2. The first battle and the system.

Chapter 2

As soon as the words of the local deity were spoken, my vision went dark, and the next moment, I felt like I was lying on a cold, damp stone.

- Well, why does the sewer have to be the starting location? - I complained, grimacing because of the disgusting smell of excrement.

- Although, on the other hand, I won't have to think about where to look for a job and if I do everything right, I'll get the money I need for housing, I can only hope that the prices are no different from the game. - I quickly found a plus in my situation, getting up from the ground.

- It's really dark as a black man's ass. - The only sources of light in this area were my lantern and the light from the street, which penetrated into the sewer from an open passage above, to which an iron ladder led, leaning against the wall.

- Eh, the quest won't do itself, we can only hope that, like in the game, the rats will be easy to kill with fire from the lantern. – I sighed, no longer so happy about the prospect of replacing Lona. After all, it wasn't that dark in the game.

Carefully moving forward, I peered closely into the darkness so as not to miss the appearance of rats. Although this had never happened to me in the game, I had heard some people talk about how they managed to die at the start, and I would probably be one of the worst hitmen if the same thing happened to me.

- Pee! – a small gray mouse suddenly jumped out in front of me.

Being so tense, I hit it with a club without thinking twice.

- Ha?! And these are my opponents? – I exclaimed in surprise and put the club aside, picking up the corpse of a mouse by the tail, whose head was successfully crushed.

- Strange, I thought they would be bigger… – straightening up, I wanted to take a closer look at the mouse, but what I saw ahead made me freeze.

Literally a couple of meters away from me stood a huge red rat, the size of an adult dog.

To be honest, I got scared and, stupidly frozen with my hand outstretched in front of me, I looked at this creature, although it seemed that it clearly had other plans and with a disgusting squeal it rushed towards me.

Only by a miracle did I manage to jump to the side, and the jumping creature slid on the wet floor upon landing, and then instantly turned around and rushed towards me again.

Being prepared this time, I managed to jump back again and mentally praying that everything would work, I pressed the button of the flashlight and waved it towards the rat

As if in slow motion, I watched as the fiery clots flew straight onto the creature's fur, and then a piercing squeal was heard.

I watched in amazement as the rat instantly caught fire and began to roll around on the floor in a frenzy trying to put out the flames until it finally died down, and with that the flames went out.

-…- slowly looking down at the lantern in my hand, I felt a smile spread across my face. I had previously thought that the lantern was imba at the start and was a great weapon until I reached level 15 and switched to magic, but in real life it turned out to be even cooler.

- He-he, rats, I'm coming. - Such an easy first victory gave me courage, and I was about to rush forward, but one very important thought stopped me, and then others followed.

First, I remembered that I would need food and the tail of this very rat to complete the quest. Secondly, I need to figure out how to get literally a few kilograms of meat out of this creature, because if nothing has changed in reality, then its meat is as edible as boar meat. And thirdly, before going further, I need to figure out how the system works.

- Probably should figure out the loot first. - I muttered, coming close to the burnt corpse of a giant rat.

- Hmm, in the game, the drop usually just fell from corpses, and if there were already dead animals along the way, then instead of the drop lying nearby, you had to go up to the corpse and press the interaction button to instantly collect the meat. - I began to reason out loud.

- And if my theory is correct, then... Inventory. - As soon as I finished speaking, the rat's body literally burst, spraying blood. Her body seemed to have been gutted, only the meat and tail were pulled out, everything else was left lying in a mess of blood and organs.

- Fuck. - That was the only thing I could say, feeling drops of warm blood on my face. I felt myself starting to feel sick, and only the breathing technique I had practiced in my past life for such cases helped me keep the food inside.

- Ha-ha-ha, who would have thought that frequent nausea from pressure would help me in my new life. - I laughed a little at such a situation.

- The system. - I said, turning away from the disgusting picture.

As expected, a small window appeared in front of me, divided into tabs.

1. Main. - This tab was immediately opened. It apparently had my current status, as well as an image of my current appearance. According to this status, I am a flat-chested, blue-eyed, 14-year-old cat-girl with gray hair and fur on my tail and ears, and I belong to the deep race. Except that cat ears do not grow as usual, but in the place of human ears. Checking this image, I ran my right hand over my ears. They were soft and elastic, while the fur on them was quite smooth. The next thing that interested me was the tail. It was probably a meter long, and when I focused on it, I suddenly realized that I could control it no worse than any other limb, and it itself did not look like a weak point. It looked strong and sturdy, I even became a little curious about what Lona did to it that it became like this. 2. Status. Here, most likely, as in the game, the statuses imposed on me will be shown. However, a couple of them are already there, for example, Body Odor. I have this status because I belong to the deep ones, that is, I smell like fish. Well, not a particularly pleasant moment, but the ability to turn into a sea witch in the future is worth it.

3. Intimate. I don't need this tab at all, because even though I became a girl, I didn't like guys because of this, so there is planned to be emptiness here for a very long time.

4. Equipment. But this tab is already more interesting, through experience, I found out that through it I can instantly take off and put on clothes, as well as equip weapons, there are even 5 quick access slots.

5. Inventory. Here, as is clear from the name, the selected things are stored, and as it turned out, the limit on the weight I can carry is a whopping 200 kilograms! And by the way, here is the meat obtained from the rat, it is marked here as animal meat and has accumulated as much as 8 kilograms, and I also found the tail necessary for the quest.

6. Skills. Here I found only a blow with a club, set on fire with a lantern, a dark cauldron for the call of which you need to spend a stick, awakening marked in gray and a blow with a tail ... I am increasingly interested in what she did, since the tail received a full-fledged combat skill.

7. And finally the most delicious, traits. It was difficult for me to hold back a slightly mad grin when I saw that all the traits from the mod were transferred with me, as well as my first 3 points that were received for reaching level 2. The basic stats typical for RPG games in LonaRPG were replaced by 5 main traits.

1. combat skills - this trait in the game increased attack by 0.5 units, now the system shows that this trait increases combat experience, although I do not quite understand how this should work.

2. reconnaissance - this trait allows you to move faster, sneak better, and also see better in the dark.

3. wisdom - increases the amount and density of mana, strengthens the will, and also increases the value of my goods when trading. Is it possible that there are exchange points here, like in the game? I wonder how it will look.

4. survival - increases magic resistance, improves intuition allowing you to avoid dangerous situations, helps to make more deadly traps, and also in an unclear way increases damage from a flashlight.

5. Constitution - makes you stronger, increases endurance, carry weight, and also increases sexuality ... I was wondering about something, like a prostitute would be able to break through walls with her fist due to her physique, or did I misunderstand something?

And then there are special features, for the activation of which you need to reach a certain level. For example, level 15 is one of the most important for the future build. After all, at it you can choose such features as "weapon expert", "hunter", "magic expert", "acolyte" and "succubus". In the game, most of them were mutually exclusive, how it will be in life, I do not know, but for my own peace of mind I will just go with the already worked out build of a magician, especially since thanks to mods at level 25 you can take the feature "sage" which will increase wisdom and survival, as well as ... sexuality.

- Yeah, I feel like I'll have to burn more than one impudent mug on my way, especially this will concern slave traders. - remembering about the latter, my mood instantly dropped. At the start, these creatures were, perhaps, one of the most dangerous events. Even the first time I started playing, I was forced to start over because I forgot to save, and these creatures first raped me, captured me, raped me again, causing me a lot of physical injuries, sold me for one copper to the soldiers at the front, where they finally fucked me to death.

- Damn, until I get the ability to use magic, I won't go anywhere without a companion. - I promised myself, realizing how shitty my alternative could be. Throwing all 3 points into survival.