Sangeeta Joshi, son of Rama, cast a formidable shadow across the land, his reputation preceding him like a thunderous storm on the horizon. Renowned for his strength and prowess in battle, tales of his swordsmanship echoed far and wide, instilling fear in the hearts of those who dared to cross his path.
As news of Sangeeta Joshi's impending arrival reached our ears, tensions mounted within our ranks. Baba Pratap Singh, ever the voice of reason amidst the chaos, sought to quell our fears with words of wisdom.
"We need not entangle ourselves in the midst of two enemies," Baba Pratap Singh declared to his men, his tone firm yet measured. "This is not our fight, but that of Rama and Sangeeta Joshi. Let them face each other, and the tide of battle shall sweep us aside."