As tensions between Rama and Sarya gradually eased, Rama made a bold move by appointing a select group of his most trusted officers, myself included, to form a peace commission. This commission was tasked with the delicate mission of initiating discussions with Sarya, aimed at forging a new era of relations between their kingdoms.
The news of my inclusion in this esteemed group came as a shock, yet I accepted the responsibility with a mixture of trepidation and determination. It was a pivotal moment, one that held the promise of ending the cycle of conflict and ushering in an era of peace.
Accompanied by other high-ranking officers, we made our way to Sarya's palace, a grand and imposing structure that exuded an aura of power and majesty. As we entered, I beheld Sarya for the first time, a formidable figure whose age belied the strength and vitality that radiated from him. His palace, resplendent with opulence, served as a testament to his authority and might.