Chapter 5

Nobody who survived is sure what happened after the building containing the Artefact had collapsed. Every Blue Swordfighter's laser sword lost its laser. The cyborgs easily defeated most of the remaining Blue Swordfighters. Junior Harry was pummelled to death. Knight Brooks and Knight Sandra were killed. Even the remaining Palace Guard from Taboo did not survive the onslaught.

Many years later.

A hooded female figure was fleeing two bounty hunters on her tail. One was a cyborg with half-human skin of a male and the other was a full human. They chased her until she ran into a wall. She had nowhere to go. She turned around and unveiled her laser sword.

"See I told you!" The cyborg told his companion. "We've got a Blue Swordfighter. Pity she can't turn on her laser sword or else this would've been an actual challenge."

After that comment had passed, the hooded woman turned on her laser sword to both the bounty hunters's shock.

"I thought they couldn't do that anymore." The human bounty hunter said.

Both of them still charged the Swordfighter whose light was not blue but yellow.

The cyborg revealed metallic claws and lashed out at the woman who blocked all of his attacks. The other bounty hunter had a staff with a laser at the end and tried his best to land a hit on the woman but all of his attacks were in vain.

The woman then made her move. She swung at the cyborg and in one swing had cut him in half. The other bounty hunter, in fright, dropped to the ground and even lost hold of his staff.

"Let me go." He pleaded. "I won't tell a soul what I saw here."

The woman took off her hood.

"I'm afraid I can't take that chance." Master Rebecca said with remorse in her voice.

She beheaded the assailant in an instant.


Three former Blue Swordfighters got into a fight at a tavern. They were lucky nobody figured out that they used to be part of the Order of the Light. The guards threw them out after the fight was over.

"I told you." George told Mason. "If we had shown our full strength then we would've been in a pickle."

"That's why we lost, gentlemen." Frank told the other two.

"Yeah, on purpose, or else they would've reported us to the Empire." Mason said.

George checked whether his laser sword's handle was still in its holster. It was there.

"We're lucky none of them saw our weapons." Frank said. "Almost all our fellow Blue Swordfighters have fallen. We can't risk being added to the pile."

"Why do we even carry around our swords anymore?" Mason asked. "It's not like we can activate them."

"Yes, but they serve as a reminder." George answered him. "Of who we once were."

They stopped to see a hooded figure sitting on a giant rock in front of them.

"What do you want?" Frank asked.

"Be polite." George said. "We may not be who we once were but that doesn't mean we have to lose our manners."

"You're correct in one sense." The male stranger said. "You shouldn't lose your manners but you are still who you were."

The stranger got up but still didn't reveal himself. He placed a hand on George's shoulder.

"It's not the crystal in our swords that matters but the core in our hearts." The stranger said.

All three of the former Blue Swordfighters were taken aback.

The man revealed himself. He had jet-black hair and a scar on his right cheek. He also had green eyes. As green as an emerald.

"Wait, we don't recognize you. But you must be from the Order!" Frank declared.

"Yes, I am." Hollander said. "But I'm not a Blue Swordfighter."


Master Rebecca entered a village. It was very jolly. There were people everywhere. Shops were everywhere and so were many taverns.

Seems like the Empire has not set foot on this soil, she thought.

She removed her hood and moved freely in the village. She was stopped a shop by a merchant.

"Ah, beautiful lady." The merchant mentioned. "This jewel will go well with your eyes."

He held up a piece of jewerly to Rebecca but she was not interested.

"Which tavern does Parker prefer?" Rebecca asked the merchant.

The merchant's face took on an expression of surprise. "Oh, I thought you were a traveler?"

"I am." She replied. "But the heroics of Parker have spread across the galaxy. I wish to meet him."

The merchant towards a tavern towards the right. "He frequents that tavern and I'm sure he will be there now. He is too fond of drink and women to be elsewhere."

Rebecca thanked the merchant then went inside the tavern. Just like the merchant had described. The attention-seeking Parker had one woman on his lap and the other towards seated on the chair to his right. He was in the middle of the inn and telling a story to many of the bystanders.


The four of them were now far away from the public's eye. They were deep in a forest where no one else could see or hear them, especially the Empire.

"Even if you are a Swordfighter. And even if you have a Light." Frank told Hollander. "You can't stand against an entire Empire."

Hollander giggled. "I won't be alone, my friend. You three will be with me."

Suddenly, the Empire's cyborgs came out of hiding. They had been alerted of a bar fight involving possible former Blue Swordfighers. They had come to annihilate them.

"Shield yourselves!" Mason exclaimed.

One cyborg was about to attack Hollander but George intervened and hit him such a strong punch that its head was dislodged. Next, Mason and Frank, using their super speed, combined to form a mini-tornado which knocked out two cyborgs.

But there were too many to fiend off only armed with superpowers. They needed their blue laser swords. All of a sudden, a green glow distracted both the cyborgs and the former Blue Swordfighters.

It was coming from the middle of their circle. It was Hollander's laser sword. He was a Green Swordfighter.

A blast rang out. The former Blue Swordfighters were shocked. They never knew of a Swordfighter who also used a blaster in addition to their laser sword. But Hollander was of such skill and he started firing from his blaster and swinging with his swords. In mere moments, all the cyborgs had fallen.