28. Hellsing on the brink?

Chapter 28


When Alucard left, I decided to go and find out what happened during my punishment, and at the same time I need to return the talisman to Integra, unlike her, I have my own regeneration.


Getting out of bed, I noticed that I was wearing pajamas, and my ruined uniform was lying nearby. I wonder if Alucard had changed my clothes in my sleep? Well, it didn't matter, so I took a shower and put on a regular shirt and jeans and went to look for Walter.


After running around the mansion for a bit, I finally found him in the kitchen making tea.


- Good evening, Walter.


- Seras? How are you feeling? - Walter asked.


"I'm fine, it's a piece of cake for me," I said, jokingly showing off my bicep.


- You know, if it were a regular vampire in your place, he would have died. You should take better care of yourself.


- Don't worry Walter, I'll be more careful. Anyway, I was wondering if anything interesting had happened while I was... gone? - I asked, pausing a bit at the end, considering how to more delicately indicate my absence.


- He-he. Nothing special, except for the fact that Hellsing is on the verge of collapse. - Walter answered carelessly.


- What?! How?


- Well, it turns out Stadler told the reporter about the vampires and helped her get all our inside information. She used that to report on us and paint us as... how should I put it... exactly, as a radical military group that hunts civilians, calling them vampires. She even broadcast it live, Integra was furious.

- Wow! I missed so much. How is Sir Integra?


- Seras, you know, it was because of her that you were on the verge of death.


- No, Walter. It's my own fault. The fact that Staedler betrayed Hellsing doesn't justify my actions. What if he hadn't? She was right to punish me.


- You surprise me, Seras. Do you have any more questions before I take this tea to Sir Integra?


"Well, actually there is one," I said before pausing briefly and continuing.


- Is it okay if I go home and get some things? I haven't been there for a month.


After thinking for a couple of seconds, Walter finally answered.


- It's okay, Seras. You can go, I'll inform Sir Integra when I deliver her tea.


- Thank you, Walter! You are the best. - I immediately happily hugged the butler and was about to run away when I suddenly remembered one moment.


- Oh yeah, I'll obviously need a new uniform and please pass this talisman to Sir Integra. - Having put the voiced talisman on the tray, I finally joyfully galloped with inhuman speed and headed towards the front of the mansion.


As soon as I reached the front door, a shadow appeared in front of me, causing me to cry out in surprise.


- Ha-ha-ha-ha. Where are you going, policewoman? You just woke up from death and want to leave? - Alucard laughed, before asking seriously.


- I can't be dying, I'm already dead.


- Don't be smart. Where are you going?


- I'm going to my old house. I need to get some things.


- Hm. It seems you're telling the truth. What will you take?


- Photos and souvenirs.


- … I see. – feeling the sadness of his chick, the vampire understood what was happening.


"Don't stay out too late and be back before sunrise," Alucard relented and let me pass.


- Okay. - I said, going out the door and immediately leaving with the help of the portal.



Meanwhile, Walter finally brought the tea to Integra's office. He knocked on the door and entered without waiting for an answer.


"You're a little late, Walter. Is something wrong?" she asked, not looking up from the stack of papers.


- Yes. I met Seras in the kitchen while I was making you some tea and we got to talking a little. She also asked for permission to go home.


- You let her leave? - Integra immediately jumped up, throwing several documents on the floor.


- Yes.


- Why? You know who she is.


- Yes, I know. She's a teenage girl.


- You know that's not what I meant. - She slammed her fist on the table in anger, and then added with guilt on her face. - Moreover, because of me she suffered, what if she doesn't come back.


- Don't worry, sir, if I understood anything about Seras, it's that she's sincerely attached to you and Alucard. By the way, she also asked me to give you this thing. - Having said this, Walter put the tray on Integra's table, who finally noticed the talisman, which she didn't dare take back.


Taking the small octagon with the image of a horse in her hands, Integra sat back down in her chair with a complex face.


- You're right. Maybe I should have a little more faith in her.