12. Should I be prepared for artifacts?

Chapter 12

I finished cooking meat and dried fruits only after a couple of hours. This time was not particularly pleasant, but definitely useful. I experienced on my own skin what happens if you lower your stamina to zero, as well as how the processing of satiety works, into this very stamina. And let's start, perhaps, in order.


When I ran out of stamina that I clearly felt, I literally collapsed on the floor, my arms and legs almost completely refused to move, and in such a state, only in mortal danger can you force yourself to crawl, and what's even more unpleasant, an instinctive panic began to rise from within, it seems that the previous Lona strictly associated such a state with impending doom and I can fully understand why.


Now about the processing of satiety into stamina, to be honest, this ability is quite strange, because I don't understand how it can work at all, but nevertheless, in one use I restored about 10% of stamina and at the same time, before the moment when I feel wild hunger, I could use the ability 10 times, which is clearly less effective than normal rest in terms of food costs.


- I see you've finished, girl. - said Marymi, who came in. - You're an interesting girl, however, but what else was there to expect from a half-beast.


"Half-beast?" I asked again, not knowing whether this was an attempt to insult me by calling me a beast.


- Oh yeah, don't take it personally, unlike the abominations that came from the goblins, I like you half-cats.


"Um, thanks?" I said hesitantly.


- Here, take your reward and get out, - the woman put 5 large copper coins on the table in front of me. - I'm on break and I don't need extra people in the room, otherwise I might kill you.


At first I wanted to remind her that there was one more coin, but hearing the obvious threat in her words, I simply thanked her and flew out of the room like a bullet, and running to my bedroom I laid out all the money I had on the table.

- 1,2,3…7 – I started counting my coins manually and when I finished I almost started jumping for joy. I had 7 big copper coins and 27 regular ones! If the prices haven't changed, I'll have enough money for a staff and a book of magic right now!


- We need to find Jones. - I muttered and, having collected all the coins in my inventory, went down to the hall. Where the local Indiana Jones was sitting at the bar, slowly drinking something obviously alcoholic.


- Hey Indiana! - I called the man as we approached, and then sat down next to him and said, - Let's go to the market.


- Where do you get all this energy from? Didn't you work for Big Momma?


- I worked, - I nodded. - But I also managed to rest.


- And what's more important, - speaking more quietly, I leaned towards the man who, having understood the hint, leaned slightly towards me. - I have enough money for a book of magic.


- Already? - Jones was surprised.


- Yes, Marymi turned out to be a generous employer. - I smiled contentedly.


- Marymi? Generous? - the cook who was standing behind the bar and also Big Momma's husband suddenly interrupted our conversation.


- Of course, - I confirmed. - And what is more important is that it is reliable, I would like to see the idiot who tries to go against it and how quickly this idiot will lose his, undoubtedly, unburdened with intelligence head.


- Oh yeah, - the cook grimaced. - She's got plenty of strength.


After inserting this comment, the man left our company to prepare the order.


- So, shall we go? - I turned to my companion.


- ... - Jones looked for a moment at the liquid splashing in his mug, sighed heavily, finished it in one gulp and put the mug down on the table with a loud bang. - Let's go.


Without waiting for an answer from me, he headed towards the exit of the tavern, and I followed him.


The central market of Noer was literally a couple of minutes walk from the tavern, and this place, despite its liveliness, was not at all pleasant. Because of the general mood of the people here, there was a sense of hopelessness, however, are there many places on this island where people would be truly happy. Especially considering the ever-growing crime, as well as the threat of orcoids with flesh demons.


"I think we should go to him," Jones said, pointing to the old man, who was trying to look like a magician with his huge pointed hat and the books and staffs laid out in front of him.


- Let's go then, - I nodded.


The closer we got, the more I noticed that the magician was so old that dust would probably soon fall off him, and the books in front of him hardly had anything to do with magic, but nevertheless we did not change our minds and approached him.


- Oh miss, I see you have beautiful brushes. Like a real wizard. I have a staff that will suit you perfectly! - As soon as the old man saw us, he immediately addressed me and without even waiting for an answer, a trading window opened in front of me.


- Well, you are quick, though. - I shook my head, but did not object, and concentrated on the assortment. To my delight, the prices there were almost the same as in the game, only even a little more favorable. Most of the elemental staves and books of magic cost 4 large copper coins. Artifact glasses, which as far as I remember increased wisdom, cost 2 large coins, and finally the mage's robe, which also increased wisdom, cost 10 large coins.


Naturally, I couldn't buy everything, so I decided to focus on the two things that were most useful to me at the beginning, namely the fire staff, the book of lightning, and glasses. All of this cost me 7 large copper coins, as well as almost all the drops I got during the night run, leaving only the most important things and 27 copper coins.


- It's a pleasure doing business with you, young lady. - the old man grinned contentedly. - I'm sure you'll make a formidable sorceress.


"Thank you," I said, and without waiting long, I put on my glasses and picked up the staff, not noticing how the old man's eyes were filled with anticipation mixed with lust.


Remembering about the bonus characteristics from the staff and glasses, for some reason I forgot to think about how the sharp increase in characteristics from these items would affect me.


- Ahm. - I couldn't hold back, perhaps, a rather erotic moan full of pleasure. Unlike the sharp increase in physique, I now felt a surge of energy in my body, which caused simply incredible pleasure.


- Too bad, it looks like you really do have talent, - the old man said disappointedly.


"What are you talking about, old man?" I asked, coming to my senses.


- Hmm, I'll tell you, after all, your facial expression at least managed to please my eyes a little. - the old man chuckled, but seeing the threatening look of Jones, who was standing behind me, he got a little scared and began to explain. - Usually, when young fools without any talent take on artifacts that give mana many times more than they ever had, they cum quite colorfully and violently from pleasure.


- And if there was no mana at all. He-he, then, as a rule, such a simpleton will be so overexcited that you can count on a couple of wonderful evenings. - explained the old pervert, clearly remembering his careless victims.


- Disgusting. - I grimaced, squeezing my hands on the staff. Just think, if I decided to go the way of a stealthy archer, then picking up such a staff, I would not have a particularly pleasant end, and perhaps that end would be completely physical and not necessarily human.


- Well, well, let's not be rude, even at my age sometimes I want a woman's affection, but I have no desire to go to that hotbed of disease on the territory of the Wide Blade.


- Let's go Lona, we got what we wanted, - Jones said, putting his hand on my shoulder, clearly not wanting to provoke a conflict in the middle of the market.


- ... okay. - I wanted to say a lot to this old man, but I still managed to swallow the surging irritation from understanding how everything could end, and we headed back to the tavern.