4. Overnight stay.

Chapter 4

Having decided which quest I wanted to take, I didn't tear down the leaflet just in case, after all, most of these quests are repeatable and I don't think the guild employees would like to constantly post new leaflets that they will just throw away anyway.

- Well, have you picked out a quest for yourself? - the man asked me as soon as I approached.

- Yes, I want to take on the undead cleanup.

- Good. I should warn you, as soon as the Guild quest is accepted, it must be completed before trying to start another. Are you taking on the quest?

- Yes. - I nodded confidently.

- Good, when you complete the quest, contact the local gravedigger, he will give you a guild token. - the employee began to speak, while taking out a completed quest form from under the counter.

- Can you write and read? - the employee asked.

- Yes.

- In that case, write your name here and, if you have one, your last name. - the employee handed me a sheet of paper with a pencil.

Remembering what kind of pitfalls there were in this world, when you could accidentally sell yourself into slavery while looking for work in a tavern, I carefully read the sheet handed to me. However, there was nothing special here, in fact, a complete repetition of the description of the task, as on the task board and below with an empty space instead of a name, a small phrase about how I voluntarily take on the task and understand the risks. Therefore, having written my first and last name, I handed the sheet to the employee.

- Hm, great. - the employee looked at the document and then put it aside and turned to me. - You can ask the people in the tavern if anyone else wants to go on a mission with you. After the fall of Sybaris, more and more refugees like you are coming to the Guild and some are quite willing to provide help in exchange for a bowl of soup.

- Got it, thank you very much. - I thanked with a smile.

-... Disgusting street beggars and refugees... They populate this guild with their filth, like flies... - the man muttered to himself, to which I could only leave with a wry smile.

"Well, we've sorted out the guild, and the initial amount came out even higher than in the game. Now we need to figure out lodging and provisions, and then we can take on the search for a companion to complete the task." - I thought as I walked towards the huge woman with a cleaver in her right hand and blood on her apron, and something tells me that this blood is quite human.

"What do you want?! Order or get out of here!" Big Mom immediately said loudly, tapping the blunt side of the cleaver on her shoulder.

"I'll order!" I said hastily.

"Hmmm. Good." - the huge woman chuckled and the next moment a trading screen appeared in front of me. The only difference from the screen when opening the chest was that it showed my trading points for this establishment and how many trading points BM (Big Mom) currently has.

- And the keys to the Burning Barrel, do you mean renting a room for the night? - I asked, struggling with my nervousness.

- Yes. When you need a safe place to spend the night, show me such a key, and the room is yours for 12 hours, along with a portion of food.

Having received the answer I needed, I immediately sold her one big copper coin for 1800 trading points and bought myself 3 such keys for 1650 points and one wooden club for 100 points and chose to accept the exchange.

- Hm, it seems you know the price of security in this world. - BM chuckled, and the trading window closed. - Will you use one of the keys now?

- Yes.

- Well, let's go. – said BM, coming out from behind the counter.

It turned out that she led me to the second floor of the tavern, where, unlike in the game, in addition to the stairs to the 3rd floor and the booths reserved for those who want to be alone with the representatives of the oldest profession, there were 6 rooms. They led me to the very last one.

- Look, as you can see, there is everything you need here, a barrel with water and a towel, in case you want to wash yourself, you can eat at the table when they bring your portion, and you can sleep on the bed without worrying about someone raping you. – the tavern owner introduced me to the room, and then went to a small door inside the room and opened it.

- Here you can relieve yourself. – Behind the door I was met by a small toilet with a wooden seat and a hole going somewhere to the street. - Forget it, if you make a mess in my room, I'll make you scrub your own shit with your tongue, got it?!

- Yes, ma'am! - I nodded vigorously.

- That's good. Enjoy your rest, they'll bring you food in 5 minutes. - Big Mom nodded and left.

- Phew, she's so scary. - I sat down on the bed and exhaled.

- It's scary to imagine how scary she'll be in combat gear. - I muttered, remembering the battle with BM in the game.

- So you need to concentrate. - I slapped myself on the cheeks and did what I decided to rent a room for right away. Namely, to check the system, I should definitely get some experience for the quest, and if the guild even gave me a bonus for additional information, then why shouldn't the same happen with experience.

When I opened the system, a pleasant surprise awaited me. Although I did not pass the traps as in the game, I still got enough experience to get level 9, just like in the game. The first 10 levels were always reached almost instantly, and then it became more and more difficult to get a level each time, not counting the story quests. Therefore, you need to pay special attention to the first points spent, so that it would be easier later.

Taking into account the unspent points when reaching level 3, I now had the opportunity to distribute 21 points. The first thing I naturally did was raise survival from 3 to 10 to open the ability to make smoked food. Then, I already had to decide how to distribute 14 points between wisdom and constitution. After all, I will be able to use magic only from level 15, and until then I still need to somehow survive, but wisdom is in fact the main stat for a mage.

"knock-knock" - a knock on the door tore me out of my thoughts. Having decided to take a break from the system for a while, I went to open the door. A girl dressed in a maid's uniform met me behind it. "I brought your food."

"Thank you." I said, letting the girl in, where she put a plate of meat soup and a cup of some kind of drink on the table and immediately left.

"Come to think of it, I'm quite hungry." I muttered, feeling my stomach rumble from the delicious smell. "Well, thoughts for later, first I need to eat."

Having sat down at the table, I immediately grabbed a wooden spoon and began to eat. The soup turned out to be entirely meat. That is, there was literally nothing but meat and broth, however, I didn't mind, sending spoon after spoon into my mouth with gusto. The drink they brought me was wine diluted in water, which, frankly, made me remember a little about the history of the Middle Ages, where, due to various parasites in the water, they drank mostly weak alcohol, somewhere diluted wine, and somewhere beer.

After looking at the red water in my cup for a while and deciding that it was still not worth neglecting the constitution, I returned to the meal again.

Having finished eating, I took off my boots and lay down on the bed, which was only slightly harder than a board. With a heavy sigh, I opened the system again. The points that I had thrown out were not saved, so I had to re-invest 7 points in survival, and then, after thinking a little, I threw 4 points into constitution and 10 into wisdom, after which I chose the accept option.

As soon as I did this, my whole body was flooded with simply blinding pain, and a moment later my consciousness slipped away into the saving darkness.