Chapter 19
Collecting the loot from the boar I killed, I couldn't help but be grateful once again for how convenient it was on this island, at least if you go by Indiana's stories, then the rest of the world is now in the post-World War II period, not much different from what it was in my past world.
But what both pleased and displeased me was the condition of the boar's carcass. It would seem that after so many lightning bolts, this monster should have been torn apart and the skin irreparably ruined, however, only beautiful patterns remained on the skin, while the meat and entrails were literally baked, not even reaching the level of coals. However, I still won't risk eating this meat without first passing through a dark cauldron.
However, there was so much of this meat that it simply didn't fit in my inventory! Did I already mention that this boar was the size of a bull? So, with my 250 kilogram limit in inventory, taking into account all the things that were there, I was able to take only 138 kilograms of meat, which in principle will go into the cauldron today so that it does not spoil, and another 10 kilograms were taken up by the skin, after which I probably will not even be able to shove a stone in there. And you know, seeing several more hundredweight of meat. That is just lying around, my heart just bleeds.
- Indiana, and how much meat can you fit in yours?
- About 400 feet will still fit. - Jones said thoughtfully. By the way, I wonder, if he is not from this island, then where did he get his inventory?
- Em, forgive me, I do not understand feet, how many kilograms is that?
- About 200. - answered the Archaeologist and also came up to take some of the meat.
- ... We've already taken about 338 kilos in total, and here's at least another hundred.
- This would be enough to feed a fairly significant portion of the refugees. And in the end, this meat will simply go to waste.
- There's no point in lamenting something you can't influence in any way. - Indiana said, putting his hand on my shoulder. - Let's go, we'll set up camp outside the forest, prepare the meat, and then it would be better to go back to the city and come up with something so as not to waste so much food in vain.
- Okay - I nodded, perfectly understanding that given my reserves, which were close to the bottom, we still wouldn't be able to fight against these monsters here, and I was really choking on the toad for such a huge amount of food that was wasted. Of the edible things, not only meat, but also the liver and heart, which a boar of this size also weigh a lot.
Coming out of the forest, we literally decided to set up a mini camp there, I put up a dark cauldron using one of the sticks that was in my inventory, and Indiana pulled out 2 folding stools, which, frankly speaking, is surprising, I didn't think that he had something like that with him.
And now it's time to cook, and perhaps only now, sitting down in front of the dark cauldron, I remembered one important thing, after processing the meat into smoked meat through the cauldron, the volume literally decreases by half, so if we hurry. That is, there is a chance that we still won't lose the meat that was left lying in the forest, fortunately we didn't have time to go far then.
- Indiana, throw all the meat into the cauldron. - I gave the order, while throwing in all the meat I had, bananas, and also one stick. It sounds like nonsense, of course, but such are the conventions that nevertheless they work, after which, having made sure that, given my current reserve of endurance, I would not lose consciousness, I finally started the process.
Considering the fact that I was simultaneously transferring 169 pieces of meat weighing 2 kilos and 32 bunches of bananas weighing 1 kilo, it was not surprising that all the strength instantly flowed out of my body, after which I fell off the chair, sprawled on the ground, not very gracefully.
- Hey-hey! What's wrong with you? - the archaeologist immediately jumped up, who remembered Big Mom's threat perfectly well, and had absolutely no desire to check her words for veracity.
- Everything is fine, I barely squeezed out. - quickly, restoring endurance due to satiety, while wiping the cold sweat that appeared on my forehead with a barely moving palm from the realization that I was, to put it mildly, close to miscalculating. I suppose if I had a numerical value for stamina, it would be literally a couple of units away from -100, after which I would be guaranteed to lose consciousness.
- Damn, I really should learn to be more attentive. - I grumbled, while furiously biting into a whole piece of smoked meat. Under the dumbfounded gaze of the man. Still, it's not every day that you see a person become almost completely exhausted in an instant, and then quickly return to normal simply by eating food.
- Indiana, can you please bring the meat left in the forest and one stick? - We just have enough free space.
- Are you sure? Even though there is no one around, staying alone is not the best idea.
- I think everything will be fine. - I waved it off, before freezing and thinking about the situation for a bit before changing my decision. - You know, usually after such words in books and movies, everything suddenly starts going wrong, especially when young girls say such things, so perhaps I'll go with you.
- ... - He looked at me strangely before shaking his head and heading into the forest.
I, finishing the meat on the go, hurried after him.
The collection of the remaining 124 kilos of meat went quite smoothly and soon we were sitting in front of the same cauldron again. And this time, having full stamina, I didn't even have to kiss the ground with my face. After finishing cooking. But what's unpleasant is that it was already getting dark, so we had to set up camp, where Indiana once again showed me how prudent he was by pulling out a whole tent.
And now, sitting in front of the fire, over which hung a dark cauldron, I, frankly speaking, was already prepared to listen to the stories of this man who had undoubtedly seen a lot, but I was in for a bummer.
"You already know quite a lot about me, and I think it would be fair if you answered me in kind," the Archaeologist began, before looking me straight in the eye. "Who are you, Lona Falldin, and how did you end up on this island cursed by the gods?"