7. Punishment

Chapter 7

- Well, I guess we can begin. Walter? - I said, turning to the new recruit.

- Yeah?

- What kind of training has this guy had?

- Let's see, if I remember correctly, he's a special forces soldier. So he's probably an expert in hand-to-hand combat, and also has skills in fighting with several types of weapons. May I ask, Miss Seras, what do you need this information for?

- Well, what could be better than beating him up during a fight? But beating him up without injuring him would be boring.

- Hmmm... Right! If you can move me from this spot, I'll let you go and we'll pretend this never happened. If you can't, then I'll beat you up until I'm satisfied. To make it interesting, I'm not allowed to lift my feet off the ground, is that okay with you? - I asked the soldier.

- Okay, am I allowed to use any weapon?

- Haha, yeah, you can use whatever you have. - I answered with a creepy smile.

"Seras, why are you doing this farce?"

"Well, Master, it hasn't been a day since I was turned into a vampire. I want to see how much I've changed. What better way to do that than by fighting a human who can fight?"

"Okay, but this is much more boring than I thought."

"I promised Walter that he would still be able to fight as a soldier, so I can't do many of the things I'd like to do. So for now, this will do." - I answered Master with a sigh.

"I will be the judge of this fight, are you ready?" Walter asked and saw our nods, lowering his hand, said - Begin!

The recruit immediately rushed towards me, trying to grab me. As I promised, I did not move.

"This will be much easier than I thought," the recruit thought, leaning down to grab me by the waist.

Only a second later, instead of a collision, he felt a hand grab his head, stopping him completely and not allowing him to move from the spot. When he tried to lift his head, when he was allowed to do so, the first thing he noticed was that the girl's eyes were red.

- What a stupid thing to do, didn't you see how easily I took this giant, soft, expensive bed? Who in their right mind would try to grab me after that?

- What? - When the soldier started trying to ask questions, I picked him up by the head and threw him into the wall.

- Walter? Are you sure he's a special forces soldier? He's too stupid. He has several knives and a gun, so why didn't he use them?

- I think he just forgot what he was fighting with, Seras. - Walter answered with a crooked smile.

Meanwhile, while Walter and I were talking, the rookie stood up and shook his head in confusion.

"What the hell happened? Does she have superpowers or something? Shit! I forgot I was competing with a monster."

"Ready to go again, Mr. Pisser?" I said mockingly.

"Yes, I'm ready, freak!" the guy said, pulling out his gun.

"Oh! You're finally serious, huh?

"Shut up and die!!!" the soldier yelled, firing his gun.

"What?!" I exclaimed when almost all the bullets hit me.

"Don't worry, she's fine. No mortal weapon can harm a vampire." Alucard said when the worried Walter wanted to rush to check on my condition. As soon as the vampire finished his words, the recruit started crying in horror, as all my wounds healed, and the bullets just fell to the ground.

"Hmmm. Not bad, everything healed very quickly. Although it hurt like hell. - I said checking my own condition, and then angrily turned to Alucard. - Master! -

What? - asked the vampire.

- Why do you always let the bullets hit you? They're slow enough to dodge. What's the point of letting them hit?

"All the time?" - Walter thought after hearing my words.

- Well, after hundreds of years of what happened to me, the feeling of pain has almost completely dulled. Besides, when I heal, it always scares the hell out of others, so it's funny to watch them go crazy. - Alucard answered with a smile while turning to the recruit who was scared out of his mind.

- Well, I guess it was pretty funny to see him so scared. If he saw anything from what I saw, he might have died of shock. - I answered understandingly.

- You see?

- I just wish you'd told me beforehand, it really hurt. - I said, throwing an offended look at Alucard

- You never asked, police girl.

- Damn it! If I can't shoot you and I can't fight you, then what's the point of this farce?!" the man shouted

- The point of this, as you call it, farce is to give you a chance to get out of here unharmed. If you decide to surrender, that means you lose. Do you surrender? - Walter asked

- Of course not! I won't let some little girl beat me!

After finishing shouting, the man pulled out two knives, twirling them in his hands to show off his skill and attacked me again, only this time from behind.

- Great, you're finally using your head! I can't move my legs, which means I can't turn around, that's a smart move. - I said with a smile.

Just as the knife was about to hit my liver, I grabbed it with my index and middle fingers.

- Uh-huh?

- That was a good idea. But I'm tired of it, so I'm going to start using force. - As soon as I finished speaking, I twisted the knife out of the recruit's hand, and then grabbed it to bring him to me. By the time he realized what had happened, I had already stabbed him in the left leg, breaking it.

- AAAAAAH, that hurts!

- Hm? Of course, I did it to hurt you, stupid man! - I said, breaking my other leg.

- Are you giving up? - I asked as the man fell from the pain, well, and probably broken legs.

- YES! YES! I give up! I give up! - He screamed, crying in pain.

- Hooray! - I exclaimed joyfully.

- You heard him, Walter, he surrenders.

- What a clinical idiot. - Walter answered, covering his face with his hand.

- I completely agree.

- What? What do you mean? - the recruit said, looking around with a snot-covered face.

- You really should pay more attention to the conditions, young man! - Walter said with a slight chuckle.

- And now the most interesting part. - I'm sure from the outside my grin could even compete with Alucard's.

After about 30 minutes of screaming and begging, three soldiers returned to drag the recruit away.

- That was fun! I'm going to bed, good night, Walter, good night Master! - having said this, I returned to the bed and, holding the basques as a pillow, fell asleep.

- This girl was born to become a vampire! Really Walter? - Alucard said with a smile.

- Yeah, I didn't think she had that much cruelty in her. - Walter sighed.

- That was just the tip of the iceberg. You should have seen the things that went through her head. - The vampire said, starting to laugh a little louder.

- Really?

- Yeah, without that stupid condition that allowed him to remain a soldier, it would have been interesting to see.

- Well, then I can't wait to find out. - Walter said, leaving the room.

- Hahahahahahahaha - Alucard continued laughing as the doors closed.

About 2 hours later in Integra's office.

- So, when you and 4 soldiers were moving her bed, she helped you and carried it the rest of the way herself. After which the rookie pissed himself because of Alucard and since everyone was laughing at him, he called Seras a bitch, a freak and a monster?

- Yes.

- After that, she gets mad and wants to punish him? And you let her?

- Yes, ma'am. I thought it would be nice to see what she's like.

- She tortured a recruit for 30 minutes? What are his injuries?

- Yes, the recruit, whose name is John Smith, has 63 broken bones, 15 stab wounds, 6 gunshot wounds, and finally, his tongue was ripped out of his mouth. It will take him about a year to re-enlist. - Walter said as if he was reading from a menu.

- You say that as if what happened doesn't matter. - Integra sighs.

- Well, ma'am, according to Alucard, she wanted to do many more scary things to this man.

- Really? More than she already has?

- Even Alucard said he wanted to see something like that. Anyway, given the circumstances, it could have been worse.

- Worse? She almost killed a man and sent him to the hospital with severe injuries! - Integra screamed, slamming her fist on the table.

- Yes, ma'am. She promised to leave him in a condition that would allow him to remain a soldier, and as I mentioned earlier, the doctors confirmed that he would be able to return to duty in a year.

- Really?

- Yes, and I want to point out that I did not ask for such a thing, she limited herself. This indicates the fact that she has good control over her impulses and knows where to draw the line.

- What should I do with her, Walter? Should I bind her like Alucard?

- I don't think that is necessary, ma'am. Just treat her well and she will be quite a nice girl. - he answered with a gentle smile.

- Walter?

- Um, sorry, that was inappropriate. I just want to treat her like a granddaughter.

- Uh! Great! When she wakes up, have her meet me in the office this evening.

- Yes, ma'am! - Walter bowed and left.