Chapter 12.

I waited for around five minutes before finally leaving my room, coincidentally at the exact same time as Tomoko, as the both of us opened our doors at the same time.

She gave me a lewd little grin with a flushed face, as she sauntered down the stairs, though I noticed that she walking a little bit… awkwardly.

Following her down the stairs, I watched as she tried to sit down on the couch before wincing in pain, and giving me a little glower.

I just gave her a shrug in return, she literally asked for this, after all.

And then I went into the kitchen, where I saw that Mom was working on cleaning the dishes from last night.

"Ah, hello Ryuuji-kun, how are you?" She asked with a very slight flush to her face. Huh, maybe she was feeling sick or something?

"I'm doing alright Mom," I told her with a grin, as I grabbed a couple of pieces of fruit and started to dice them up for a more… healthy breakfast, "I think Tomoko has cramps though."

Looking at Tomoko as I said that, I noticed her stiffen up in indignation, as she very slowly walked over into the kitchen.

"Ara? Oh, I'm so sorry, dear. If you want to, you can stay home today if you want?" Mom asked with concern as she looked at my little sister.

"No- uh, no I'm fine… just have to get used to it," She said, as she slowly maneuvered to a chair and sat on it, hissing in pain as she got onto it.

"Well alright then, honey. Just take it easy today, alright?" Mom said, causing Tomoko to nod in return, before she got back to doing the dishes.

Then I heard the sound of a page being torn, and grimaced ever so slightly before some knowledge made itself known in my head.

Master of Disguise - Hyrule Warriors - Illusion (100 CP)

During the beginning of the war, Princess Zelda was forced away from her armies. To distract her enemies, she disguised herself before returning to her army.

With this perk, you are able to put together extensive disguises before storing them away, just like magic, probably because it is. To put them away is as simple as putting them on.

By focusing on which disguise you want and doing a little spin, you can immediately put on the outfit, accessories, makeup and whatever else was on you at the time while storing what you currently have.

Huh, apparently I could now… make disguises with incredible ease, and store them away to be used later.

And I could do a little spin to put these disguises on. This seemed a little redundant with my Costume Switches, but I guessed it was alright.

At least it wasn't something directly harmful to me.

Huh wait, would a weapon count as a part of a disguise?… What about armor?

The Celestial Grimoire wasn't necessarily saying that it didn't, so I'm pretty sure that as long as it fit the disguise, it would work…

Okay that might actually be a little bit better than I originally thought.

I then finished making my impromptu little fruit salad… before looking over to my sister, and started to dice some more fruits for her as well.

By the end of it, I had finished making breakfast, passed a bowl of fruit salad to Tomoko, and sat down to eat it.

It was a pretty damn good fruit salad, all things considered.

After I finished my breakfast, I found that I still had quite a bit of time on my hands before school started.

…Which was strange, as it felt like I spent around an hour in the shower with Tomoko. But then again, there weren't any clocks and I was kind of lost in the heat of passion, so it could have been a far shorter amount of time.

Now though, I had to figure out just what I'm going to do before getting to Kuoh Academy.

Eventually, I decided to make some bentos for lunch, for myself, Tomoko, and Koneko-san. Mostly because, well… I already said that I'd make her one, and if I didn't?

She'd probably end up stealing Tomoko's own lunch. And that just wouldn't do.

So I got started on cooking up the rice in the rice cooker, and making up some sushi rolls.

Nothing all that special, as I was under a bit of a time crunch, but I was sure that it would taste pretty good.

As I continued cooking, I noticed Mom walking over to the laundry to do the washing, which meant I had some time to have a little discussion with my sister.

"Hey Tomoko, get over here," I said, as I was in the middle of chopping up some fish, looking over to my sister who was painfully sitting on the couch, squirming slightly with an uncomfortable look on her face… yet I could also see that she was rather flushed.

She was getting turned on by the damn pain. That absolute degenerate… I loved her so much.

"Hm? What do you want, nii-san?" She asked with a small tight smile, as she slowly but surely walked over to me.

"It's about magic," I said with a hushed tone, causing her to perk up a bit, before grimacing.

"Ah, uh alright? What's it about?" Tomoko asked curiously, as she leaned against a bench, using it to support her body.

"So uh, did I tell you about Sacred Gears last night?" I asked, causing her to give me a look of confusion.

"Uh, no… are those important?" She asked, looking a little bit worried. Which was fair, magic was kind of scary.

"Well, kind of? They're basically uh… blessings from the Biblical God, is how it was described to me, they're supposed to give humanity supernatural powers," I said, making her quirk an eyebrow, "Uh yeah, I don't really get it either. But- but… I'm pretty sure that you have one."

"Oh?… Do you know what it does?" She asked, wilting slightly when I just gave her a shrug.

"I have no damn clue. All I know is that I saw it on you last night… and this morning. It's some sort of uh… red gauntlet with like, green gems in it though, I think you can awaken it by just thinking really hard on it? Try to awaken your Sacred Gear" I said, causing her to look at her hands in curiosity.

"How do I do that?" Tomoko asked, as she tried to flex her hands in an attempt to awaken her Sacred Gear.

"I don't know, sorry…" I said apologetically, and she just looked over to me like I was some sort of idiot.

"Really? You're telling me that I have this, what… superpower and you don't even know how I'm supposed to unlock it?" She practically demanded, so in the interest of not making her more angry, I just nodded, "Ah damn it…"

"Now, uh just focus really hard on unlocking it… and it should hopefully work," I told her with a small smile.

Sure, I could have gone to Father Anderson and he might have been able to help. But I didn't want to get my sister involved in that sort of stuff.

Hopefully whatever Sacred Gear she does have, would be able to protect her from anything that would try to bring her harm.

"Uh, okay… awaken Sacred Gear? Hm… Unlock!… I have the Power!" Tomoko announced, as she punched the air, trying to unlock the Sacred Gear within her.

Meanwhile, I went back to focusing on my cooking. It wouldn't be good if the rice was over or under cooked, after all.

I wasn't able to fully focus on the rice cooker though, as I was busy watching in amusement, as Tomoko repeatedly tried to manifest her Sacred Gear.

"Uh, Awaken!… Release! Open Sesame? Go Go Gadget!? Ugh how do I turn you on?… Password?" She continued, attempting to summon her God-granted gift, before turning to me, "Are you sure you're not fucking with me?"

"I'm sure, Tomoko. I saw it… maybe try to go with what your heart is telling you?" I asked, causing her to give me a small nod.

"Alright… I- I think I have something. I, who is about awaken- agh!" She flinched as the Sacred Gear very slightly manifested over her arm, overlapping with her own limb… though it looked strangely transparent.

And I could feel some sort of energy coming from it, like something was watching over me and… found me wanting.

It was as if whatever was looking over me, had seen me as a particularly insignificant ant. I… I didn't like that feeling.

Looking back at Tomoko, I saw that she was taking several ragged breaths as she struggled to stand on her own, so I made sure to grab her before she fell.

"What was- holy shit what was that?" Tomoko asked, her body caked in sweat as she started at her right arm, before turning to me with an excited expression, "…I have superpowers, nii-chan!"

"Yeah, heh yeah you do… and everyone in Kuoh probably sensed that." I said, a feeling of horror dawning on me in that instant.

If I, who couldn't sense for shit could feel that? Then everyone else most likely did as well.

Whatever Devil, Yokai, Mage, or other Supernatural Creature was out there probably felt my sister's attempt to unlock her Sacred Gear.


"Wait- what do you mean by that? Are we- are we in danger?" Tomoko asked worriedly, as I held onto her shoulders, before pulling her into a hug.

I'd make sure that nothing could put her in harms way, no matter what… nothing was going to hurt my precious little sister.

Then I looked down at Tomoko, who was snuggling further into my embrace, a sense of worry almost overwhelming me.

She hadn't even awoken her Sacred Gear… and yet I knew that people would be hunting her.

Either to try and recruit or enslave her, or to kill her so she doesn't become a threat.

I… I couldn't allow that to happen. I wasn't going to let her come to harm, no matter what.

Because if I did let her get hurt? Then I would be an absolute failure of a big brother.

So after a moment, I decided to summon the Invisibility Cloak, it should be able to protect her from whatever scrying attempts the supernatural beings would attempt to do…

The Invisibility Cloak appeared in my hands, and even though I could feel the silk-like quality of the cloak… I couldn't see it. In fact, I couldn't even see my hands underneath it.

"Hmm? What's this?" Tomoko asked, as I pushed the cloak over her frame, obscuring her features nearly instantly.

"An Invisibility Cloak," I said after a moment, as I made sure that it was properly on her, "It's to protect you from whatever sensed that energy…"

I knew that I would probably regret letting her know of the invisibility cloak in the future, but that's going to be future me's problem.

Tomoko had to be safe after all, and this was one of the best ways that I figured it would work…

"You have- you have an invisibility cloak!?" Tomoko practically squealed in excitement, as she looked down at her now invisible hands.

At least, I assumed that's what she was doing from the shuffling. The cloak had made her almost completely invisible after all.

I was only able to see a few strands of her hair, and a quarter of her face so she could actually see. As long as she stuck close to me, she'd be completely invisible.

"Uh yeah, I've had it for a little while," I said, causing her to let out a perverted little laugh… and I felt something clutching my crotch, "Tomoko. No, this is actually serious."

"Oh come on? Just a bit? Let's have some fun, Ryuu-nii!" She pleaded, pawing at my cock as she did so.

"Tomoko, you could be in serious danger. Please don't try to make light of this." I told her sternly, and though I couldn't see it? I could practically hear her pout.

"…Fine, alright. We'll just have to do invisible sex stuff later~" My degenerate little sister said lustfully, as I felt a finger trailing over my chest.

I just let out a small sigh at her antics, this just really wasn't the time for this sort of stuff.

But thankfully, that slight distraction had given me another idea for a way that Tomoko could be protected.

"Summon." I intoned, focusing on the spell that I was granted yesterday… and I watched as several small glowing yellow humanoid feminine figures wearing what looked like they were wearing clothes made out of the clouds themselves appeared in front of me.

Huh, they looked like of like magical girls themed after the very sky itself… was this my Sun Affinity at work?

I then watched as the summons that I had… summoned, numbered at around a dozen, and being as tall as a small doll, all just stared at me with no semblance of emotion. It was like they were mindless dolls or something along those lines.

Then I recalled that the summons that I uh summoned, would gain independence the more I used the spell. And well I hadn't used it before.

…I should really give them a name though, because using the term 'summons I summoned' is going to get really fucking old, really fucking fast.

But I shouldn't focus on that right now, as I noticed Tomoko's head poking out of the cloak.

"Holy shit, what are these?" She asked, as her hand appeared and she gently placed one onto her palm, "They're so cute… hey do you think they're anatomically correct?"

…Damn it Tomoko, now that she said that, I'm actually thinking about that sort of thing.

I then watched as she flipped up its cloud-like skirt, and a small grin made itself known on her face.

"Oh yes! They're anatomically correct… this has potential!" She said, as she went about practically treating the summon as if it was a doll.

I looked out of curiosity, and saw that there was a small slit that was rather prominent on the summon's nether regions. Huh, neat.

She then started to poke and prod at the small sun-like girl, rubbing her finger along its slit, before pushing another finger behind it, and squeezing its ass.

"Ohohohoho… a lot of potential indeed~" Tomoko murmured, as she continued molesting the summon, which didn't even react.

"Summons!" I said, causing them all to turn towards me, even the one that was getting molested by my sister, "Defend Tomoko with your life."

They all nodded in unison before jumping inside of the cloak, obscuring themselves from my sight… well except for the one that my sister was holding.

That one instead just stayed in her hand, standing proud as it puffed out its chest slightly, huh it seemed like this one had a bit more personality than the others.

…Did my sister's molestation do that? Or was this one just smarter than the rest?… I don't think I'd ever know the answer to that question. And I wasn't sure I wanted the answer either.

But anyway, I quickly finished making the bentos, placed them into my bag, and grabbed Tomoko's one as well.

"Alright, let's get to school," I told her, thankfully being able to pinpoint her location with my Sun Sensing… due to the presence of my sun-based summons.

And yeah, I should really give them an actual name.

I quickly decided that the name Sundancers would work for the summons, it was a pretty cute name that was relatively inconspicuous.

That, and I could actually see them doing little dances in my mind, and that would just be an adorable sight.

As I were about to leave the house though, a thought occurred to me.

Should I even leave the house? What if there's something waiting just outside?

…And could I even risk going to Kuoh Academy with the Devils there? Especially if Tomoko has no way to defend herself?

"Ryuu-nii? What are you waiting for? Are we going?" Tomoko asked after a moment, causing me to let out a small sigh.

With my hand on the doorknob, I paused, as a horrific thought occurred to me.

If Tomoko and I left… then whoever was attempting to hunt me would still arrive at the house.

The house where my mother was doing laundry, blissfully unaware of the danger that could arrive.

While they might not attack her and leave her be… I couldn't rely on that.

"On second thought… we'll stay home." I said, my hand trembling as I gripped the doorknob, having to let it go before I broke it.

I couldn't just leave Mom here where she could get attacked, and I knew that I wouldn't be able to convince her to just leave for the day.

After all, she didn't know about magic… and while I could show her some magic to convince her, I didn't know what the rules about that sort of thing were.

I wasn't going to risk telling my parents about magic to save them from magic assholes, if it gets the damn wizard cops or whatever on my ass.

"Wait, really? We're staying home?" Tomoko asked, a bit of excitement in her tone, "But what about all that stuff about my education?"

"Your education takes a backseat when it comes to your health, Tomoko," I told her, looking at where her voice had just come from, "I won't let anything hurt you, ever."

Maybe I shouldn't have given her the invisibility cloak… ah, at least I could still sense her through the Sundancers, so it should be fine.

"Heh, Ryuu-nii, you're kind of sounding like a yandere there…" Tomoko said with a little giggle, "It's kinda hot."

"Ah, shut up Tomoko," I said with a little grin, as the two of us made our way to the living room, where Tomoko quickly made her way to the couch.

There, I felt my sister sit down rather carefully, before I took the cloak off of her, tearing the invisible veil off of her body and causing it to completely vanish, returning back to where it originated in this strange sort of... subspace pocket.

"Agh! Hey!" She cried out in shock, as her features became unobscured, and I saw that… she was still molesting that one Sundancer.

By that, I meant that she was literally pumping her pinky finger up and down in the little summon's pussy, as it looked at me with a practically drunken expression.

I also noticed that the other Sundancers were watching the one that was getting fingered with deep orange blushes on their faces, while they tugged at their tiny breasts with one hand, and another was underneath their cloud-like skirts… I could also see what looked like steam rising from their thighs.

Huh, it seemed like they were getting wet… but their rather hot bodies instantly evaporated the juices. Interesting. But even so, it seems like Tomoko managed to instantly corrupt the Sundancers... I expected this, but not so soon.

But I had to stop this sort of thing from happening… mostly because I was terrified of what this sort of distraction could end up resulting in.

What if while Tomoko and I are distracted having 'fun' with the Sundancers, we get ambushed by some evil wizard? Or- or a Devil?

I just couldn't risk getting distracted like this. Not now, at the very least.

"Damn it, Tomoko…" I sighed, as I looked at the rather arousing scene, "Can you stop molesting them already!? Sundancers, stop!"

Instantly, all of the Sundancers stopped what they were doing, and stood at attention. even the one that was getting fingered… which looked rather awkward for it, as my sister definitely wasn't stopping.

"Oh come on, nii-chan! You can't just give me a bunch of sexy little things, and expect me not to do anything with them~" Tomoko whined with a playful look on her face, as the Sundancers' faces grew noticeably flushed.

"No, seriously. We could be fighting for our fucking lives here, and- and you're just fucking around with them!" I shouted, the stress starting to get to me.

And of course, as I shouted… I heard the sound of something tearing in my ears.

"And you! Shut the fuck up!" I groaned in anger, as I clutched my head, trying to take deep breaths to calm myself, hands shaking rather violently.

"…Ryuu-nii? Are you alright?" Tomoko asked after a moment, a look of concern on her face.

"No, no I'm not alright! We could be defending ourselves against an entire army or something, and you're just- just fucking around… you don't get it, Tomoko. This shit's fucked… we have no idea what we're up against, and you're not making anything better!" I exclaimed angrily, before I slumped my shoulders, staring at my sister whose eyes grew wide in fear, "I- I didn't mean that… I shit, I'm sorry Tomoko you didn't deserve that."

"Uh, no… no that's- it's alright," Tomoko said with a slight blush before she looked down, "I guess I wasn't taking this all that seriously, I… I didn't think about it like that."

It was then that it hit me, I was having some sort of panic attack from the stress over what was happening… and I had an ability that was perfect for this sort of thing.

"No, no- I'm having a panic attack. It's going to be fine though… Abracadabra. Okay, okay that's a little better" I said in relief, as I found myself able to actually breathe again, but I was still shaking a bit.

I guessed that made sense, it took away the mental effects of my panic, but not the physical ones.

"Are you alright now?" Tomoko asked gently, as I sat down next to her on the couch.

"Yeah- yeah, I should be fine…" I said, trying to physically stop my hands from shaking so damn much, "Listen, Tomoko. We could be coming into trouble, so I- I want you to have this, just in case…"

With that, I took the cross necklace off and handed it to my sister.

"A cross?" She asked, as she examined it, before accidentally taking the blade out of its sheath, "A knife?"

"Yes, it's a weapon to use against Devils and Vampires. I don't know what we might be coming up against, but it's better safe than sorry." I said with a small shaky grin.

"I, yeah I guess it would be…" She told me after a moment, as she put the necklace on. It looked pretty good on her.

"Alright, alright… I have an idea that should help us." I said after a moment, as I tried to call upon both my Divination and Clairvoyance magics.

Both of them were fairly weak at the moment, as I hadn't really used either of them. Something that I should fix if we survive whatever's after us... if there even is anything after us.

But combined? They should be able to help me just enough to be able to inform me of who I should be facing, if anyone is coming.

"Who are our current enemies?" I asked, as I closed my eyes, letting the magic run through my body.

Then I opened them, and I saw… a group of people with black feathered wings, were these Devils?

There were three women, one with dark hair and purple eyes wearing some sort of bondage suit, one with long blue wearing a red outfit, and the other was a more petite blonde woman, I'd almost consider her a girl, wearing some gothic lolita fashion... but she seemed to just have a slimmer build like Tomoko.

And then I saw the final two, though one's wings were obscured by his clothes. The first was a man wearing a trenchcoat and fedora with dark hair, while the other was wearing a similar priestly outfit to Father Anderson, he had white hair and a crazed look in his eyes.

These must have been the Devils of Kuoh, though I didn't recognize them as the faculty? Maybe Father Anderson's information was incorrect?

Perhaps that priest was once just a good man of the cloth, who had gone insane due to devilfication?

…Or he could have been a traitor to the Christian Faith, I wouldn't know… it didn't matter though, he was a threat either way. One that would have to be dealt with.

But it seemed that these five were my main threats, and through my magic I could see that they were making their way over to our location, the dark-haired bondage woman leading the pack.

"Alright, alright we have five enemies of an unknown strength coming to attack us… they'll be here in around twenty- thirty minutes." I muttered to myself, as I tried to formulate some sort of plan.

But as I was thinking of that, I was swiftly bombarded with knowledge in my mind.

Sea Of Trees - Yuki Yuna is a Hero - Domain (400 CP)

This is...a strange power. You are able to recreate Shinju's Sama Barrier in an instant, an immense, colorful landscape of giant trees and nature, under a vast twinkling sky. This barrier assimilates all living things inside it, ensuring no one is harmed out of collateral damage, as well as most small buildings. Castles, electrical buildings, and high-rise structures are not included in this assimilation. This landscape can be dismissed at any time, and typically it takes much power to uphold it. People will not remember the barrier, however any part of the barrier that is damaged will reflect a similar disaster onto the area the trees blanket, like a car accident killing several if a significant portion of the trees are destroyed. Unlike with Shinju-Sama, who could project the barrier onto a land the size of the Japanese region of Shikoku, you will only be able to project this barrier onto the size of a neighborhood at first. The size of your barrier will grow with time spent training, however.

I had gained a spell called… Shinju's Sama Barrier, which allowed me to create an instantaneous immense colorful landscape of massive trees and various other landmarks of nature under a vast and twinkling sky as far as the eye can see.

This barrier would assimilate all living things within it, ensuring that nobody is harmed from collateral damage, along with most small buildings like houses.

Strangely, any high rise structure or buildings with too much electricity would not be included in the assimilation, meaning they would be at risk of damage.

I can dismiss the barrier at any time, and the larger it is, the more magical energy it takes to uphold. Which is a bit annoying, but I'm fine with that.

Anyone inside of the barrier will not remember the barrier at all, and if there's any damage done to the barrier, the trees within would take the brunt of the damage.

Oh and I could only really manifest it at the size of the neighborhood, but with enough time training, I'll be able to allow it to grow in size and scale.

Maybe one day, I could even come to defend the entire Earth with it. But that's ages away from now, heh.

I could definitely use this against those Devils who were coming to attack us, maybe just use it on Mom to keep her out of harms way? I could make it smaller than a neighborhood, but not any larger.

So just putting it in the laundry room should probably work.

"Are you alright nii-chan?" Tomoko asked, causing me to snap back to reality, "You were zoning out a bit, there…"

"Oh it's fine, I just got a new spell… it's kind of situationally useful." I said with a small shrug, as I tried to figure out what I was going to do…

I needed a plan and fast, as through my Divination and Clairvoyance, I could see that they were getting closer by the minute.

"Alright, alright I think I have a plan… first things first, Tomoko. Hand the cross over, real quick." I asked, holding my hand out to her.

"Oh uh alright," She said, as she took the cross… or was it called a rosary? Ah, whatever it doesn't matter, she took it off and handed it to me.

I looked at the rosary that was in my hand, the small hidden blade of the dagger glimmering slightly in the cross that it was held in.

"Thank you," I said, as I tried to imbue a spell into the cross, not really knowing exactly what I was doing.

But as I thought of imbuing a spell into it, I instantly knew just what spells that I could imbue into it…

Basic Elemental Zap, Divination, Thought Acceleration, Summoning Specialist, and Clairvoyance.

Huh, I didn't even think that my summoning would count as a spell… I thought it'd be more of a whole magic ability, kind of like my leaping.

But I wasn't going to complain about that though, as it looked pretty damn useful.

Looking at all the spells I had access to, I instantly discounted both Divination and Clairvoyance, as they wouldn't really work to protect her.

The same could be said for Thought Acceleration…

And then I decided against Zap, as no matter what? It'd be a weak spell. So I decided to put Summoning Specialist into the cross.

I watched as the cross glowed a bright golden color for just a moment.

"Okay, that should have done it, I placed a spell into the cross." I said with a small grin as I passed the cross back to my sister.

"Uh okay, how do I use it?" She asked, as she latched the rosary back onto her neck.

"You're going to want to feel for some sort of energy, alright? Then you'll make it flow into the cross… can you feel it?" I asked with a small soft smile, as I watched my sister's face scrunch in concentration.

"I- I think I can feel it?" She said, and after a few short moments, I watched as the cross rattled slightly, a golden energy with wisps of red in it flowing from the cross and over my sister.

Then the energy started to swirl around her, and began to manifest into a humanoid form…

I watched as the energy grew in size until it became somewhere around six feet tall, and started to shift into the form of a woman.

The woman that the energy transformed into had pale white skin, long red hair that flowed past her shoulders, and pointed elf-like ears with large draconic horns… her body on the other hand, looked like something straight out of a hentai, with large child-bearing hips, an hourglass-like figure, and a lewd look on her face.

She was wearing a bastardization of a nun's habit that barely even covered her lower body, turning into a pair of stockings that covered her legs.

Then there were the bright red scales along her face, arms, and hips… and the small red scaled wings on her back. She looked like some sort of dragon girl.

"Ara ara?" The draconic nun asked she tilted her head at Tomoko, who was looking up at her in sheer unadulterated lust.

"Yes! A big titty dragon nun! Thank you so much nii-chan! YES!" She swiftly cheered, as she sprinted toward the nun, and shoved her face directly into her bountiful chest.

I was pretty sure I could hear a muffled 'best spell ever!' from my sister, but it was hard to hear through the summon's tits.

"Good, good she should be able to protect you from whatever's coming for us," I said with a happy nod, at least she wasn't unprotected anymore.

…And now that she had that summon to guard her, I decided to recall my own summons to me, with the sole exception of the one that my sister was still molesting.

More protection wasn't a bad thing, after all.

"Alright," I said as I looked at the small group of Sundancers in front of me, "I want you all to do some delaying tactics on the Devils attacking us, do what you can. Lay traps, blind them, shatter their bones, anything to complete your objective. And if you can take them out for good?… Don't kill them, just go for incapacitation, I don't want to deal with whatever Magic Cops or whatever are out there."

I just got some nods from the Sundancers, all of them having serious looks on their faces.

"Got that? Good. Now go! Go and defend me!" I ordered, causing them to fly away from the house and toward where the Devils were coming from.

Hopefully, they would be able to distract them for long enough to let me put some more defenses onto the house.

With that done, I looked at Tomoko and saw that she'd taken her face out of the summon's breasts, a more serious look on her face.

"Tomoko, I want you to hide away further into the house… I don't want you to get hurt." I said, as I gently pat her on the head.

"But- but what about you, nii-chan? What if you get hurt?" She asked, and for a moment I swore that there were slits in her eyes before returning to normal.

"Trust me, I'll be fine…" I said, and after a moment I decided to transform into my undead form, and summoned the Bonewood Staff into my now bony hands.

The flesh instantaneously vanished from my body, alongside all of my muscles, nerves, and even blood, leaving a simple bleached white skeleton in its place.

I had become a husk of my former self, no longer weakened by the confines of my flesh, no… those weaknesses were no longer a part of me. But I was now left looking rather… odd.

After all, a skeleton wizard shouldn't be wearing normal clothes, should he? A skeleton in a school uniform just looks bizarre.

Quickly though, I used a Costume Switch to gain more proper apparel, that of a simple black cloak and ornately made pants that outfitted my lower body… along with several small accessories littered around my form.

"Yes, yes this looks far better…" I muttered to myself, my voice sounding deeper, with some sort of echo as I stared at my new form in the mirror, damn I didn't even know that my eyes looked like that.

But the wispy red and purple glow in my sockets definitely looked badass, especially since the Bonewood Staff had something similar going on with its right eye socket.

"R-Ryuu-nii? Is that you?" Tomoko asked, as she looked at me with a bit of fear in her eyes.

"Ah, Tomoko…" I said as I stared down at my sister, who was still sadly constrained by the limits of her flesh, "It is still I, you need not worry."

"W-why are you talking like that? You sound like some sort of RPG Villain, nii-san!" She asked, holding the cross to her chest, as she stared at me.

"I… huh, why am I talking like that? Wow, that was weird," I said with a small shrug, causing my bones to rattle from underneath my cloak, "Uh thanks for pointing that out, I think it was going to my head a bit, haha."

…Wow, even my laugh sounded scary, fucking hell I am becoming an RPG Villain.

"That's, uh that's alright Ryuu-nii, so what's with the whole… bone daddy form?" She questioned, as she looked at me, the summon behind her giving me a small protective glare.

Good, at least her summon was making sure that she stayed safe, even from me. I wouldn't ask for anything more.

"Ah, this is just one of my magic things, it lets me transform into a skeleton… and this thing here is the Bonewood Staff, it enhances my magic, and makes it so I can just outright ignore all damage done to me… half of the time," I said, a small sigh rattling from my… throat, as I looked down at the staff whose eye sockets gleamed menacingly.

"Oh, uh that's actually kind of cool. Do you have anything else to set up?" She asked, causing me to hum before an idea occurred to me.

"Yes, yes I do still have a few things…" I said, before clicking my fingers, the sound of my finger bones scraping against the other would have probably been sickening to normal ears, but I don't have any anymore.

Then in an instant, Ember was summoned directly next to me, appearing in a flurry of fire and feathers, before chirping and looking at me... before swiftly flying back in shock.

Ah, she hadn't seen my skeleton transformation before, had she?

"Ember, come to me," I ordered, causing the large dog sized Firebird to tentatively move over to me, before I gently stroked her on the top of her head, causing her to lean into my touch, "That's a good girl."

She just looked up to me happily, preening as she got her pets, letting out a happy little trill.

"Now… I want you to get inside of my ribcage," I said, causing both the Firebird and my sister to look at me in shock, "What? I'm all hollow in here, it's the perfect spot for a sneak attack."

Ember just looked at me for a moment, before doing the bird equivalent of a shrug and diving into my ribcage.

It felt odd, having something crawling around inside of my bones, but after a few moments, I felt that I could just ignore the strange sensation.

"Alright now I want you to stay there until we're under attack, then you'll ambush any filthy Devil that tries to attack me," I said gently, as I heard a small echoey chirp from inside of my ribcage.

"Good, good… now Tomoko, it's time to hide. I'll make sure that both you and mom are safe." I told her, causing my sister to give a hesitant nod as she walked away, her summon following in order to protect her.

…They wouldn't be needed, if everything went well. But I was happy to know that both her summon and one of my Sundancers were there as a last line of defense, on the off chance that I failed.

So with that, I walked out of the house, and chanted my final preparatory spell.

"Shinju Sama's Barrier!" I whispered as I waved a hand over the house, causing trees and various other plantlife to sprout from the ground and rise over my family home.

I watched as Tomoko's eyes widened as she tried to run out of the house to help me, but she was stopped by the magic… and after a scant few moments, everything was protected.

…I wasn't going to let my little sister be caught in the fray of this attack, no. This was my fault, I was the one who coaxed her into trying to awaken her Sacred Gear.

So I was the only one who was going to pay for my acts, if I'm unable to hold them off.

With that, I stood outside of the house and waited for the Devils to make their way to me, already preparing to use my Zap Spell to at the very least do some sort of damage to them.

And if that didn't work? Well, I had Ember with me… so I'll make sure to give them some vicious fucking burns.