you talk too much baby girl,, abhay's friend


Then when Mishri points towards the mirror, she shows him what he has written

And when Aneesh looks at the mirror and reads what was written on it, he gets scared badly and he confirms that it is Abhay Veer

because no one else can dare to come to his house and if Abhay Veer wants, no one can stop him from going anywhere

Aneesh silences Mishri and says don't worry, I will find a solution to this today itself, you get ready quickly and come down

Then he goes straight to his father's room with fast steps,,,, and tells him everything

Now further

When Aneesh ji tells Anil ji everything, Anil ji also tells Aneesh,,,,, that we will talk to Raj Khurana today itself,,,, and as soon as possible we will get Mishri married to Aryan

because now this is the only solution left and if we send Mishri back to London alone, even then she will not come He will not leave her alone

Then Mishri will be in danger alone in London because he has seen her,,,,, his hatred has grown in all these years.

Anish also says yes and tells Anil ji that you are right papa, now Mishri can be in danger anywhere alone.

Now the only solution left is to get Mishri married as soon as possible,,,, then he says but papa will Mishri agree to this

Anil ji says she will have to agree, it is in her best interest

Then Anil ji talks to Raj Khurana and tells Anish to call everyone to the breakfast table

And when everyone,,,, Mishri Lavanya Anish and Anil ji are at the breakfast table, then Anil ji says that

Mishri beta, day after tomorrow your and Aryan's wedding is taking place.

Mishri gets shocked and says Papa I will not marry because I love someone else. Anil ji was very upset earlier then he tells Mishri then someone else and shouts that you will have to do what we say and this is for your good. Then Mishri gets up from there in anger and goes to her room. She goes there and first of all calls Viraj but Viraj does not pick up her call. She tries to call him many times but Viraj does not pick up the phone. Then she leaves a message please call me it's urgent please. Then she thinks about her life that how she thought that after going to India she will agree to her father and brother that she does not want to marry Aryan. But everything is happening opposite to that. She thinks that if only she had not come to India then at least she would have been with Viraj. Meanwhile in London Viraj is sitting with his friend in a bar when Mishy is calling him and his friend says Look look your love is calling you why you are not picking up Then Viraj says Leave it let her call,,,, Then he laughs and says mark mark When she will be desperate only then will she come close to me She has teased me a lot,,,, that's why I,,,,, Then abusing him he says we are in relationship since 2 years but you did not let me touch you even once In today's time which girl will not let her boyfriend even kiss her Just by kissing on the cheeks she feels she is in love.. Then looking at Mark he says that mark mark if she yearns to come to me then only I will be able to take advantage of her

She will do as I say and she will have no other option except to surrender herself to me

Mark says if you do then it will be a pleasure for you

Both laugh dirty and then both leave the bar.

Then while driving Viraj looks at his phone and says now you will do as I say baby.

I am coming to you

I am coming,,,,,,

Rathore construction

A luxurious 20-storey building in which it is everyone's dream to work,,,, that building is a wonder in itself and on the top 20th floor is Abhay Veer's personal cabin ((((as it is in every story, no one can enter his personal cabin without his permission))))

And this cabin is so luxurious that if someone sees it once, they just keep looking at it

((((we will read the rest of the specialties of this cabin later))))

Abhay Veer was sitting in his office and explaining something to his assistant Pankaj,,, then after explaining something he tells Pankaj that whatever I have said should be done exactly like that otherwise you know that

Then he looks at Pankaj, Pankaj spits out of fear and says sir it will be exactly like you want. Then Abhayveer asks Pankaj to go out with his two fingers.

And Pankaj comes out and takes a sigh of relief and says to himself that where have I got stuck.

I thought that if I get a job in such a big company, I will live a comfortable life but here my life has become a disaster. Even the devil fails in front of him. Even the graveyard will be 100 times scarier than his cabin.

When he is talking to himself, then someone laughs loudly after listening to his words. Pankaj gets scared seeing him.

Then he tells him that Mehul sir, you scared me.

This is Mehul Mehul Kapoor.

Age 28 years.

Height 6 feet.

Color wheatish, well built body.

And looks very handsome but not as much as Abhayveer. Who is the only friend of Abhay Veer ((((Actually they were three friends,,,,,, but the third one is probably no longer their friend, we will talk about him later))))

Mehul is not dangerous like Abhay Veer, he is cheerful and enjoys laughing with everyone

He keeps saying this, he is also Abhayveer's business partner....

He says to Pankaj who told you to put your head in the mortar, if you put your head now then you will surely get the pestle

Then laughing, Abhayveer goes to the cabin of Abhayveer

He was thinking something with his head bent back on the chair

As soon as Abhay sees that someone has entered his cabin without knocking, he understands who it is

Then opening his eyes, he looks at Mehul and says how many times I have told you to come after knocking, it seems life is not dear to you, why do you want to die early. So Mehul says why do you scare me like everybody else

So Abhay says you are the only one who is not scared and again and again I feel that my fear is reducing, now I feel that maybe I will have to do something so that you get scared of my name

And he looks at Mehul in a strange way, seeing which Mehul gets breathless and he says to him why are you like this

Why do you want everyone to be scared of you, so Abhay Veer says that nothing happens in this world without creating fear, if you want to hold this world in your fist, and bring it at your feet, then you will have to create your own fear and Abhay Veer will not let his fear end at any cost

Then Mehul says okay okay whatever you feel is right

But I want to tell you one thing, think once before doing anything...

So Abhay Veer says I have thought about it and understood it, now only justice has to be done...

Mehul shakes his head in no and then talks to Abhayveer about something related to business. Then he tells Abhayveer that you have to go to Australia, people there are creating some problems at the construction site and maybe the government there also has some problem with our construction side.

So Abhay says okay, make arrangements to go after a week.

Mehul says not after a week, you have to go tomorrow only, then Abhay says no, right now I am very busy for 3 days, then Mehul says what is so busy that I don't know about it.

So Abhay says do you know everything, then Mehul says why do you hide it from me, I know everything. So Abhayveer laughs strangely and says that even Abhayveer comes to know at some time what Abhayveer wants to do,,,,, then how will you know

So Mehul says I swear sometimes it feels like I know you very well and sometimes it feels like I don't know you at all

So Abhayveer says you know I don't like people who talk too much and you are the best among them

Mehul looks at Abhayveer with one of his eyes slightly tilted

So he says enough, enough, I am scared of you, now I am happy

Abhay also laughs dangerously and says I need this fear in everyone for myself so that no one can go against me

And whoever tries to go against me, I will destroy him, even if he is someone close to me

Then he closes his eyes and says or someone very close to me

And he closes his eyes then Mishri's face appears in front of his eyes and he says to himself you also talk too much baby girl

When Mehul sees this He hears him mumbling something and says what are you saying

Abhay Veer looks at him and says, you have no business, the door is over there, I don't like crowds around me

Mehul gets up angrily and goes outside. As soon as he comes out, Pankaj was standing there and he looks at Mehul and says you don't speak only in front of these people...

Mehul says to him, don't you love your life or your job...

Will Mishri marry him??????

Pls pls like and comment pls,,,, it will take one second but it will motivate me a lot,,,,, 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏