48. Jealousy

Chapter 48

- Hey Arthur, I came to help! - I said happily, waving my hand at the soldier attached to the table.


"How did you end up here?" the man asked quickly.


- You can just consider me your guardian angel. - I giggled, approaching him, while ignoring Doc whining in pain. I think his intestines stuffed with consecrated bullets give him an indescribable feeling.


- A vampire who became an angel? - Arthur asked with irony in his voice.


- Believe me, if I want, I can find a way to become a real angel. - I said confidently, tearing off the straps holding the man and taking him in my arms like a princess.


- No need to carry me like that. I can stand on my own just fine. - Arthur was embarrassed.


- Oh no! This shame is the least you deserve for forcing me to save you at the enemy headquarters. - I stated before disappearing from the Millennium base.


Soon the entrance door was destroyed and the captain entered the room, followed by the Major.


- She's already gone, captain. It seems she has more than just the ability to teleport. - The major said carelessly, turning his gaze to the whining doc.


The major's personal werewolf only growled at this and stood behind him.


- Major... I...


- It's all right, Doctor. It only makes the game more interesting. - The major waved it off. - Besides, since you're alive, she's also looking forward to this wonderful war!




Hellsing Mansion. Integra's Office.


The leader of the only surviving squad of the Hellsing organization knocked on the door.


- Come in, - a cold voice rang out.


- Sir, - said the man, entering the room.


- Yes, Lieutenant Fox. I am glad you came on such short notice. - Integra said, looking through the papers. - I was interested in the report of your recent mission. You stated that one of the vampires interrogated you upon your return?


- Yes, m... uh, sir. It was a woman.


- I see. What did she want? - Integra asked with a smile on her face, which shocked the lieutenant.


- She wanted to know what happened to the soldier on the mission.


- What soldier? - the slight smile immediately slid off the woman's face.


- It was Officer Arthur Wilson. As the report says, when we found no sign of vampires, we left and he was gone. We searched for an hour but couldn't find any sign of him.


- Also…


- Yes? - Integra hinted to continue when the lieutenant suddenly fell silent.


- Um…


- Speak already, Lieutenant, I don't have all day.


- When the vampire found out about this, she was very angry. She did something to me and it made me tell her everything she wanted.


- Oh? So she hypnotized you?


- …yes.


- I see, then you can go.


- But sir! - the man said indignantly, taking a step forward.




- Aren't you going to punish her? She attacked me and hypnotized me! - the Lieutenant raised his voice.


- Who is going to punish whom? - a voice suddenly rang out from the outside of the room.


- Seras? - Integra exclaimed in surprise, looking in the direction of the voice, and then frowned slightly when she saw who was lying in her arms in the princess carrier.


- Seras, put me down on the ground, quickly. - the man panicked, from the fact that his superiors saw him in such a position.


- I already said, this shame is your punishment. - I answered without blinking my eyes.


"I take it this is Officer Arthur Wilson?" Integra asked.


- Y-yes sir. I'm Arthur Wilson. - the man in my arms answered awkwardly.


"Seras, let him go," Integra ordered with a slight spark of jealousy in her eyes.


Seeing Integra's expression, I finally understood how it might look from the outside and abruptly let go of Arthur, who, not expecting such a sharp reaction, fell on his butt.


- Ouch, you could have been more careful, - the guy said with slight offense.


- As you can see, Lieutenant, not only did she correct your mistake, but her merit far outweighed that minor oversight for which you wanted her to be punished.


- But sir, my people and I are very upset about what happened.


- Do you think I'm biased?


"That's an understatement," the man muttered.


"I may be able to understand your frustration, Lieutenant, but it is no excuse for insubordination." Integra's voice began to take on a distinctly menacing tone.


"I'm very sorry, sir," the man quickly apologized, slightly sweating.


- You can go.


"Yes, sir!" the Lieutenant saluted before leaving.


After he left, Integra waited a bit, and then turned her attention to me and Arthur, who had gotten to his feet.


- So, who will tell me what happened?


- Arthur. - I put my hand on the guy's shoulder and showed him my thumb with a smile on my face. - It's your time.


- Me? Uh, okay. - Arthur felt extremely uncomfortable under the cold gaze of his boss, but nevertheless began to tell how everything went on his side.


- Okay, soldier. You can go to the infirmary. - Integra said thoughtfully.


"Yes, sir," Arthur saluted and, glancing at me, left.


As soon as the door slammed, the Girl immediately stopped holding back. - So our enemy is the damn Nazis? What the hell is going on?


- Well, maybe these are the remnants of the last war? - I said.


- Most likely, that's true. - Integra agreed, and then fixed her gaze on me. - What connects you with Arthur?


- Stop-stop-stop. Don't even think about being jealous of me with men. I'm absolutely 100% a lesbian. - I answered, expressively gesturing with my hands.


- Then where did this impulse to save him come from and, more importantly, how did you find him?


- Well, he's just one of the few people who treated me well in this life and I would be sorry to let such a soldier die.


- ... How did you find him? - After a short silence, Integra seemed to accept my words.


- Well, as long as I know what exactly I'm looking for, I can find it anywhere.


- Okay, I believe you. - Integra nodded, and then added. - You will spend this night with me.


- As you say, Inti. - I said happily and jumped up to her and stole a kiss before running out of the office.