2 Unfinished Business

I groaned, shielding my eyes from the dim hallway lights. The cold, grimy floor clung to my skin, the stench of old gum and spilled drinks. Above me stood Jade, her eyebrows furrowed in pure disgust.

"You think you're so better than everyone hm? What now? You're trying to steal my man by letting him help you up?" Jade hissed.

I barely had time to process what she was saying until she let out an exaggerated screech and made her way to her class.

Wait...why isn't she freaking out? I, well Lily is supposed to be dead. Why isn't she scared that a dead girl's roaming around the school?

I pushed myself off the floor, dusting off my skirt. I dug my hands in my skirt pocket, hoping to find something inside like a clue.

To my dismay, there was a small purple sticky note crumbled up saying "Timetable."

Was this Lily's handwriting? I didn't know she could write so neat...so elegant. I brushed my fingers against the sticky note, tracing the ink like it was all that was left of her.

I couldn't look like a weirdo just laying on the floor in the hallway. I needed to figure out wherever class Lily was supposed to be in.

My soul nearly left my body when I checker her schedule.

First period: History.

History? I hated History with a strong passion but it was sure better than being out here like a dumbass.

After minutes of aimlessly strolling through the hallway, inspecting classroom to classroom, one of the classrooms caught my eye.

There was a door slightly ajar that was taped with "History."

When I peeked through the door, it was no shocker that students were bored as hell. Some hid their phones as they scrolled through Instagram reels, munching on food from the cafeteria and some were brave enough to full on wear literal headphones to listen to their music in class, showing they weren't paying attention in sir's class.

The teacher called himself Mr. Wills was a tall, skinny looking man with huge eyebags that couldn't even help him maintain his slouched posture.

He seemed like a polite old man but being polite doesn't always guarantee respect.

I marched into the History class, my chin high. Lily was absolutely stunning, she certainly turns heads whenever she enters a classroom. Everyone tossed their phones into their laps and stood up and said "Good morning Lily."

The guys catcalled her and the girls giggled and they were dying to befriend her.

I'm delusional. I'm just delusional.

Lily's classmates remained in their seats, their red eyes plastered in their devices.

Mr. Wills sighed and retreated to his seat. "Turn to page 45 in the pdf notes."

"Yes sir." They all said lifelessly. Then they remained silent and continued scrolling like mindless zombies.

I slid into my seat, trying to ignore the glowing screens and the empty faces of my new classmates.

The silence was rather deafening. The only sounds were click of a phone screen and the movements of someone fixing themselves into their seat.

No one glanced at Lily...well me. Not even the guys.

Is there something wrong with them?

This wasn't right. Lily was hot and most importantly popular, everyone would rush up to her to offer her all kinds of things: Hersheys chocolate, Cheetos and many other tasty snacks.

Speaking of snacks, when's recess? Lily always gets alot of snacks from her little fans of hers...so how has she never gained any weight?

My stomach grumbled so loudly and the only attention I received was the angry stares of Lily's classmates.

I tried to ignore my stomach and pay attention in class. But... I didn't have any phone or a schoolbag so how was I supposed to take notes for Lily?

Suddenly, something fell from under my desk. An iPhone?

I picked it up and the phone automatically opened when it recognized Lily's face. I silently sighed and opened the notes app to take some notes from there since I didn't have a schoolbag when something caught my eye. There was a note that said to open it.

"Look behind you," the note said.

I pressed my lips together. My grip tightened around the phone.

At the very back of the classroom, there was a boy. Unlike the others, he wasn't interested in his phone. His head tilted slightly, dark brown eyes boring into me.

I had no idea who he was. I had no memory of Lily interacting with him.

Did he know something?

Did he know that I wasn't Lily?

I was worried and unsettled... and the worst part of all?

He smiled.

My anger boiled.

Am I a joke? I scoffed and faced my phone again.

"Zion was so unnoticeable that I forgot about him, how sad."

I took a peek at Zion, trying to remain unseen. Zion was so quiet, jotting down notes from our teacher but he looked...sad.

I'm no longer sure if the voice is Lily anymore, the Lily I know is sweet, cute and kind. She would never think this cruel about anyone.

So, I tried my best to ignore it but then it kept humming over and over until I finally couldn't take it.

"WHAT?" I snapped.

The moment those words left my lips, I regretted them.

A chill slithered down my spine, settling deep into my bones. The air felt suffocating. It wasn't just my classmates staring at me anymore, Zion was too.

His pen lay still against his notebook, and his gaze was pinned on me like a predator locking onto prey. But there was no smiling now.

I couldn't lose my cool. Not here. Not now. 

Mr. Wills cleared his throat, rubbing his temple as if this class was giving him the worst migraine of his life. "Miss...Lily. Is there a problem?"

"No, sir."

He exhaled heavily, clearly too exhausted to care. "Then turn to page 45 in your notes."

I nodded, lowering my head to my phone, pretending to follow along.

But I couldn't focus.

I could still feel Zion's eyes burning into me and Lily's voice went silent.

And the temperature in the room felt colder than before.

A sharp click echoed through the room, then another and another.

I gasped.

The lights flickered aggressively like angry wasps trapped in the bulbs yet my classmates continued scrolling, swiping and scrolling again on their phones.

I had to get out of here.

My chair scraped against the floor as I pushed back, grabbing Lily's phone and shoving it into my shirt pocket. Mr. Wills barely glanced at me as I stumbled toward the door. No one did except Zion.

I shoved the door open, my heart slamming against my ribs but I didn't stop moving. My breath became shorter, struggling to keep up with my galloping feet. The cold never left, it clung to my skin, sinking into my bones.

Then just as I was about to reach the stairs...

"Leaving so soon?"

Slowly, stiffly, I turned around.

Zion stood at the other end of the hallway, hands casually tucked into his pockets.

I opened my mouth but I didn't dare utter a word.

He took a step forward. 

I took a step back.

"What's wrong, Lily?"

I didn't answer. I couldn't answer. 

Because I wasn't Lily and he knew it.

He wasn't mocking me or playing any games, he was studying my reaction, like I was hiding something.

"You look like her. Sound like her but..."

His voice trailed off, and a muscle in his jaw twitched.

"You don't feel like her."

A lump formed in my throat.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said.

His eyes then dropped to my wrist and I followed his gaze.

Goosebumps prickled across my skin.

There, wrapped around my wrist, was a faint purple bruise.

A handprint.

I don't remember seeing that.

"Lily...what happened to you?"

The voice in my head...the one I believe to be Lily was laughing.

"You should've never taken my place."

Lily or whatever that voice was sure had some nerve. I shouldn't have killed Lily. Killing is wrong. But was whatever happening with me any better?

Actions have consequences, but this method of punishment is not excusable.

So Lily my dear, wherever you are, I'm going to find you. And when I do...things aren't going to end well...again.