Thank you to everyone for reading my first ever short story! This story has consumed me for a total of nine years, YES! Nine YEARS from 2015 to 2024, with nine different versions, different subplots and names for a story that took some time when it really shouldn't. I was a young writer then, like nine when I started writing this story out, lost motivation along the way which bit me in the ass afterwards so now that they're finally out in the world, I hope you can love it as much as I do!

I wanted to thank the people who've helped make this book a reality: To my parents for reading my story from start to finish even though you had other important things to do like work or minding your businesses for example! You helped a lot to make this story shine. I am so grateful for them for sticking with me even when I was going through a huge writer's block especially to my mum, bless her heart for giving me food and drinks and whatever tiny things she could do to make sure I am energized while I was writing. 

To my cousin brother who read every single draft I made and accidentally became the unofficial editor who kept me sane throughout the correction process OH GOD IT WAS NIGHTMARE FUEL! What could I actually do without you? And finally, a HUGE thank you to every reader in webnovel who is willing to read this simple, a little boring but ordinary story despite its flaws You truly deserve everything good in the world!

PS: if there are any corrections or spelling mistakes please type in the comments since I am a beginner writer and I haven't used Grammarly or any other apps to correct my work.

If you like it please comment and give me some support I will really appreciate it if you do!

Stay tuned for my next installment and see you all soon! :)

