3. Death is just the beginning.

Chapter 3

The next day, the entire area was shrouded in an eerie atmosphere, and people had scared faces.

- Have you heard that the new priest...

- Of course, I doubt that anyone hasn't heard about it!

- I can't believe it's him, he seemed so nice after all.

- It's always like that, right? The quieter and nicer a person is, the scarier what he hides behind that mask.

Everyone was talking about the same thing, but when the chief left the office, everyone fell silent.

- As you've probably heard, we have very good reason to believe that the culprit of the recent disappearances is the priest who arrived a month ago. We are going to send a squad of 5 people to bring him in, if he refuses and resists, we will send everyone to capture him. Is that clear!?

- Sir, yes sir!

- Okay! Now we wait for the capture squad to respond. - the chief said, returning to his office.

It's finally here. I can't wait for the evening. - I thought with a happy smile.

- Seras, are you okay? You look a little weird.

- Of course not, Simon. This will be my first mobilization against a man who captures and kills dozens of women, who knows what we'll see when we get there?

- HAHAHA, you say that as if everyone will definitely go there. I doubt that man can resist us. That's complete nonsense!

- Really? I just want to say, what if he's some kind of monster that can kill everyone in the blink of an eye? What should we do then, what can we do?

- What do you mean, Seras? - Simon asked, already starting to get annoyed.

Before I could answer, the chief suddenly came out and shouted.

- Everyone mobilize! That lunatic killed the capture team. We're going there to blow that bastard's brains out! I want everyone outside and ready to go by 6:00 PM!

- Sir, yes sir!

About half an hour later, everyone was outside in body armor and with their weapons holstered.

- Okay guys! It'll take me 30 minutes to get to the church, by which time, I want to see a fully operational command center 5 miles away with communications gear ready to go. Got it?!

- Yes sir!

As everyone was loading into the SWAT vehicles, Simon and I were already in conversation.

- Hey, Simon?

- Yes, Seras?

- What would you do for a dream?

- This is a weird question, but if I had to answer it now, I'd say it depends on the dream.

- A dream you've had for years, but the fulfillment of which would result in a bad outcome for other people. Would you still want to achieve that dream?

- Hmm. Seras. I'll tell you this, if it means that much to you, then I don't think it matters what happens to other people.

- Really? I didn't expect that from you.

- Long before my father died, I definitely wouldn't have said such things. However, I still remember that day, I felt with all my being that I needed to go home to my father, but I didn't give up on what I was doing, I continued helping other complete strangers. It really was the worst decision of my life. - After a short pause, Simon continued. - Listen to me, Seras. Regret is the only thing in this world that can't really be cured. It's probably the worst thing a person can have. Over time, it starts to fester and take over your mind. It turns you into a monster. Whatever you want to do, just do it without regret!

To be honest, hearing his words felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders, and although what will happen next on my part is most likely immoral, Simon is right, I don't want to regret a missed chance later, and death is just the beginning of a new path.

- Thank you, Simon, and I'm very sorry. - A minute later, I finally answered Simon carefree.

- What are you apologizing for?

- Nothing! Nothing at all. - I playfully answered, sticking out my tongue.

After 20 minutes, Simon, Eddie, and I, who is also part of our squad, finally reached the outskirts of the church, where I saw the command tent already set up, but what I honestly didn't expect was to see Integra and Walter so early, and since they are going into the tent, they clearly intend to talk to the commander, heh, our older chubby guy is in for a nice conversation with a dominant class woman after 10 minutes of waiting.

I hope I can be ruthless enough when I become a vampire, because my experience of real cruelty is only from this life.

- Squads, are you ready? - a vile scream tore me out of my thoughts.

Damn it would be weird if we weren't ready, the bastard spent half an hour doing God knows what when he said that no more than 5 minutes would pass. Too bad I can't go back to the past where there is another me, otherwise I could take out my anger on this bastard and then just rewind.

- Yes sir! - a chorus of voices sounded for the umpteenth time today.

- Okay, it's 19:00, that means it's getting dark. That might help the bastard escape, so we're going to split the squads into 2. The first squad will lead the attack on the church, and the second squad will set up a perimeter. Squads 1-8 will attack, the rest will hold the perimeter, okay?!

- YES!

- Why the hell do we have to be in Squad 8? If we were, we'd barely have to work. - Eddie complained

- Shut up, Eddie! You know exactly what that man did! He deserves to die for his sins.

- Well, judge for yourself, Simon! Do you know how many people are going to attack one man? 8 squads, that's 40 men! Why is the chief even worried about that? - Eddie replied

- What if there's more than one man in the church, and there are also assistants with guns? - I decided to intervene in their squabble.

- What? Why do you think so? - Simon asked.

- Well, didn't you notice on the way that the city was too deserted? I mean, even if people hid in their houses, we would have seen at least one person.

- Wait, you don't think the whole city is involved in this, do you? That's crazy! - Eddie said

- No, I don't think they're willing to help him.

- Then what are you...

- Simon, Eddie, Seras! Go with your squad, what the hell are you thinking? - The leader of the 9th squad yelled at us.

- Yes sir!

When the sun had already set, all 8 squads surrounded the church, an order was given for two squads to enter the church, and the rest were to remain on guard until the priest was captured.

As soon as squads 1 and 2 entered, gunfire was heard for a few seconds, and then a man's laughter was heard.

- Squad 1! Squad 2! What happened!? Answer! - all that could be heard in response was static.

- Squads 3 and 4 are entering!

- HAHAHAHAHA - maniacal laughter was heard again, and then the same thing happened to Squads 5 and 6.

- What the hell is going on, is everyone dead? How is this even possible!? - Eddie yelled

- Hey, dude, don't hang around, we're next! - Simon said with a smile

- How can you still smile? We're gonna fucking die! - Eddie yelled.

- Then we'll die doing the right thing. That's all I can ask for.

- Fine, damn it! Let's do it! - Eddie yelled to get into the mood.

As soon as Eddie finished yelling, we went to the entrance and waited for the others.

- Where the hell are they!? Did they abandon us?

- I guess not everyone has balls as tough as us. Even Seras is bigger than them.

- For God's sake shut up Simon! - I exclaimed in embarrassment and anger.

- Oh my god, Eddie, what's wrong with your face? Hahaha! You look so funny!

- Shut up! I'm the only normal one here, why is a teenage girl doing better than me? - Eddie spoke angrily, not addressing anyone in particular.

- We'll just have to accept it and take a step forward. Dying isn't that scary when you're expecting it. - Simon finished speaking and kicked down the door.

When we entered, we saw the back of a man holding what seemed to be a very pale woman. The smell of blood and rotting corpses was almost unbearable, I thought I'd throw up a little more. When the man turned around, we saw that he had short black hair and ordinary priest clothes, and the woman's neck was bleeding profusely. throwing the woman to the floor, he majestically pointed to the empty hall.

After this gesture, corpses began to crawl out from behind the benches with groans, which immediately headed in our direction, seeing this, we immediately took a stand and began shooting at them.

Meanwhile, while Seras, Simon and Eddie were trying to survive, a man with a smug grin was walking through the forest. The man was quite tall, at least 2 meters, he had black hair, and his eyes did not allow you to see the sunglasses with a red tint. He was dressed in a black suit with a red cloak, and on his hands he had white gloves, and a red hat with wide brims completed his image. Suddenly, he stopped and began to look at the moon, which seemed to be covered in blood.

- How beautiful. On nights like these, I want to have a snack. - interrupting his monologue for a moment, he looked in the other direction. - Oh my god, there must be someone truly vile there, if he managed to anger Integra so much. - The man chuckled and resumed moving in the direction he had originally been going. - Yes, this night is truly beautiful.

Here I am again. And yes, I haven't learned how to break through the 4th wall yet, it's your imagination, I ran like I've never run in any of my lives, only now stopping to catch my breath before the final dash to the place where, according to the future I've spied, it would be perfect to end up. You didn't think I'd leave everything to chance, did you? What was that conversation with Simon about the dream for then, you ask? So the problem is that if I saved Eddie and Simon, then I ended up losing the opportunity to become a draculina, and that conversation became the main point in my decision. In the meantime, I'm thinking, simulating breaking through the 4th wall, I replace the clip in the pistol as quickly as possible for me and start running further.

And here I am finally there, turning around, in accordance with my expectations, I saw a priest surrounded by monsters.

- Running is useless! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha - he screamed, laughing terribly.

Pointing the gun at him, I started shooting, although I know that it will not harm him, but it is better to act exactly with the best case scenario. Actually, literally a moment later he appeared in front of me, grabbed my free hand and spoke.

- The weapon will not help you. - while grabbing my chest with his free hand.

Damn! I did not think that it would be so disgusting. The main thing is just to hold out until Alucard arrives.

However, at that moment I saw something that I was not mentally prepared for.

- Eddie? Simon? - I asked while tears began to flow down my face, although I knew that with my inaction I doomed them to death, but seeing them like this, I only now realized the horror of what happened.

- Right. Your little guys now belong to me, and you will soon be mine too. - When he finished speaking, I shot him in the forehead as expected, but he continued laughing madly.

- I look for loyalty in my servants, I would not want a vampire with free will running around. - He says, putting my hand behind my back while starting to play with my chest. - It's a pity that I can't find such a beautiful virgin like you. I'm going to rape you and slowly drain your blood. Then you will join the rest of my ghouls. Believe me, you will love every second of it and then you will become MY slave forever.

- AAAAAAAAAAA - I squealed, however, acting not only according to the script, but also to express all the horror that I feel from the mere thought that something will go wrong. But to my relief, a couple of seconds later I heard the echo of Alucard's voice.

- You know, this is not a very good way to pick up a girl. Especially one as beautiful as this young lady. You really should try to take a few lessons in manners when you get to hell.

Hearing this voice, the vampire and the ghouls stopped and turned towards the intruder.

Thank God, I was already on the verge of spitting on everything and teleporting. And Alucard in real life seems unrealistically tall. Although his face was hidden by the shadow of the brim of his hat, it was clearly visible how he grinned while examining his target for the night.

- Who the hell are you? - asked the vampire, unaware that among his kind he was at the bottom of the food chain.

- Your death - Alucard whispered.

- My death? God, this is truly a pity. - Answering with a grin on his face, he snapped his fingers.

At that moment, all the ghouls took out their weapons and started shooting.

And this looks cooler than in the anime.

- Oh my god, he's just standing there taking it in! - I grin in anticipation.

What I didn't know at the time was that my smile didn't escape Alucard's eyes. "Why is this girl smiling? Have human girls been like this for a long time?"

After the shooting stopped, Alucard let his body fall, almost falling apart.

- That's all you got? Ha-ha-ha-ha-ah!! - the priest laughs contemptuously.

However, a few seconds later, a terrible laugh was heard, as if it came from hell itself. The blood spilled on the ground flowed to Alucard, and he began to rise, as if someone was pulling a rope. Black smoke formed a tornado around him. In a moment, you could see him as if he had never been shot. He smiled madly and took out a huge silver pistol. He put the barrel on his other hand and began to shoot at the ghouls quickly.

With each shot, more and more ghouls turned to dust, causing horror in the vampire priest.

"What kind of bullets are these!" the vampire exclaimed when after a couple of seconds there was not a single ghoul left around.

"The silver cross in Lanchester Cathedral was melted down to make these 13-millimeter explosive shells. Nothing I shot before stood up anymore." Alucard answered with a happy smile, demonstrating from the shadows his hounds, showing that he was a vampire.

"But why? Tell me! Why fight to save these pathetic people!" Having shouted this, he grabbed me again by the neck with his elbow. "Don't take another step. The girl is the last survivor. Don't you want to save her?" the vampire screams in despair, causing Alucard to laugh.

- Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! God, you are such a mean girl. - Of course I am! I am pissed off at this damn vampire, that he is groping me even in such a situation.

- What? Are you even listening to me?! I am a Vampire and I deserve due respect! - the bastard screeched.

- Shut up, you whining pile of dog shit! I am trying to talk here.

- Tell me, policewoman, are you a virgin? - Alucard asked in a mischievous tone.

- I... - I try to give an answer, but the vampire squeezes my throat, preventing me.

- What are you doing?!

- Answer me! - Alucard shouted, pointing his gun.

- YES! - Having managed to scream the magic word, a moment later I heard a shot.

Damn it, how painful it is! I thought, spewing blood from my mouth, I knew that I had a hole in the right side of my chest, and now the most risky moment begins, although in all the visions where Alucard received an answer, he did everything that was necessary, but I'm scared.

- I had to shoot you to pierce his heart. I'm sorry, but you're dying, there's little time left. The choice is yours, what do you want to do?

With my last strength, I raised my hand, reaching out to him, begging him to save me. A few seconds later, when my hand had already begun to fall, Alucard caught it, and the back of Dracula's hand began to glow.

- Police today is a truly wonderful night. - the vampire grinned and opening his mouth full of sharpened teeth, he bit my neck with amazing tenderness, which I could not even suspect. After a couple of sips, he stopped and stood up and began to look at me. After I was bitten, I felt a burning sensation that began to quickly spread from my neck throughout my body. It was as if hellfire was burning inside me, I wanted to let go of my consciousness, but I was afraid that this pain could be a test and endured until the very end. Until finally everything passed.

- Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha, what is it like, police girl? To become a monster, a night creature? What is it like to become a dracula!? - Alucard asks, brightly stretching his arms outward as if embracing the moon.

- It hurts, sir. - I answered with a smile.