46. Kidnapping

Chapter 46


I was confused by what was happening, because I couldn't figure out why Alucard was cleaning and made me help! I really regretted how I overdid it when I washed the ceiling. Although I must admit that under the supervision of the master, the cleaning went quite quickly, it seems that he was ready to do anything just to make sure that as few people as possible knew about what happened, because by lunch everything was ready, and soon Integra, who didn't even suspect the reasons for the mansion being cleaned so quickly, went to the funeral, which was organized very quickly. Naturally, Alucard and I were not present at them. It would still be strange to go to the funeral of a person whom you happily sent to the next world, and it would not be particularly appropriate for vampires to be there.


When Integra returned from the funeral, two pieces of news were revealed, one good and one bad. The good news was that an entire unit of 25 soldiers had survived, for the simple reason that they were on a mission. But the bad news was a metaphorical slap in the face from the Queen. She, following the lead of the Knights of the Round Table, decided to use their powers to solve the vampire issue until Hellsing recovered. But in doing so, soldiers could not be recruited from the army.


No matter how patriotic and loyal Integra was to the queen, such a momentary betrayal could not help but anger her and it seems that the plans to transfer part of the treasure to the crown have changed dramatically. As for our relationship, I still sleep in Alucard's dungeons, and not next to Integra...


On the one hand it's upsetting, but on the other I understand that she can't allow rumors to spread that she not only prefers women, but is also interested in a vampire.


So, thinking about everything that was happening, I decided to take a walk around the mansion and now I was looking at the entrance doors that had just recently been replaced.


- Seras! Great, I was just about to look for you. - Turning towards the voice, I saw Walter walking towards me.


- Walter, you look like you haven't slept for days. - I noted the old man's not-so-good condition.


- Because that's how it was, Miss Victoria.


- Oh. So why were you looking for me?


- Actually, we are talking about the information you provided about the attackers. I just wanted to make sure that there was nothing there except the words "Millennium" and "Fuhrer".


- No, he couldn't have said much with his head crushed. - I shook my head before asking. - Is something wrong?


- It's just that over the last 24 hours, Mi-5 and Hellsing's information retrieval department have found absolutely nothing interesting.


"I may be missing something, but wouldn't the word Fuhrer itself automatically link our enemies with the Nazis?" I asked.


- Yes, but Hitler, the only person who held that position, was already dead, so other than the guess that the surviving Nazis had a new leader, it didn't give us anything, Walter answered me.


"I see, I have nothing more to say, sorry," I apologized before Walter hurried away.


At that very moment, the doors of the mansion opened and a depressed group of soldiers entered, who, upon noticing me, immediately began to throw angry glances, as if I had personally killed their colleagues.


"Although, that's not far from the truth." I grinned, remembering how I tore ghouls apart.


- What's funny about a vampire? - the soldier literally growled.


- Oh, nothing. Just thinking about the next mission. Today was pretty boring. - I answered with a smile.


This answer only inflamed the anger of the soldiers, who immediately began to talk all sorts of nonsense, but after examining their group, I noticed one rather unpleasant fact.

- Where is Arthur? - I immediately lost all my good mood and looked menacingly at their leader.


- W-who? - the man asked, stuttering with fear.


- Arthur. About 6 feet tall, blond hair, green eyes. The character of a naive child? - I described the guy, coming closer.


- Oh, him! - the man exclaimed, realizing who they were talking about, before turning pale. - ... shit.


"What does this mean?" I hissed in the soldier's face, looking him straight in the eyes.


- He... uh... - the man's eyes darted around, looking for an escape route. - He came with us, but after the mission we couldn't find him.


- What!? What do you mean you couldn't find him?! Were you even looking for him?! - I yelled, grabbing him by the collar and pulling him down to face me.


- W-we looked for him, but we didn't find anything. - Another soldier quickly answered, but I didn't pay attention to him, fully focused on the leader.


- What happened? Tell me everything. - I said, looking intently into the man's eyes. At that moment, I felt a slight tingling in my eyes and at the same time, the interlocutor's eyes turned red, and his face became serene.


- We... - he immediately began to tell all the details of his mission, while it turned out that they did not really try to look for Arthur. Having arrived at the place and not finding any traces of the vampire, they simply left, Arthur's absence was noticed only upon arrival at Hellsing territory.


"Bloody bunch of idiots," I grumbled, letting the unconscious man fall to the ground.


"Master," I mentally addressed Alucard, leaving behind the frightened soldiers.




"I need to leave the mansion for a while."


"For what?"


"You won't like this."


"Would you prefer that I forcefully read your mind?" the vampire asked irritably.


"I think Arthur was kidnapped by the organization responsible for the attack on the mansion. I want to save him."


"Why are you so attached to this boy? Isn't Integra enough for you?" Alucard was clearly displeased.


"I don't know. But probably because I'm one of the few people who could admit their mistakes and apologize for them. And one of the few who treated me well in this life." I sighed.


"I understand. It's true that it's very difficult to find such a real person. Even I've only met a few in my life... You can go. But don't do anything too radical."


"Of course, Master. I don't want to spoil your fun." I smiled.


"Well, it's time to take advantage of reincarnation," I muttered, calling up a system screen in front of me, responsible for omniscience, with a line in the middle of which was the inscription "enter a request."


I need to know what happened to Arthur and where he is now. Honestly, it's good that this ability reads intentions, and then there were no complaints about specifying which Arthur was being talked about. So now I was watching Arthur from a third person perspective.


Arthur was seen among the first to enter the building and was examining it with his squad, but they left the building without finding anything. Only Arthur lingered. He thought he felt something strange, but he couldn't say what it was, continuing to look around until suddenly a long gray hand grabbed him. It was a bit like a scene from a horror movie.


Without showing a drop of fear on his face, he screamed, believing that his comrades would come to help, but no one came, but his fearlessness interested the creature. From the shadows, following the hand, came a tall gray man with a naked torso, his left eye was green, and his right was red, several times larger than the left. And his entire body was framed by purple stripes.


"That fat bastard wanted a tongue from the Hellsing ranks, I think you'll do," Incognito said before dragging Arthur along with him into the shadows.


The screen went dark for a moment, and then the image moved to a forest in Brazil, right to the headquarters of the millennium.