recounted his findings to Kamaz; they did not wait a second or bother making use of a car before they tuned in their vampire modes and ran at full speed to the venue.

‘The name could not be a coincidence or could it? But the picture on the identification card was different from what he should look like if he is the one…’ Kamaz thought while he was headed to the venue.