23. Date with Integra

Chapter 23


The next night, when I woke up, I immediately went to Integra's office. When I got to the door, I knocked on the door.


"Come in," I heard Integra's voice.


When I entered, the owner of the office said without raising her eyes.


- Walter, can you call Captain Fargoson tomorrow and ask him to meet me here at 10 o'clock sharp?


Without hearing an answer, Integra looked up and saw me. I was squatting, resting my chin on my hands that I had placed on the edge of the table and looking straight at her.


- Seras? Sorry, I thought Walter was here.


- It's okay, you're always busy, right?


"Yes, that's the price of being the head of the Hellsing family," Integra sighed and made a gesture typical of those who constantly wear glasses. She rubbed and pinched the top of her nose with her index finger and thumb.


- You look tired, Sir Integra. Oh, I have a really great idea, why don't we go out and have some fun tomorrow night. Just the two of us.


- Sorry Seras, I'd love to, but I'm too busy with work.


- Aha! So you still want it! Walter?


As soon as I finished speaking, Walter walked in with a knowing smile.


- Walter! What's going on here?


- Nothing, ma'am, Seras just told me that you would like to go on a date with her to unwind a bit. I thought you would be totally against it, but it seems I was wrong. Don't worry about your work, I'll handle things for tomorrow. - Walter began formally, and then with a fatherly smile added. - Integra, why don't you go with Seras to experience the life of a normal person?


- I told you that I have too much work.


- Pleaseeee. Who knows when you'll be free. Sometimes it's good to be spontaneous! - I begged, trying to make eyes like the cat from Shrek.


Looking at my pleading expression, Integra couldn't resist for long and eventually reluctantly agreed.


- Oh, okay! Let's meet tomorrow at 8:00 PM, okay?


- Hooray! Be sure to take a nap before that! - I said happily before running out of the office.


"What should I do with her, Walter? She's very childish," Integra sighed.


- Don't worry, ma'am, Seras has it all planned out pretty well. She already told me about her plan, even giving the time.


- Really? She doesn't seem particularly methodical.


"Believe me, ma'am, you underestimate her," Walter said with a smile on his face.


- Well then, tomorrow we'll need to prepare security for our walk.


- Actually, ma'am, you won't need security.


- Why? You never know what could happen.


- Have you forgotten who you're going with, ma'am? Seras is more than enough for anything you might encounter, even if she's weak right now.


- Yes, you're right. Her appearance and actions constantly make me forget who she has become.


- Isn't that good, ma'am?


- Hmm, I suppose so, - said Integra, returning to her papers.


Waiting, as always, is one of the hardest things. Because when you wait for something good, time seems to slow down, but sooner or later the expected moment arrives. At 19:30, I was waiting near Integra's office in the same clothes as 2 days ago.


When the agreed time was almost here, Integra came out in a rather unexpected outfit. She was dressed in the same style as me, with the only difference being that she was wearing expensive brands and instead of red and black, her colors were white and blue.


- Wow! You look wonderful, Sir Integra! - I didn't hesitate to compliment her.


- Shut up! Where are we going tonight? Walter told me to dress like this when I wanted to wear my regular suit. - Integra complained slightly displeased.


- Where we're going, the suit will stand out too much. In any case, we should go so we don't get late. - I said, starting to gently push Integra towards the front door.


- Wait! Isn't Walter going to take us? We'll have to wait for him.


- Of course not! We'll take a taxi! You'll have to deal with things like that sometimes, Inti.


- What? Wait, Inti?


- That's the name I'll be calling you this evening. This town is all too familiar with the name Integra. I hope you don't mind?


- It's okay. It just surprised me because that's what my father called me when I was younger.


- Sorry, I can try to think of something else.


- No, everything is fine. Let's go.


- Fine!


When we left the mansion, the soldiers greeted us respectfully. Right outside the gate, a taxi was already waiting for us, and I immediately got into it on the left side, in the back seat.


- Inti, what are you doing?


"Apparently I'm waiting... oh. Sorry, I forgot Walter wasn't here to open the door for me." Integra said, blushing slightly in embarrassment before opening the door to sit down.


- Hahahahahaha, so cute.


- Shut up! - Integra yelled at me, sitting down next to me.


As we drove, Integra suddenly asked what Alucard and I had been doing two nights ago.


- Well, first we went to the cinema, then we went to the pub and drank different alcohol. After that we went to play mini golf, and then we walked around the city for a bit until we got home.


- Really? That doesn't sound like what Alucard wanted. Was he hysterical?


- He was close to it in the theatre, but after that he seemed to be having fun.


- What made him angry at the theater? - Integra asked curiously.


"It's better to see it yourself," I smiled.


Soon, we reached the same place where I was with Alucard last time. Getting out of the car, the first thing Integra noticed was the poster. For the first few moments, she was clearly in shock. However, when she came to her senses, she immediately began to laugh loudly.


- See. Isn't it funny?! He was so angry that everything around him literally started shaking. His face was simply inimitable. - I joined Integra's laughter. We spent a whole 30 seconds like this until we finally calmed down.


- Oh my God! I want to personally thank whoever did this.


- I agree, this poster alone is worth a lot. In any case, it was just a stopover. We are going to go bowling nearby. - I said, pointing in the right direction.


- Bowling? You mean the sport where you throw a ball into pins?


- Bingo! This is a good start for your acquaintance with normal human life.


An hour and a half later, Integra and I walked out of the building with the trophy. The trophy was a metal statuette of a man bowling and on the stand was a plaque that read "Best Scorer!" with our names.


- I can't believe how good you were, Inti! You made a strike in your second game, usually it takes a lot of experience to do something like that.


- Ha! It's just repetitive movements, though I didn't expect such a crowd to gather around us.


- It's not surprising that they were all attracted by two beautiful girls who also show excellent results, and the manager let us go without pay, most likely because something like this had never happened before.


- How will our top scores help him?


- Well, we will serve as advertising for him, due to the rumors that will inevitably appear about us, as a result of which more people will go to this place.


- Ah! So, having obtained excellent results, we increased this person's income?


- Right!


"Okay, where to next, Seras?" Integra asked with a happy smile she hadn't shown in years.


- Next we're going to an ice cream parlor!


- Ice cream?


- Please don't tell me you don't know what ice cream is?!


- No, I know. I've just never tried it.


- There's a first time for everything, Inti! - I said and pulled Integra by the hand.


A few hours later, we were sitting on a bench waiting for a taxi to take us home. I was holding the statuette, and Integra was holding a gilded hockey stick.


- I can't believe you never missed a shot at mini golf! The master was terrible at it and even used his powers to cheat. - I laughed, remembering the game with Alucard.


- Really? For a vampire who's lived for 500 years, he has problems with variety. - Integra joined my laughter.


While we were laughing, I noticed that people were approaching us at some distance. Without showing it, I prepared to act without changing my expression. Noticing how my eyes turned red, Integra immediately assumed an indifferent expression.


As soon as Integra became indifferent, two knives flew towards us. Before they could hit me and Integra, I quickly moved and caught them with one hand, holding them between my fingers. Seeing that the attack had failed, two figures rushed into close combat, simultaneously taking out two bayonets, similar to those used by Anderson.


Seeing that the attackers were wearing Iscariot's uniform and crosses that reflected the moonlight, I didn't stand on ceremony and, allowing them to get a little closer, threw the knives so that they would pierce them right in the forehead, causing them to immediately fall to the ground.


For Integra, what happened took less than two seconds, from the moment the knives were thrown at us until the death of the enemy.


- Iscariot?! What the hell are they doing here?


- Perhaps they were sent here as spies to monitor our actions.


- Then why did they attack? It doesn't make sense unless they were given such an order.


- Considering how Anderson attacked you, I wouldn't be surprised if they acted independently. - I sighed, mentally cursing the damn radical fanatics. Meanwhile, a taxi began to pull up to us.


- Was it just them this evening?


- Yes, they were watching us all this time, I didn't feel anyone else.


- Good! Let's go home before anything else happens. - Integra said, getting up from the bench.


- Yes sir.


After a half-hour drive home, we finally stood in front of the estate gates.


- Today was a lot of fun, Seras. I can't remember the last time I rested or did something relaxing.


"I'm glad you liked it, Inti!" I replied seriously, before saying her nickname in a somewhat intimate way.


- Don't call me that outside of walks! I can't look weak! - Integra said seriously.


"Don't worry, the guards can't hear us," I answered with a smile.


"We should do this again later Seras. I really needed to relax a little." Integra smiled softly before her face hardened as we approached the gate.