The door burst open, startling everyone in the room. Two heads cautiously peeked out, scanning the empty hallway before retreating back inside and swiftly locking the door. Their voices dropped to hushed whispers, barely audible over the muffled sounds.

The eavesdropper, whoever they were, remained hidden, their presence unknown. Suddenly, a loud splash echoed through the air, causing Bai Lang to gasp as she emerged from the depths of the koi pond.

With no foliage or hiding places nearby, the young girl took a daring dive into the shallow pond that lay in front of the room. She carefully maneuvered herself among the rocks and lotus leaves, using them as a shield to conceal her whereabouts.

"I must witness how Sou tan mei becomes a part of this family while I'm here," Bai Lang muttered to herself, determination gleaming in her eyes.

She tiptoed through the pond, ensuring that no wet footprints were left behind, and made her way back to her room.