Chapter 58
- That was painful, master! - I complained in a tone full of offense, rubbing my buttock, which was sore from the blows of the belt.
- But perhaps this will return at least some of your brains, which, apparently, went into the size of your chest. - the vampire chuckled.
- Taking advantage of the fact that I'm a busty blonde is vile!
"Spare me your whining, policewoman," Alucard rolled his eyes. "Integra is waiting for you."
- ? I wonder what she wants. - Full of curiosity, I teleported into the hall from where Alucard had recently dragged me away, appearing next to Integra.
- Seras. - The Woman addressed me without even looking in my direction. It was immediately obvious that this was a person who had spent almost his entire life next to a vampire.
- Sir Integra?
- I want you to teach them the basics and then take them to their rooms.
- Huh? But why me? Walter would have done a lot better than me. - Upon hearing me, Walter's eyes showed a hint of gratitude, after all, no matter how good he is as a butler, he is first and foremost a vampire hunter who has spent most of his life achieving such a level of skill to be considered one of the trump cards, Walter K. Dornez, the Angel of Death, Hellsing's cleaner. However, unfortunately, Integra completely ignores this side of him, and now, causing a barely perceptible trace of disappointment on the warrior's face, Integra answered me.
- I'll need Walter's help on another matter.
- I understand. It will be done. - I bowed, and then they left me alone with the wild geese.
Looking at the mercenaries who were looking back at me with slightly awkward expressions on their faces, I sighed and began to speak.
- You will live in rooms on the first floor, there are quite a lot of them, so just choose an unoccupied room that you like. Any questions?
After a minute, no one had answered me, and only a strange uncertainty appeared on the men's faces.
- What's happened?
- Um... well... - one of the mercenaries began uncertainly.
- Come on, spill it, - I approached the man.
- Well, you see... we are all veterans who have been through many battles and even wars, and now we have to be taught by a girl who looks like a teenager and...
- What and.
"These ears. Are they real?" the man blurted out.
- Yes, real ones. - I confirmed, ignoring the sighs of admiration from some of them. - As for training. Come with me, I think I need to correct your impression of me.
- Turning around, I started to leave, but I noticed that no one had moved from their place, which is why I turned back with obvious irritation.
- FOLLOW ME! NOW! - I shouted so loudly that even Integra in her office had to cover her ears.
But the mercenaries immediately stood in line and followed me, and only after some time, a fat blond named Jeffrey risked speaking.
- Uh, Miss Vampire?
- Yes?
- Where are we going?
- To the shooting range.
"Why?" asked Bernadotte.
- It's a surprise, but I'm sure you'll like it. Anyway, while we're walking I'll explain the basics of the job.
- Well, it all seems simple. Carry garlic, swing stakes and keep a hammer at the ready. - A man from the back row chuckled, causing a couple more mercenaries to laugh.
Bernadotte had already turned around to stop the merry fellows, but I was faster. Sliding towards them at great speed, I gave each of them a blow to the press, forcing them to fall to the ground clutching their stomachs.
- Firstly, garlic doesn't work, it just has an unpleasant smell. Secondly, - I continued, stepping on the chest of the merry fellow who had spoken, causing him to groan.
- Stakes are also mostly a myth, no matter what you pierce a vampire's heart with. But blessed silver has an advantage. The legends that history knows are wrong in many ways. - Having finished, I removed my leg, and the man began actively gasping for air.
When I walked forward again, the mercenaries parted to clear the way for me.
"The only real weaknesses of vampires are sunlight, holy water, and blessed silver. Let's continue." I led them further towards the shooting range.
-I've told you about vampires' weaknesses, but can anyone name their strengths?
- Super speed? - one of the mercenaries offered uncertainly.
- Yes, very good. Anything else?
- Superpower.
- Regeneration?
- Yes, and that's not all. – I smiled.
Then after a few seconds of silence, I continued with a small sigh.
- Vampires have many strengths: incredibly keen senses, super speed, super strength, regeneration, immortality, hypnosis, control over shadows and much more, but that's a surprise.
- What you need to know is that the average vampire will usually not have any additional abilities beyond the first 5, but older ones will definitely have them. And some even a stake through the heart or decapitation will not kill without fulfilling special conditions, like my master.
"Then how do we kill him?" one of the soldiers asked in confusion.
- You don't think I'm going to tell you such an important secret, do you? - I looked at the speaker as if he were an idiot.
- Ahem... no. - the man was embarrassed, while another one turned to me.
"I know it's not right to ask a lady this, but how old are you?" Jeffrey asked me.
- How old do you think I am? - I asked, stopping and looking curiously at the plump guy., a couple hundred?
- Pff! Hahahaha! - I couldn't help but laugh, and then I answered. - Actually, I'm only nineteen.
My answer left the mercenaries' jaws hanging open, because in fact it meant that they were actually being trained by a teenager!