On the morning of December 22, I got up around 8 AM, which was quite early on a winter vacation, went to the bathroom, washed and cleaned up, looked at myself in the mirror and told myself “Happy Birthday Diana, Congratulations on turning 9 years old” gave myself a smile, walked back to my bedroom to change and started walking downstairs (not quite happy). As I walked downstairs, I could hear whispers and wasn’t sure what was going on, but as I got closer to the end of the stairs I couldn’t believe my eyes what I saw.. My parents were holding a banner that said “Happy Birthday Diana”!! I started jumping up and down saying, it is my birthday today, and you remembered my birthday!!!

Mum: Of course it is your birthday sweetie; of course we remembered your birthday!! How could we forget?

Dad: “Happy Birthday Diana” (both mum and dad give me lots of hugs and kisses)

Diana: I thought you had forgotten or were going to celebrate my birthday on Christmas day since it is only three days apart.

Mum: Your birthday is your birthday…..and Christmas is Christmas, we couldn’t put those two celebrations together.

Dad: You are and will always be very special to us, you know that sweetie?

Diana: Thank you mum and dad, this is the best day ever for me!!

Mum: We made your favorite breakfast…..

Diana: Wow, pancakes, Danish pastries, and sausages…cool…I hadn’t even sat down immediately grabbed the Danish pastries and started eating them.

Dad: Careful while eating or you will choke yourself, there is plenty of all your favorite foods Diana

Diana: I am just so excited and happy

(Mum and dad both laughing while watching me eat my breakfast)

The morning went by and all I was doing was jumping with joy of me being the special girl of the day, as it was my birthday.

At 12 lunch time, mum and dad were already getting ready to set the table for lunch, which looked very beautiful and well decorated, wasn’t sure what was going on. Next thing I heard was the doorbell I rushed over to open the door and when I opened it I saw Jaime, Chris and their parents holding gifts as they walked in to the living room. I called mum and dad telling them who had arrived. My parents rushed out of the kitchen greeted and welcomed The Anders and The Peterson Family.

Jaime: Hi Diana, Happy Birthday

Chris: Hi Diana, Happy Birthday

Diana: (Hugging) Thank you so much guys.

Mr. and Mrs. Anders also wished me a happy birthday as well as Mr. and Mrs. Peterson. I was overjoyed and excited that I started crying, I could not help it, I just let myself cry and I kept on saying was ‘Thank you, thank you, thank you’ gave Mr. and Mrs. Anders, Mr. and Mrs. Peterson, Jaime and Chris a BIG HUG!!

I wiped my tears as we sat on the sofa, started smiling and laughing again; I gave them a tour of our beautiful home as this was their first time as a family to visit our house. They saw my room and they were like, “Wow, your room is so neat, clean and organized” I was smiling and just said “thank you”.

We went back downstairs and saw that mum and dad had already set up the table, brought the food and drinks. Everyone sat at the dinner table, served themselves food, well except for us little ones, we were served by our parents. On my birthday my mum and dad cooked roasted chicken, stir fried beef, lasagna, mashed potatoes and rice with vegetables and salad. We had plenty of drinks including soft drinks, beer, water and wine.

We were enjoying ourselves, talking, listening to our parents share stories and jokes on the table and I could see how they all got along very well, common and various topics they talked about which they had so much to share, so much to say, just like when Jaime, Chris and I are together, we also seemed to have so much to talk about, we never ran out of topics.

Mrs. Peterson: This is all very delicious Mrs. Johnson, love the stir fried beef!!

Mrs. Anders: Absolutely delicious

Diana: When my mum cooks you can see she really enjoys it and puts in a lot of time, she is a great cook.

Mum looks at me laughing….”but it’s true mum” I say

Mrs. Johnson: Thank you!! Yes it is true I do enjoy cooking, I watch a lot of cooking shows on television and online and practice cooking the dishes at home. I am glad you like the food. Please do eat more and enjoy yourself, make yourself at home.

Mr. Anders and Mr. Peterson were busy talking with my father, and they seemed to be having a great discussion as they were laughing most of the time.

Jaime, Chris and I just kept on eating and eating, laughing and talking and smiling at each other and I could picture myself not wanting this day to ever end.

An hour later my mum and dad brought out the cake (which my mum baked) and they started singing the ‘Happy Birthday’ song!! I turned around in shock but with a BIG SMILE as everyone came around and joined in the song!! After that I was asked to blow out the candles and make a wish. My mum and I cut the cake and gave a piece to everyone, and as everyone was busy eating the cake, I started opening my birthday gifts.

Mr. and Mrs. Anders got me a colored picture notebook that I would use for writing my schedule, diary and other things, and the best part was that it had my name written on the front cover. I ran and hugged them, and hugged Jaime for the wonderful gift.

Mr. and Mrs. Peterson got me an art set of sketch books, colored pencils.

Diana: (excited, jumping up and down) I like it so much, this can actually help me practice my art work, as I have trouble with art and drawing.

Mrs. Peterson: Yes, Chris told us that you were frustrated about your art grade and he wanted to find a way to help you improve and get better at it, so he was the one who came up with the idea of getting you an art sketch book and colored pencils.

I walked and hugged Mr. and Mrs. Peterson and hugged Chris for their wonderful gift.

I finally turned to open the last gift that was from my parents, I was actually dying to see what they got me for my birthday.

Mum and Dad: They picked up their gift and give it to me saying “open it.”

I quickly tore the wrapping paper and opened the gift; it was a pair of the winter boots and jacket I had wanted for the last two months. I looked at them and started crying (I was getting emotional with tears).

Diana: How did you know this was what I wanted? I tried them on and they fitted perfectly.

Mum: Every time we went shopping, you kept on starting at the jacket and boots, and would always want us to pass by that particular shop just to make sure these two items were still being sold.

Dad: Your mum told me about your little adventure that you would always have with her and I was laughing. I told your mum to try as much as possible to get the jacket and boots for her before they run out of stock, which we could give them as her birthday gift.

Diana: Hug both mum and dad saying thank you! Thank you! Love you!

We continued eating the cake as my birthday day was still today and just at the thought of seeing the happiness on my parents face, the excitement, the joy and the happiness of being able to celebrate my birthday with Jaime, Chris, their parents and my parents was the best birthday gift I could have ever asked for as a nine year old. I never wanted this day to end at all!!

At around midnight, Jaime, Chris and I were still wide awake, laughing, talking, running and playing around the house, while our parents were having drinks, chatting while relaxing in the living room. At some point, I started feeling tired as did Jaime and Chris; we sat on the floor and rested quietly not knowing even how we fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up shortly after 9 AM, went downstairs and saw my parents having breakfast.

Mum and Dad: Good morning sweetie.

Diana: Morning mum and dad. How did I end up in bed last night? I remember Jaime, Chris and I were running and playing around the house and then we sat and rested on the floor….then…can’t remember what happened.

Dad: Your mum found you guys lying on the floor fast asleep. We even took some cute pictures of all three of you sleeping on the floor. Here come see for yourself, we all knew that it was time for you guys to sleep as you had a very long day and were quite exhausted.

Mum: I took you to bed, helped you change into your pajamas tucked you in bed and you continued sleeping. The Anders and The Peterson’s took Jaime and Chris home as well. We escorted them to their homes. They thanked us very much for a lovely and wonderful day and once again wished you a wonderful happy birthday.

Diana: Oh that’s what happened. Let me see the picture (with a big smile), we do look quite cute. I want to thank you mum and dad for preparing and surprising me with such a wonderful birthday and allowing me to celebrate it with Jaime and Chris. I really enjoyed it and had a great time. I also loved the gifts. Thank you and love you both, giving them hugs and kisses.

Mum: You are welcome sweetie. Alright go get cleaned up and change out of your pajamas and come downstairs to have breakfast.

Dad: You are welcome Diana (Diana hugging dad and mum again).

I went upstairs, cleaned up, changed into my casual clothes and joined my parents for breakfast. I spent the day at home, resting watching a movie “Home Alone 1 and 2” funny movie; I would say one of my old time favorite movies. Had lunch with my parents, went outside and played on the snow with both Jaime and Chris and enjoyed spending the rest of the afternoon with them making snowman and playing in the snow.

On Christmas Eve, my parents had been busy preparing and setting up for Christmas, I enjoyed watching them singing and dancing to the Christmas songs, well they do say Christmas is a time for joy and celebrations, spreading and sharing the love but most importantly spending time with family and that is exactly what was going on in The Johnson Family Home. We were clearly ready for Christmas.

On Christmas Day, we all woke up early saying Merry Christmas to each other with hugs and kisses, had a wonderful home-made Christmas breakfast prepared by both mum and dad, singing Christmas songs and you could tell they were truly both in love, enjoying and dancing full of the Christmas spirit in them. I think this was the first time to ever see them actually dancing and singing in front of me….and it was wonderful bringing joy and happiness in knowing how lucky I was to have such wonderful and loving parents in my life.

Our Christmas Day was celebrated with a late homemade cooked lunch and we had also invited The Anders Family and The Peterson Family for Christmas lunch. From talking to Jaime and Chris about their past Christmas celebrations, they told me that for every Christmas they would visit their grandparents’ and relatives and would also spend New Year’s Eve and New Year’s with them too, but since they moved to Chicago they wanted to spend this Christmas as a family, no traveling and no visiting friends or relatives, but somehow they accepted my parents’ Christmas invitation and actually came!!

This festive season was very special for all three families, my mum and dad had made as usual the Christmas meal turkey, and other fine delicious meals. Mrs. Anders brought a chocolate cake which she baked and it was looking good. Mrs. Peterson brought a lemon pound cake-something I had never tried before but it looked quite delicious by the looks of it. We all helped set up the table, opened wine, drinks, watched television and enjoyed the finest Christmas celebrations. I could see The Anders and The Peterson’s were relaxed, calm and enjoying their pleasant conversations with my parents while we were laughing and enjoying the Christmas movie on television. As we were eating we also opened our gifts. I gave Jaime and Chris their gifts which was a box of the latest Lego Games, it is funny because they also gave me a set of the latest Lego Games….was this a coincidence? Either way I loved their gifts and they loved my gifts as well. I also gave mum and dad their gifts; it had been quite a challenge trying to figure out a way to buy them their gifts without them finding out. So how did I do it? Well, I went with dad and bought mum’s gift and I went with mum and bought dad’s gift. Mum’s gift was a matching necklace and bracelet with her name on it and for dad he got a watch and a pair of silver cuff links. They both loved the gifts, thanked each other with hugs and kisses. We continued the Christmas celebrations till almost midnight when we bid farewell to The Anders and The Peterson’s, thanked them very much for joining and helping us celebrate Christmas. My parents and I thanked Jaime and Chris for their gifts. They thanked us so much with hugs as we escorted them home.

We returned home and begun cleaning and clearing the tables, taking everything to the kitchen for cleaning and what was to be thrown in the garbage. The cake that Mrs. Anders and Mrs. Peterson brought was so delicious that I told my parents I want to have some of it for breakfast and dessert after lunch and dinner tomorrow.

Diana: Mum and dad?

Mum and Dad: Yes sweetie.

Diana: Thank you so much for making my winter holiday special and wonderful. Thank you for a wonderful birthday and Christmas celebrations and for also inviting my friends Jaime and Chris. I love you!!

Mum: Aww, come here sweetie, you are so welcome! I am glad you have been having fun and enjoying this festive holiday.

Dad: (Hugging my dad), you are welcome sweetie! We are happy that you and your friends enjoyed it as much as we did too!!

Diana: I am going to clean up and go to bed. Goodnight.

Dad and mum: Goodnight, sleep well and pleasant dreams sweetie.

The day after Christmas leading up to New Years’ were spent at home. I did meet up with Jaime and Chris on December 28th to work on our Spanish homework (had completely forgotten about it). It wasn’t much though, but a lot of writing and reading was involved, took us a little over an hour to complete the homework. After that for the rest of the days up to New Year, we each stayed at our homes watching movies, relaxing and preparing to welcome the New Year.

The year 2010 came to an end on December 31st, in the past we used to be with our relatives or grandparents celebrating New Year’s in New York but this year we decided to celebrate it as a family in our home here in Chicago. We spent the evening watching the countdown on television that would end the year 2010 and welcomed the New Year 2011.

A lot truly had happened this year which for the most part all had a happy ending, doing well in school (well not in art…but that will change) there were lots of celebrations, spending time with friends and family, getting wonderful gifts. However, I think the best part of 2010 was that no matter what was going on in school or at home; I was always happy, smiling, laughing, full of excitement, joyful, full of energy and for this I have my parents, Jaime, Chris and their parents and my school to thank, because without their support, love, friendship, believing in me and encouraging me I don’t think I would have had a beautiful and colorful 2010.

Happy New Year! Happy New Year! (Wishes from people on television) Happy New Mum!! Happy New Year Dad with hugs and kisses.

January 1, 2011 had officially begun, our neighborhood wasn’t as quiet as I had thought, and people were wishing each other Happy New Year!! We did go out to wish The Anders and The Peterson’s Happy New Year!! They also wished us Happy New Year as well!! It was a rather very cold night, but was worth the walk to the gate to send them our wishes.

With all the celebrations and festive events well celebrated it was time to now focus on preparing for school, the second semester of third grade. I have to say in my previous years, I had never looked forward to returning back to school after having had such a nice and relaxing holiday, but this time it felt different. I was not only ready to get back to school but was also excited at starting school sooner-which is not usually normal for a third grader or is it?

The final week before the start of school was spent relaxing, spending time with my parents, recharging my batteries and preparing everything needed to take to school. I gave my homework to my parents to check and ensure all was completed as per the teachers’ expectations before they signed off on it and then it was waiting for the countdown of the beginning of the second semester of third grade at Chicago Elementary School.