10. Is it profitable to be on the side of BM?

Chapter 10



When I approached the big guy I had killed, I was ready to give thanks to the god who had created this world. After all, instead of manually pulling the dead man's belongings off, I could look in the window that opened and see what the man was wearing, as well as what was previously in his inventory, and then transfer it to my own. Did this create a sense of virtuality in what was happening? Certainly. However, given that I feel everything perfectly well, and the colorful way the slave traders died, I simply won't risk doubting the reality of what was happening.


Our opponents turned out to be quite poor, if you count only the cash they had. Both of them had only one and a half big copper coins in cash, even a refugee like me has more, but their equipment was quite high-quality. The big guy, although he did not have metal armor, had good leather armor, as well as a steel shield and a sword. Such a sword, oddly enough, was much better than the iron that the undead used. But the second one's equipment was already really rich. Full steel armor, and along with it in the inventory were shackles and a saber, which in the game was considered an advanced type of weapon and cost quite a lot, and if the prices have not changed since the game, it will be about 4 big copper coins for a saber, 2 big copper coins for a shield, something around 5 copper coins for a sword, but how much the armor and shackles cost, I do not know anymore. By the way, food supplies were also an important point. They had two loaves of bread, a couple of pieces of smoked meat and some dried fruit. This alone would have been enough for two not to go hungry for a couple of days.


- Luck in failure, - Jones chuckled, - I suggest we keep their weapons, but the armor and what we got from the zombies can be sold.


"Okay," I agreed, because this arrangement suited me just fine.


- That's great, - Jones nodded before handing me the saber. - Take it for yourself, it's lighter than a sword, and due to its sharpness and strength, it will be easier for you to use it.


- Are you sure? I'm not experienced with weapons after all. - I hesitantly accepted the saber, a weapon that in the game could only be used after leveling up the advanced weapon skill, however, I did use a bow, although it had a similar requirement in the game.


- Experience is something that can be gained, and given your situation, you will have plenty of opportunities to gain experience. - the man waved his hand and went to the door to exit.


"Okay," I accepted Jones's argument and followed him.


We returned to the tavern, albeit as stealthily as possible, but still much faster than when we went to the cemetery. None of us wanted to get involved in another battle. And by the time the first rays of the rising sun began to appear, we finally reached the tavern.


Feeling the warmth and, to be honest, not particularly pleasant smell of the tavern, I was finally able to feel how the tension from the constant fear that at any moment we could be attacked by slave traders or even just hungry refugees began to gradually subside.


"Let's go hand in the quest to the guild," the archaeologist urged me, who had relaxed.


"Yes, okay," I nodded.


At the mercenary guild counter we were met by the same employee as yesterday. However, this time there was no longer so much contempt in his gaze.


- Ah, Lona. I was just about to ask someone to call you. - the man smiled. - The guards checked the information you provided last night. You saved quite a few lives, for which they decided to give you a bonus.


He placed a small purse of coins on the counter and moved it closer to me.


- I hope you'll make a good mercenary. Especially under Marymi's supervision. - If at first I wasn't sure why such friendliness and generosity, then Big Mom's name put everything in its place. This woman was one of the best. And if you believe what was shown in the endings of the game, then she single-handedly held an entire front against orcoids and other nasty things until the others fell, and even then she didn't die, she just left when there was no one left to protect.


"Thank you," I said modestly, putting the reward back into my inventory, and then took out the tokens I had received from the gravedigger and placed them on the counter.


- My partner and I completed the task of clearing out the undead.


- Excellent, excellent. You are making me happier! Not only are you useful, but you also set one of the refugees on the right path. That is exactly the kind of person we need. - the man began to openly fawn, not paying attention to the fact that his words, albeit a little, still hurt Indiana.


- I'm afraid you're being unfair. After all, my companion is a very experienced archaeologist, and if it weren't for him, it's possible that I would have ended up in the clutches of slave traders this very night. - I couldn't help but stand up for the Saportian.


- Yes, perhaps I did say too much, - the man backed down, and then, after examining the tokens, laid out 14 coppers in front of us. - Here is your reward.


- Thank you, - I said, and then, taking my half of the reward, I asked, - Can you sign us up for this task again?


- I'm afraid not. - The man shook his head. - According to the guild rules, this task can only be taken again the day after it is handed in, so you'll have to wait until tomorrow.


- I understand. - I was slightly upset, realizing that everything remained the same as in the game. - All the best to you.


"So you want to save up money by hunting the undead?" asked Indiana, who had been silent until then, as we walked away from the guild counter.


"Yes," I nodded. "At least until I can buy a spell book and a staff."


- Okay, that's a safer option for now, - the archaeologist agreed. - However, this time we'll only hunt during the day, so we'll have less chance of running into ill-wishers, after all , no matter what they are, there are guards and they patrol quite well during the day.


- Then today we will sell the excess and have a rest? - I suggested.


"Yeah, honestly, I could use a drink right now," Indiana said, looking a lot more tired than he let on.


- You know, the owner is giving me a free room, so I don't need this anymore. - I handed the archaeologist one of the keys I bought, necessary for getting a room and food in this tavern.


-...Thank you. - After looking at the key I held out to him for a moment, Jones finally accepted it before looking at me decisively. - I don't know where you came from, but I'll try to help you survive in this rotten world.


- Well, I'll also try to cover your rear, - I grinned, extending my hand for a handshake.


- Hah, I'll be counting on you, - the man chuckled in response.