Chapter 1

Captain Stuart pointed to a holo map in the middle of the room. Blue Swordfighters Harry and Brooks were called to the Captain by a subordinate.

"What is it, Captain?" Junior Blue Swordfighter Harry asked.

Junior, as the name implied, was the lowest rank in the Blue Swordfighter order.

"Swordfighters we have detected an anomaly on the planet Kasmir." Captain Stuart announced.

Blue Swordfighter Knight, second class in the order, Brooks touched the handle of his sword. "What is it exactly?"

"We don't know, Knight Brooks." Stuart replied. "But I request both of you to go there in the pods. And we won't be far behind."

Thus, they were sent in individuals pods. The ship nearby was already in orbit and hovering close to the planet Kasmir.

The pods landed safely. As usual, snow was everywhere and a strong breeze was flowing.

Some natives with their faces covered in masks approached the Blue Swordfighters.

"Thankfully you are here!" One of them held his hands in relief. "We thought a meteor had crashed but it is actually a pod sort of like yours."

Knight Brooks asked for the directions to that pod and then our two brave heroes ventured into a forest nearby.

After a journey of fifteen minutes, they found the pod, seemingly of an unknown origin.

Brooks and Harry unsheathed their laser swords. The blue glows lit up their faces against the cold breeze.

Fallen in front of the pod was a purple-haired young fellow. Even his jacket seemed from an unknown place like his pod.

The unknown fellow got up. And before any pleasantries could have been exchanged, a purple glow lit up his face.

Both the Blue Swordfighters let out a gasp.

The Junior Harry proceeded to fight.

"Wait!" Brooks called from behind him.

Harry's laser sword hit the unknown fellow's and they glared at each other with blades crossed.

They exchanged swipes. Harry was clearly outmatched. He fell against one heavy blow and the purple-haired swordsman was about to finish our fallen fighter, when a shock ran through his body.

Brooks had shot a charge from an electrocution device onto the assailant.

And this purple-haired fighter with the purple laser sword fell face down into the snow.


Master Rebecca was deep in meditation. Even before her Junior showed up, she knew something was wrong.

"Master Rebecca." Patrick called. "Sorry I know you are in meditation. But there is a situation that needs your urgent attention."

Master Rebecca opened her eyes. She was in a crouched position with one leg over the other. She got up steadily.

"Take me to him." She said.

100 years ago.

The planet of Sahara was humid and vastly a desert. The Blue Swordfighter spaceship landed in the planet's atmosphere. It was daylight and all the dunes and ridges were clear from the ship's main viewport.

"Sasha is already down there." Knight Rebecca said to the ship's Captain. "I must get to her soon, Ronald."

"Isn't it best we wait for the team?" Captain Ronald suggested.

Knight Rebecca's heart was pounding in her chest. Her lover Sasha was adept with a laser sword but the rebel Arthur was very dangerous. He might prove too much of a match for Sasha.

"No, I must go this instance." Knight Rebecca threw on her scarf.

It was time for a fight.

After a few minutes her pod landed safely near a sand-made structure. There seemed to be a number of mines in the structure. The sound of a laser sword fight was heard as soon as the pod opened.

"Sasha!" Knight Rebecca called.

No answer but the laser sword fight continued.

Using her agility, Master Rebecca jumped amazing heights to reach the top-most cave.

It was pitch dark save for the blue and purple lights flashing deep within the cave.

"Arthur, no!" Rebecca screamed when she reached the fighters.

The rebel Arthur held his purple laser sword to Sasha's throat.

Knight Rebecca unsheathed her blue laser sword. "You know what will happen if you turn to the bad side."

"Yes." Arthur held on to the weary Sasha. "I will become more powerful than any other Swordfighter."

Rebecca screamed in agony as Sasha's throat was slit from one ear to the other.

The present era.

Master Rebecca walked into the giant hall. This was located in the Blue Swordfighter headquarters located on the planet Cantt. This planet was among the most prestigious of the Upper End of the galaxy. Perhaps the most elegant of them all.

Master Rebecca wasted no time. She unsheathed her blue laser sword and held it to the purple-haired assailant's throat.

"How are you alive?" Master Rebecca asked. "Arthur?"


Arthur frowned. "I'm not your world's Arthur."

Rebecca, Brooks and Harry all gasped together.

"You mean you're from another planet?" Harry asked.

"No." Arthur replied. "From another world. Another dimension."

Flashback of what happened in Arthur's dimension:

The little village on Cantt was peaceful until a Red Swordfighter showed up. "Where is Harry?"

A little girl answered. "B-but you're Harry?"

He looked like Harry. An exact replica save for the more expensive-looking clothing and an evil fire in his eyes.

The village' s Harry appeared in front of the little girl shielding her from this new Harry.

"Perfect." The new Harry said and with one swoosh of his sword decapitated the old Harry.

Back to the present era:

"He then proceeded to murder everyone in the village." Arthur told the trio. "Everyone except for me."

There was a moment of silence in the air.

"Why did he leave you?" Brooks asked.

"To tell the arriving Blue Swordfighters all that had happened in the village."

"Lies!" Master Rebecca announced.

Her younger Blue Swordfighters were taken aback.

"I don't think he is lying, Master." Harry said.

"I feel the same way." Brooks agreed. "Plus he is way younger than the Arthur from your time."

"How did your blue laser sword turn purple?"

Flashback to Arthur's world:

Arthur was adopted by the Blue Swordfighters. He vowed to avenge his village although the Order repeatedly told him that revenge is against the Order's code. Still, he rebelled and with that rebellion his sword's laser turned purple - the color of a rebel.

Back to the present era:

"So you're here to defeat this world's Harry?" Brooks asked.

"Silence." Master Rebecca silenced the boy with the hilt of her laser sword's handle.

Fifteen minutes later.

The room was clear except for an out-cold Arthur. There was someone in the air vents. The vent opened up to reveal Bane the bounty hunter.

"Target identified." Bane said into his commlink. "The Collector will be pleased. A rare specimen. A Purple Swordfighter."

Arthur suddenly opened his eyes. "Who are you?"

Bane proceeded to free Arthur from his cuffs. Then he handed Arthur his laser sword.

"I'm Bane the bounty hunter." Bane told him. "And I only hunt worthy prey."

Bane unveiled his laser gloves. They had laser-made claws sticking out from them. Arthur turned on his purple laser sword and got into a fighting stance.

In a blink of an eye, he was in front of Bane who successfully defended himself.

"Oh so you're a speedster not a strength guy." Bane said. "This will be easy then."

Arthur landed a kick on the side of Bane's head which sent him flying into the wall, and he went right through it. An alarm rang.

The fact was that the owner of a purple laser sword had both extra speed and strength. Normal Blue Swordfighters either had extra speed or strength.

Brooks and Harry entered the room. There was no sign of Arthur.